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      EducationChild DevelopmentDeveloping CountriesAdolescent
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      Health PromotionQualitative ResearchSouth AfricaOral health
Background: Many children can be exposed to multiple adversities in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) placing them at potential risk of psychological problems. However, there is a paucity of research using large representative... more
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      PsychometricsMultidisciplinarySouth AfricaChild
Background South Africa is passing through a phase of transition and children living in the country are still subject to many social and financial problems. They face high levels of social adversity, socioeconomic deprivation, migration,... more
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BackgroundChildren in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) who remain in school have better health and employment outcomes. South Africa, like many LMICs, has a secondary school completion rate under 50%, leaving room for... more
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      Human GeographyMedicinePublic health systems and services research
Background. There are very few epidemiological studies investigating Parkinson’s disease (PD) in Africa. The hundreds of local languages and dialects make traditional screening and clinical evaluation tools difficult to use. Objective.... more
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      MedicineParkinson´s Disease
and many others that I didn't mention here, thank you for your support. To quote the late Ray Phiri in one of Stimela's hit song; 'Singa Jindi Majita' and I say, 'Shoes or no Shoes, Siyaya Phambili……'
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      CampaigningRhetoricDecision MakingPolitical Science
Background: Integrating the care of adolescents into existing public health facilities requires deliberate efforts. This study assessed key informant perspectives on policy and service-level challenges and opportunities for delivering... more
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      Adolescent HealthPublic HealthReproductive healthFocus Group
Background A major component of the validity of the discrete choice experiment (DCE) research design lies in the correct specification of attributes and levels relevant to the research focus. In this paper, we set out the validation steps... more
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      Library and Information StudiesReproductive healthFocus GroupPublic health systems and services research
Background: Integrating the care of adolescents and young people into existing public health facilities requires deliberate efforts to address challenges related to policy and service provision. This study assessed key informants'... more
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      Adolescent HealthPublic HealthHealth PolicyMedicine
The Adolescent Health Quality of Care (AHQOC) index is a tool designed to evaluate the quality of facility-based adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) services. This descriptive cross-sectional study aimed to validate the AHQOC... more
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      MedicineMultidisciplinaryPLoS one
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Background: Home management of uncomplicated malaria (HMM) is now integrated into the community case management of childhood illness (CCM), an approach that requires parasitological diagnosis before treatment. The success of CCM in... more
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      Health EducationMalariaGhanaTreatment Outcome
Background. This study aimed to determine the pattern of drug susceptibility to first-line drugs among pulmonary TB patients in two hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria. Methods. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out between... more
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    • Pulmonary Medicine
Background: To identify challenges faced by key informants (KIs) in a childhood blindness and severe visual impairment survey in Cross River State (CRS), Nigeria.
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Background: South Africa's epidemiological transition is characterised by an increasing burden of chronic communicable and non-communicable diseases. However, little is known about predictors of health care use (HCU) for the prevention... more
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      South AfricaChronic DiseaseAgedAge Factors
To determine the influence of patients' perception of obstetric practice in Calabar on the low utilization of health facilities for delivery. The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, the general hospital and eight private clinics... more
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      PerceptionQuality of Mental Health CareNigeriaPregnancy
Background: Despite the supply of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) drugs to public health facilities in Nigeria, the uptake of these drugs appear to have remained suboptimal with low improvement in childhood morbidity and... more
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    • Perception
Background: Vaccine preventable diseases account for about 22% of child deaths in Nigeria. Immunisation coverage in the country has consistently been low although immunisation is provided free. The quality of service affects its... more
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