[20 May 2006|12:33am] |
[17 May 2006|02:50pm] |
[25 Jan 2005|10:23pm] |
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Ok, when I started this community, I actually thought it would be active.
Big dreams for such a small person..
[27 Dec 2004|07:58am] |
damned subjects... |
[07 Nov 2004|05:13pm] |
why is that once you finally find someone who makes you happy, our entire school automatically assumes you and that person are having sex? it bothers me, and another thing- Why does Tyler Wade somehow always get to know everyones business, even people he doesn't know.. he bugs me, people at our school bug me.. Who cares if Tabatha Wilson and Sammy McFall are together? I don't! I mean, I do, but don't go and spread shit about it.. ugh!
[18 Sep 2004|12:10am] |
I actually updated the layout to make it look a little better.
See, for the record I DO give a rats ass..
Have a nice one. ♥
confused?.? |
[14 Sep 2004|07:36pm] |
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how come i never get the news on when the people that DO make up our schools population have a thing where you can criticize the school? damn, i missed out.. lol.. how come almost everyone in our school starts shit with you? I mean seriously, even the teachers will gang up on you and cut you down.. makes me depressed.. can anyone help? or am i oblivious to what i'm getting yelled at for? grr... dumb ass teachers...
[19 Aug 2004|09:05pm] |
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Wow I dislike Ms. Kerch. She gives to much homework and is way to monotone. I feel like my friends are all going in different directions. Everything is going so fast... jeez I hate this.
wanna talk about arrogant??
[11 Aug 2004|11:47pm] |
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im going to come WHORE-ASS you all!
Er'e body loves JOEY!!!
Hey All |
[31 Jul 2004|07:44pm] |
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-teehee- |
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Hey guys and gals! Kristen here! Woot!....
One more day! Ack, I am so mad they only put me in Drama II when I signed up for II and III. Just because I have so many advanced classes. Gerrrrrdified...
I feel sneezly from Chloe's cat. Great...
Anyways, I'll see ya guys and gals later!
Lovelovelovelovelove, Kristen (Ris) (Professor Krist) (Professor Nightblight muahahahaha)
.,. |
[07 Jul 2004|04:03pm] |
hey noel, this is me britt huff. lol PEACE. tootaloo
[30 Jun 2004|03:29pm] |
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curious |
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whoa...crazy. didn't know this thing exsisted. It's Noel... but who the hell are all of you? :)
Summer is stinky |
[28 May 2004|11:15am] |
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I don't understand this crap at all. I waited ALL year to get out of that stinking place for ONE summer, and now I can't stop thinking about it! Anything I do, makes me think of Dustin, or Mandy, or Drama, I cannot seem to get away with it. I hate! In fact the only thing good that has happened is that I am now a sophmore, no more walking down stairs to get to my locker. I love it! Anyways, anyone from WBHS that I haven't talked to please IM me or comment on my journal... I need some human interaction besides a four year old named Lane! Sexy Drama Cat is my AOL SN
Bwah! |
[20 May 2004|12:09am] |
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Whats up guys?! I just cant get enough of Winder! Ugh.. tip another back, and pass out for the night.
Turning over a new leaf. . . |
[22 Apr 2004|10:24pm] |
Me. Pick a word in the English language that best describes me. Choose any word, any noun, verb, adjective. . . whatever.
Then tell me what you think of me. Elaborate on that word. Destroy my ego and such.
Peace out and rock on
dude. |
[18 Apr 2004|05:27pm] |
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why the hell did i even join in this crap when nobody even posts anything in here