Silent Update updater
Silent Update: Background updates | |
Stage | Shipped |
Status | Complete |
Release target | Firefox 15 |
Health | OK |
Status note | Landed for Firefox 15. Enabled on all desktop platforms. |
{{#set:Feature name=Silent Update: Background updates
|Feature stage=Shipped |Feature status=Complete |Feature version=Firefox 15 |Feature health=OK |Feature status note=Landed for Firefox 15. Enabled on all desktop platforms. }}
Product manager | Chris Lee |
Directly Responsible Individual | Lawrence Mandel |
Lead engineer | Ehsan Akhgari |
Security lead | ` |
Privacy lead | ` |
Localization lead | ` |
Accessibility lead | ` |
QA lead | Vlad Ghetiu |
UX lead | ` |
Product marketing lead | ` |
Operations lead | ` |
Additional members | ` |
{{#set:Feature product manager=Chris Lee
|Feature feature manager=Lawrence Mandel |Feature lead engineer=Ehsan Akhgari |Feature security lead=` |Feature privacy lead=` |Feature localization lead=` |Feature accessibility lead=` |Feature qa lead=Vlad Ghetiu |Feature ux lead=` |Feature product marketing lead=` |Feature operations lead=` |Feature additional members=` }}
Open issues/risks
We don't want to degrade browsing performance while doing the background update.
We don't want to have a long delay while finishing off the update on the restart.
We don't want to delay shutdown (I want to be able to tell my laptop to shut down and as soon as possible be carrying it out the door to my meeting / train / other time-sensitive event).
Stage 1: Definition
1. Feature overview
We want to move the bulk of the update process to the current session so that when the user restarts, there's not much left to do to complete the update and we can make it appear as if not interruption actually happened.
This will only apply to Mac and Linux. For Windows, the service will take care of this.
2. Users & use cases
Yesterday, Johnny was about to leave home to go to work but he wanted to check his Facebook one last time before heading out the door. He launched Firefox but rather than being taken right to Facebook, he was presented with a 15 second delay, staring at an updater progress dialog. It wasn't terribly long, but after seeing this same thing happen every six weeks, Johnny decided he hated Firefox and moved to IE.
With the new and improved Firefox, with this feature implemented, Johnny is never frustrated with updates ever again.
3. Dependencies
4. Requirements
- Install all non-active components into the browser during the active session
- On the next Firefox reload, install the remaining update bits
- The delay on start-up for the next session should be minimized as far as is humanly possible, approaching normal cold start times.
- bug 685614 - Turn off the installation progress bar window
Stage 2: Design
5. Functional specification
6. User experience design
Stage 3: Planning
7. Implementation plan
8. Reviews
Security review
Privacy review
Localization review
Quality Assurance review
Operations review
Stage 4: Development
9. Implementation
ID | Summary | Priority | Status |
307181 | Eliminate wait while restarting Firefox after update (apply update in background) | -- | RESOLVED |
1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);
Stage 5: Release
10. Landing criteria
` {{#set:Feature open issues and risks=We don't want to degrade browsing performance while doing the background update.
We don't want to have a long delay while finishing off the update on the restart.
We don't want to delay shutdown (I want to be able to tell my laptop to shut down and as soon as possible be carrying it out the door to my meeting / train / other time-sensitive event). |Feature overview=We want to move the bulk of the update process to the current session so that when the user restarts, there's not much left to do to complete the update and we can make it appear as if not interruption actually happened.
This will only apply to Mac and Linux. For Windows, the service will take care of this. |Feature users and use cases=Yesterday, Johnny was about to leave home to go to work but he wanted to check his Facebook one last time before heading out the door. He launched Firefox but rather than being taken right to Facebook, he was presented with a 15 second delay, staring at an updater progress dialog. It wasn't terribly long, but after seeing this same thing happen every six weeks, Johnny decided he hated Firefox and moved to IE.
With the new and improved Firefox, with this feature implemented, Johnny is never frustrated with updates ever again. |Feature dependencies=` |Feature requirements=*Install all non-active components into the browser during the active session
- On the next Firefox reload, install the remaining update bits
- The delay on start-up for the next session should be minimized as far as is humanly possible, approaching normal cold start times.
- bug 685614 - Turn off the installation progress bar window
|Feature non-goals=` |Feature functional spec=[2] |Feature ux design=` |Feature implementation plan=` |Feature security review=` |Feature privacy review=` |Feature localization review=` |Feature accessibility review=` |Feature qa review=` |Feature operations review=`
|Feature implementation notes=
ID | Summary | Priority | Status |
307181 | Eliminate wait while restarting Firefox after update (apply update in background) | -- | RESOLVED |
1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);
|Feature landing criteria=` }}
Feature details
Priority | P1 |
Rank | 1.1 |
Theme / Goal | Experience |
Roadmap | Firefox Desktop |
Secondary roadmap | ` |
Feature list | Desktop |
Project | Silent Update |
Engineering team | Desktop front-end |
{{#set:Feature priority=P1
|Feature rank=1.1 |Feature theme=Experience |Feature roadmap=Firefox Desktop |Feature secondary roadmap=` |Feature list=Desktop |Feature project=Silent Update |Feature engineering team=Desktop front-end }}
Team status notes
status | notes | |
Products | ` | ` |
Engineering | ` | ` |
Security | sec-review-complete | Notes |
Privacy | ` | ` |
Localization | ` | ` |
Accessibility | ` | ` |
Quality assurance | In progress | Test Plan |
User experience | ` | ` |
Product marketing | ` | ` |
Operations | ` | ` |
{{#set:Feature products status=`
|Feature products notes=` |Feature engineering status=` |Feature engineering notes=` |Feature security status=sec-review-complete |Feature security health=OK |Feature security notes=Notes |Feature privacy status=` |Feature privacy notes=` |Feature localization status=` |Feature localization notes=` |Feature accessibility status=` |Feature accessibility notes=` |Feature qa status=In progress |Feature qa notes=Test Plan |Feature ux status=` |Feature ux notes=` |Feature product marketing status=` |Feature product marketing notes=` |Feature operations status=` |Feature operations notes=` }}