Releases/Firefox 3.0.19
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Firefox 3.0.19 is a last security and stability update to Firefox 3.0.x.
- Overall lead: Mike Beltzner
- Security/Dev lead: Dan Veditz
- Build lead: Lukas Blakk
- QA lead: Al Billings
The following schedule is an estimate.
- Tree opens:
- Code freeze: March 9, 11:59pm
- QA starts: March 10
- Builds start: March 15
- QA with builds start: March 16 - 17
- Beta period starts: March 17 - 18
- Final release: March 30
Bug Queries Triage: nominations | approval requests (blockers) | approval requests (non-blockers) Status: Open blockers | needs branch patch | needs landing | qawanted | unverified
More: bugs fixed