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Revamp about:memory
Stage Shipped
Status Complete
Release target Firefox 6
Health OK
Status note `

{{#set:Feature name=Revamp about:memory

|Feature stage=Shipped |Feature status=Complete |Feature version=Firefox 6 |Feature health=OK |Feature status note=` }}


Product manager Asa Dotzler
Directly Responsible Individual Nicholas Nethercote
Lead engineer Nicholas Nethercote
Security lead `
Privacy lead `
Localization lead `
Accessibility lead `
QA lead Vlad Ghetiu (irc: vladg)
UX lead `
Product marketing lead `
Operations lead `
Additional members `

{{#set:Feature product manager=Asa Dotzler

|Feature feature manager=Nicholas Nethercote |Feature lead engineer=Nicholas Nethercote |Feature security lead=` |Feature privacy lead=` |Feature localization lead=` |Feature accessibility lead=` |Feature qa lead=Vlad Ghetiu (irc: vladg) |Feature ux lead=` |Feature product marketing lead=` |Feature operations lead=` |Feature additional members=` }}

Open issues/risks


Stage 1: Definition

1. Feature overview

Greatly improve about:memory.

2. Users & use cases

about:memory should be the first place anyone looks for any problem or question related to memory usage. (In particular, it should subsume OS tools like 'top', 'ps' and the Windows Task Manager.) If it doesn't answer the question, then more advanced tools can be used.

In particular, it will be very useful in bug reports. People often currently say vague things like "Firefox was using 1GB of memory" without explaining how they got that number. By cutting + pasting about:memory things will be a lot clearer.


  • Cutting + pasting the contents of about:memory into a text box should produce highly readable output.
  • Eventually, most interesting parts of memory (eg. the used part of the heap) should be marked as being owned by a particular part of the system.
  • Per-tab (or something like that) information.

3. Dependencies


4. Requirements

  • Stage 1: bug 633653.

After that, much of it can be done gradually, in a bug-by-bug fashion.



Stage 2: Design

5. Functional specification


6. User experience design

Stage 3: Planning

7. Implementation plan


8. Reviews

Security review


Privacy review


Localization review




Quality Assurance review


Operations review


Stage 4: Development

9. Implementation


Stage 5: Release

10. Landing criteria

` {{#set:Feature open issues and risks=` |Feature overview=Greatly improve about:memory. |Feature users and use cases=about:memory should be the first place anyone looks for any problem or question related to memory usage. (In particular, it should subsume OS tools like 'top', 'ps' and the Windows Task Manager.) If it doesn't answer the question, then more advanced tools can be used.

In particular, it will be very useful in bug reports. People often currently say vague things like "Firefox was using 1GB of memory" without explaining how they got that number. By cutting + pasting about:memory things will be a lot clearer.


  • Cutting + pasting the contents of about:memory into a text box should produce highly readable output.
  • Eventually, most interesting parts of memory (eg. the used part of the heap) should be marked as being owned by a particular part of the system.
  • Per-tab (or something like that) information.

|Feature dependencies=` |Feature requirements=* Stage 1: bug 633653.

After that, much of it can be done gradually, in a bug-by-bug fashion. |Feature non-goals=` |Feature functional spec=` |Feature ux design=* See screenshots in bug 633653 for stage 1. |Feature implementation plan=` |Feature security review=` |Feature privacy review=` |Feature localization review=` |Feature accessibility review=` |Feature qa review=` |Feature operations review=` |Feature implementation notes=` |Feature landing criteria=` }}

Feature details

Priority P1
Rank 999
Theme / Goal `
Roadmap Firefox Desktop
Secondary roadmap `
Feature list Desktop
Project `
Engineering team Desktop front-end

{{#set:Feature priority=P1

|Feature rank=999 |Feature theme=` |Feature roadmap=Firefox Desktop |Feature secondary roadmap=` |Feature list=Desktop |Feature project=` |Feature engineering team=Desktop front-end }}

Team status notes

  status notes
Products ` `
Engineering ` `
Security pass `
Privacy ` `
Localization ` `
Accessibility ` `
Quality assurance Ready to land in Firefox 6 `
User experience ` `
Product marketing ` `
Operations ` `

{{#set:Feature products status=`

|Feature products notes=` |Feature engineering status=` |Feature engineering notes=` |Feature security status=pass |Feature security health=` |Feature security notes=` |Feature privacy status=` |Feature privacy notes=` |Feature localization status=` |Feature localization notes=` |Feature accessibility status=` |Feature accessibility notes=` |Feature qa status=Ready to land in Firefox 6 |Feature qa notes=` |Feature ux status=` |Feature ux notes=` |Feature product marketing status=` |Feature product marketing notes=` |Feature operations status=` |Feature operations notes=` }}