Developer Toolbar | |
Stage | Shipped |
Status | ` |
Release target | Firefox 16 |
Health | OK |
Status note | ` |
{{#set:Feature name=Developer Toolbar
|Feature stage=Shipped |Feature status=` |Feature version=Firefox 16 |Feature health=OK |Feature status note=` }}
Product manager | Kevin Dangoor |
Directly Responsible Individual | Dave Camp |
Lead engineer | Joe Walker |
Security lead | ` |
Privacy lead | ` |
Localization lead | ` |
Accessibility lead | ` |
QA lead | Virgil Dicu |
UX lead | ` |
Product marketing lead | ` |
Operations lead | ` |
Additional members | ` |
{{#set:Feature product manager=Kevin Dangoor
|Feature feature manager=Dave Camp |Feature lead engineer=Joe Walker |Feature security lead=` |Feature privacy lead=` |Feature localization lead=` |Feature accessibility lead=` |Feature qa lead=Virgil Dicu |Feature ux lead=` |Feature product marketing lead=` |Feature operations lead=` |Feature additional members=` }}
Open issues/risks
Stage 1: Definition
1. Feature overview
Paul Rouget created the initial design for this feature. The idea is a persistent toolbar at the bottom of the window that developers will use as an entry point to the tools.
2. Users & use cases
This feature will be used by web developers of all kinds.
Open the Style Editor
A user frequently wants to open the Style Editor (or some other tool that acts on the whole page, such as the Page Inspector or a network traffic view). With the Developer Toolbar available, they would be able to click a button on the toolbar to open the Style Editor.
Keyboard Access to Work with the Page
A user that prefers keyboard interaction over mouse interaction can use the Developer Toolbar to interact with their tools and their page.
3. Dependencies
4. Requirements
- Buttons for page-oriented tools (Page Inspector, Style Editor, Web Console)
- Command line for quick keyboard access
- integrated view for command output (and JS return values)
- API for add-ons to contribute tools to the toolbar
Optional for first version:
- User-configurable positioning of buttons on the toolbar
Stage 2: Design
5. Functional specification
6. User experience design
Stage 3: Planning
7. Implementation plan
8. Reviews
Security review
Privacy review
Localization review
Quality Assurance review
Operations review
Stage 4: Development
9. Implementation
Stage 5: Release
10. Landing criteria
` {{#set:Feature open issues and risks=` |Feature overview=Paul Rouget created the initial design for this feature. The idea is a persistent toolbar at the bottom of the window that developers will use as an entry point to the tools. |Feature users and use cases=This feature will be used by web developers of all kinds.
Open the Style Editor
A user frequently wants to open the Style Editor (or some other tool that acts on the whole page, such as the Page Inspector or a network traffic view). With the Developer Toolbar available, they would be able to click a button on the toolbar to open the Style Editor.
Keyboard Access to Work with the Page
A user that prefers keyboard interaction over mouse interaction can use the Developer Toolbar to interact with their tools and their page. |Feature dependencies=` |Feature requirements=* Buttons for page-oriented tools (Page Inspector, Style Editor, Web Console)
- Command line for quick keyboard access
- integrated view for command output (and JS return values)
- API for add-ons to contribute tools to the toolbar
Optional for first version:
- User-configurable positioning of buttons on the toolbar
|Feature non-goals=` |Feature functional spec=` |Feature ux design=` |Feature implementation plan=` |Feature security review=` |Feature privacy review=` |Feature localization review=` |Feature accessibility review=` |Feature qa review=` |Feature operations review=` |Feature implementation notes=` |Feature landing criteria=` }}
Feature details
Priority | P1 |
Rank | 2 |
Theme / Goal | ` |
Roadmap | Developer Tools |
Secondary roadmap | ` |
Feature list | Desktop |
Project | ` |
Engineering team | DevTools |
{{#set:Feature priority=P1
|Feature rank=2 |Feature theme=` |Feature roadmap=Developer Tools |Feature secondary roadmap=` |Feature list=Desktop |Feature project=` |Feature engineering team=DevTools }}
Team status notes
status | notes | |
Products | ` | ` |
Engineering | ` | ` |
Security | sec-review-unnecessary | ` |
Privacy | ` | ` |
Localization | ` | ` |
Accessibility | ` | ` |
Quality assurance | ` | Test Plan |
User experience | ` | ` |
Product marketing | ` | ` |
Operations | ` | ` |
{{#set:Feature products status=`
|Feature products notes=` |Feature engineering status=` |Feature engineering notes=` |Feature security status=sec-review-unnecessary |Feature security health=OK |Feature security notes=` |Feature privacy status=` |Feature privacy notes=` |Feature localization status=` |Feature localization notes=` |Feature accessibility status=` |Feature accessibility notes=` |Feature qa status=` |Feature qa notes=Test Plan |Feature ux status=` |Feature ux notes=` |Feature product marketing status=` |Feature product marketing notes=` |Feature operations status=` |Feature operations notes=` }}