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      Unreliable NarratorAmerican Psycho
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      Bret Easton EllisLunar Park
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      American PoliticsStephen Colbert
Adoring Outlander: Essays on Fandom, Genre and the Female Audience Edited by Valerie Estelle Frankel Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2016 Print ISBN: 978-1-4766-6423-1 Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-2487-7 Outlander fever is sweeping the... more
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      Television StudiesScottish StudiesPopular Romance StudiesFandom Studies
In this paper I will consider the intersection between family tragedy, trauma, and affective uses of narration in two Australian novels: Surrender (Hartnett, 2005) and The Danger Game (Ashton, 2009). In both of these novels,... more
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      Literature and TraumaAustralian Literature
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesEnergy EconomicsInternational Relations
Südkaukasus. (Ein Gastvortrag für das Symposium "96-jährige Unabhängigkeit Georgiens" an der Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf) Gaios Tsutsunashvili Bekanntlich gehört die EU international zu dem wichtigsten Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet... more
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In der Arbeit wird aufschlussreich dargestellt, dass der Bedeutungswandel sowohl einzelsprachliche als auch sprachübergreifende systematische Parallelen aufweist. Diese kontrastive Herangehensweise eröffnet neue Perspektiven und füllt... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsGeorgian LanguageGerman Language
(775-780) In der historischen Semantik gelten Prozesse des Bedeutungswandels als sehr unsystematisch. Der Autor vertritt aber die These, dass bei semantischen Wandelprozessen ein hohes Maß an Systematizität zu beobachten ist, die sogar... more
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    • German Studies
The essay deals with the relationship between language and thinking from the perspective of semantics. First, the author provides concrete examples to distinguish between two types of meaning, which are based on different knowledge... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsSemantic change
In this publication, the authors address the content and objectives of demographic data visualization, generalize the most common techniques and tools for demographic data visualization, and share their own experience of testing various... more
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      Infographics and data visualizationDemographic StatisticsStatistical analysis of Demographic data
National varieties of standard german
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Listening is one of four basic language skills while the other three are writing, speaking and reading. But it has long been a neglected skill in second language acquisition, research and teaching. Listening comprehension is viewed as an... more
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Предлагаемое вниманию читателя учебное пособие прежде всего рассчитано на специалистов, изучающих переводческую проблематику. Но и тем, кто только делает первые шаги в освоении такой непростой области деятельности, как перевод, эта книга... more
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