Chen Bo
Chen Bo, Ph.D, September, 2021- present, Chair Professor of Humanities and Social Science, School of Philosophy, Wuhan University; 2021, Titular member of AIPS: Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (Bruxelles). (By election); 2018, Permanent titular member of IIP: Institut International de Philosophie. (By election).
Address: School of Philosophy,
Wuhan University
Wuchang District, Wuhan City
P. R. China 430072
Address: School of Philosophy,
Wuhan University
Wuchang District, Wuhan City
P. R. China 430072
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Papers by Chen Bo
Abstract: The main viewpoints of logical exceptionalism are that logic is exceptional with respect to all other sciences, including natural science, social science and humanities, because logical propositions say nothing about the world, and are true or false based on the meanings of logical constants; that logical truth is analytical, necessary and a prior, so it is not revisal; and that logical laws are normative for how to think correctly. The representative figures of logical exceptionalism are Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein and Ayer. Logical exceptionalism has encountered at least four problems: how to justify logical laws? How to explain the appearance of deviant and competitive logics and choose from them? How to explain the universal applicability of logic laws? How to explain the normativity of logical laws for correct thinking? The conclusion of this paper is that logical exceptionalism is like sort of evasion, based on many presuppositions without serious clarification and critical examination, and has many insurmountable theoretical difficulties.
Key Words: logical exceptionalism, logical truth, analyticity, necessity, apriority, normativity
Abstract: The main viewpoints of logical exceptionalism are that logic is exceptional with respect to all other sciences, including natural science, social science and humanities, because logical propositions say nothing about the world, and are true or false based on the meanings of logical constants; that logical truth is analytical, a prior and necessary, so it is not revisable; and that logical laws are normative for how to think correctly. This article takes Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein and Ayer as the representative figures of logical exceptionalism, outlines their viewpoints and arguments about logic, and exposes the internal difficulties of their positions.
Key Words: logical exceptionalism, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein, Ayer
ABSRACT: Analytic philosophy does not contain some schools or a movement with continuous histories, nor a set of philosophical issues and doctrines shared by all analytic philosophers, but it develops a special approach to philosophy. Its prominent features consist in its methodology: pursuing truth and knowledge, respecting science and common sense, using logic and reflecting language, avoiding grand issues and systems of philosophy, paying attention to clarity and precision, focusing on argumentation and justification, and engaging in academic debate with other colleagues. Chinese philosophers can learn how to do philosophy from analytic philosophy, such as: weakening apprentice status, opening up dialogue mode; doing less grand narration, doing more specific research; reducing rhetoric strategy and the presentation of textual materials, and constructing more careful arguments. Through studying the methodology of analytic philosophy, we may be able to do contemporary Chinese philosophy better.
KEY WORDS: doing philosophy, philosophical questions, independent approach, dialogue mode, argumentation, justification
Abstract: The main viewpoints of logical exceptionalism are that logic is exceptional with respect to all other sciences, including natural science, social science and humanities, because logical propositions say nothing about the world, and are true or false based on the meanings of logical constants; that logical truth is analytical, necessary and a prior, so it is not revisal; and that logical laws are normative for how to think correctly. The representative figures of logical exceptionalism are Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein and Ayer. Logical exceptionalism has encountered at least four problems: how to justify logical laws? How to explain the appearance of deviant and competitive logics and choose from them? How to explain the universal applicability of logic laws? How to explain the normativity of logical laws for correct thinking? The conclusion of this paper is that logical exceptionalism is like sort of evasion, based on many presuppositions without serious clarification and critical examination, and has many insurmountable theoretical difficulties.
Key Words: logical exceptionalism, logical truth, analyticity, necessity, apriority, normativity
Abstract: The main viewpoints of logical exceptionalism are that logic is exceptional with respect to all other sciences, including natural science, social science and humanities, because logical propositions say nothing about the world, and are true or false based on the meanings of logical constants; that logical truth is analytical, a prior and necessary, so it is not revisable; and that logical laws are normative for how to think correctly. This article takes Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein and Ayer as the representative figures of logical exceptionalism, outlines their viewpoints and arguments about logic, and exposes the internal difficulties of their positions.
Key Words: logical exceptionalism, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein, Ayer
ABSRACT: Analytic philosophy does not contain some schools or a movement with continuous histories, nor a set of philosophical issues and doctrines shared by all analytic philosophers, but it develops a special approach to philosophy. Its prominent features consist in its methodology: pursuing truth and knowledge, respecting science and common sense, using logic and reflecting language, avoiding grand issues and systems of philosophy, paying attention to clarity and precision, focusing on argumentation and justification, and engaging in academic debate with other colleagues. Chinese philosophers can learn how to do philosophy from analytic philosophy, such as: weakening apprentice status, opening up dialogue mode; doing less grand narration, doing more specific research; reducing rhetoric strategy and the presentation of textual materials, and constructing more careful arguments. Through studying the methodology of analytic philosophy, we may be able to do contemporary Chinese philosophy better.
KEY WORDS: doing philosophy, philosophical questions, independent approach, dialogue mode, argumentation, justification