? ?
Journal created:
on 28 June 2004 (#3637519)
on 12 June 2016
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
aaliyah, absolutely fabulous, aeon flux, air quitar, angelina jolie, avril lavigne, ballet, basketball, beavis and butthead, betty page, bjork, blondie, blood, brad pitt, brandan lee, bruce lee, brussel sprouts, bubble wrap, busy phillips, capricorn, centerfield, christina ricci, clockwork orange, crazy people, cutting, dallas cowboys circa 96', dancer in the dark, dancing, daria, death, depression, dinah, drums, eliza dushku, fairuza balk, fellow ninjas, fiona apple, fire, flashdance, football, fox fire, friends, gia, gia carangi, golden girls, gwen stefani, home room, hugs, indie films, jake gyllenhal, jane lane, jarod leto, jeopardy, jessica alba, jimi hendrix, jordan catalano, juicemaster, kappa makki, katy rose, kawasaki ninjas, kill bill, kurt cobain, lakers, laughing, making out, milo and otis, movies, music, my so called life, niagra niagra, nirvana, no doubt, pain, paris hilton, playing pool, poetry, poker, pretzels, prodigy, pulp fiction, rachel true, raining jane, reading, real world san diego, real world sandiego's frankie, ren and stimpy, reno911, requiem for a dream, robin tunney, san jose, santa cruz, snoop dogg, softball, son of a bitch, south park, spacing out, spice girls, spider girl, stacey dash, steph's ass, suicide, sushi, talking on the phone, tank girl, tattoos, the craft, the maxx, the sandman, thirteen, torettes, trent lane, tru calling, tyson beckford, uzi suicide, vegatarian, volleyball, watching movies, watsonville, wildcats, witch, writing poems, yeah yeah yeahs, zero girl
