? ?
Journal created:
on 19 December 2003 (#1634226)
on 13 July 2019
Posting Access:
All Members
For anything and everything slashy about our Whose Line/Improv-a-ganza boys.

banner by mizzmeow

All Whose Line related slash based (M/M, F/F) fiction, art, discussions and general fannishness are welcome here. :)

All versions and actors involved are more than welcome, but everyone be warned this is a *SLASH* group, meaning there will be discussion and posting of stories/pictures of a HOMOSEXUAL nature. If this is not your cup of tea, please back away from the page and look for something more your style.

At the present, this is a fairly loose, and for the most part unmoderated group...but if need be, I will be forced to take age staments, etc. We really don't want that, do we? So, please be grown up and considerate when it comes to others. After all, we're just here for a little bit of funny love. *G*

So, sit back and enjoy!

Officially affiliated with:


- Community Owner clayangel
- Moderators rycolfan, sungreen70, and anemptymargin/afullmargin
archie hahn, brad sherwood, brad/chip, brad/colin, brad/drew, brad/greg, brad/ryan, brad/wayne, caroline quentin, caroline/josie, catherine o'hara, chip esten, chip/brad, chip/colin, chip/drew, chip/greg, chip/jeff, chip/ryan, chip/wayne, clive anderson, clive/colin, clive/greg, clive/stephen fry, clive/tony, colin mochrie, colin/brad, colin/dan, colin/drew, colin/greg, colin/jeff, colin/ryan, colin/wayne, dan patterson, dawn french, debi durst, debra wilson, denny siegel, dliia, drew carey, drew carey's improvaganza, drew/greg, drew/jeff, drew/mike, drew/ryan, drew/wayne, eddie izzard, fan art, fan fiction, fanart, fanfiction, fast and loose, femslash, george mcgrath, graphics, greg proops, greg/clive, greg/colin, greg/jeff, greg/mike, greg/ryan, greg/wayne, hugh laurie, ian gomez, icons, improv allstars, improv-a-ganza, improvaganza, jeff davis, jeff/chip, jeff/greg, jeff/wayne, jim sweeney, john sessions, jonathan mangum, jonathan pryce, jonathan/wayne, josie lawrence, josie/caroline, josie/sandi, julian clary, julie larson, karen maruyama, kate robbins, kathy greenwood, kathy griffin, kathy kinney, laura hall, linda taylor, mark cohen, mark leveson, mike mcshane, music videos, neil mullarkey, niall ashdown, patrick bristow, paul merton, peter cook, phil lamarr, picspam, robin williams, ron west, rory bremner, rory mcgrath, ryan stiles, ryan/colin, sam johnson, sandi toksvig, sandi/josie, sean masterson, slash, slash fanfiction, stephen colbert, stephen fry, steve frost, steve steen, the drew carey show, the green screen show, tony slattery, trust_us_with_your_life, video clips, vids, wayne brady, whose line, whose line slash, whose live anyway, wl, wliia, wliia slash, wliia uk, wliiauk
