? ?
07 May 2011 @ 03:48 am
My dearest Flist,
If you love football and want to take part in a challenge Community (Graphics, writing, games and betting) you absolutely HAVE to JOIN
footballverse ! It's divided in four teams and it's first the foremost a lot of fun.

If you apply, do be so kind and state my name in your tagline as that earns me points.

Hugs and Kisses,
25 April 2011 @ 02:44 pm
Title: Fantasies are made of truth
Pairing: Martín Demichelis/Sebastián Fernández. Also includes one original character in the flashbacks to Micho's teenage years.
Rating: I think NC-17, but more for violence and possible unpleasantness than sex.
Disclaimer: There's some truth to every fantasy... except this one? Twisted creations from the darkest corners of my mind.
Word count: 2400.

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25 April 2011 @ 02:40 pm
I still miss the World Cup, and I never get tired of writing about it:

Title: Don't worry, I know what you want
Pairing: Sergio Agüero/Diego Lugano, implied Diego Forlán/Sergio Agüero
Rating: PG(-13?)
Disclaimer: Creations of my crazy mind.
Word count: 643.

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02 April 2011 @ 02:37 pm
Originally written for a challenge at footballverse, but full of gorgeous Argentines and therefore also belongs in this community:

Title: The damage is already done
Pairing: Martín Demichelis/Sergio Agüero, mentions of Gabriel Heinze
Rating: R.
Warnings: Dubious consent issues, I'm not sure if there should be a rape warning or not.
Disclaimer: I obviously made this up.
Word count: 1157.

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