? ?
15 March 2010 @ 07:00 pm
Yes, I'm going to abuse my modly powers for a second here for a pimp post (which btw, if any of y'all want to pimp a community go right ahead, as long as it doesn't get out of control I don't have any problem with it).

Behind the Cut for easy scrollingCollapse )

There will be an on-topic post from me later on tonight. There's been a lot going on and I actually have stories for the comm.
20 July 2015 @ 12:13 am
Due to the personal nature of the topics discussed in this community and to protect the privacy of our members.

From now on the community is restricted to Members Only.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, leave a comment in this entry or feel free to PM me.

Comments screened.
06 July 2009 @ 05:56 pm
I made banners to promote the comm.

Feel free to take if you like.

8 WTP bannersCollapse )

They're kind of big, so feel free to resize if you desire.
*Please link back to the Community if you take.
**NO Hotlinking please.
Current Mood: creativecreative
30 June 2009 @ 07:27 pm
This site is awesome:

(330): First off: I'm drunk so fuck you. Second: you weren't a bad girlfriend. Tres: thats 3 in spanish. Number 4: fuck 3 Doors Down

(510): he said he didn't have a condom.
(415): and you said?
(510): that that's fine cause i was ready to be a mom. yeah - he magically had a condom he forgot about after that.

(312): I remember going home with 2 girls. Woke up with 4.

(978): Answer the phone when I call you in a second. Just got pulled over for getting road head, going to secretly put you on speaker phone, this should be good

(757): I forgot i ate a salad for dinner, so while i was barfing in his toilet, i kept screaming "i ate leaves?? i cant believe you let me eat leaves!"

(516): onenightstand. Woke up and saw my nuva ring on the floor. apparently he thought it was a glow stick. pick me up please?
(443): he didnt ask why there was a glowstick shoved up your vag?

(321): Ask Niel how long his lasts if he plays with it a lot.
(1-321): he says 15-20 minutes depending on the porn.
(321): no his phone, idiot.

29 June 2009 @ 04:33 pm
Today at ACC I was waiting at the cafe for my cheese pizza, and the guys next to me were having a conversation. It went something like this

Guy1: "So how are things going with so-and-so?"
Guy2: "Oh that night I was thinking 'There's no way she likes me like that' and she was thinking 'There's no way he likes me like that' blah blah blah...."

Now, I really didn't hear much of the conversation, but I couldn't help but think how high school that statement sounded. I know that I'm married, and I don't have to worry about that drama of worrying if a guy likes me or not, but even if I was single, I think I've reached a point where if you like someone, just tell them. I don't see the point in waiting and stressing about someone else's feelings. Just ask. Regardless of their answer, you don't waste your time or feelings on wondering.

Then he said something about how they'd been praying a lot together, because "it's hard to stay true to Jesus when you REALLY like someone." I seriously doubt Jesus cares about anyone's sex life, or lack thereof. You only live once, and denying yourself is a sad way to live.

On a side note, one of them turned to me and told me that God loves me. I find this offensive, because he doesn't know what my personal beliefs are, and he certainly shouldn't presume to know God's feelings on anything.

The whole thing just made me wonder, when does a boy become a man? Certainly I know guys that are nearing thirty and have all the maturity and wisdom of a teenage boy. It's interesting.
10 December 2008 @ 09:00 pm
Well Nikki said we were being lazy, so here's a post. Not about guys, but about relationships.

A girl I know posted a blog asking "After ten months, how do you know you're still in love?" Perhaps I am on my own in this, but ten months is not a long-term relationship. Some people take that long to even say "I love you."

The girl in question is a serial dater. I also think she tends to fall in lust quite easily, and probably has no idea what love really is. She can't hold a job for ten months, so I suppose being with the same person for that long is equally foreign to her. I don't think that is necessarily a flaw; some people enjoy monogamy and stability while others enjoy a more untethered lifestyle. Most fall somewhere in the middle.

If after ten months, you're questioning your relationship, is that a sign things are going south? Or is it merely a that you are terrified of commitment and don't know how to deal with things going well for so long?
09 October 2008 @ 09:23 pm
shaun to natasha: "so how DO you do well in school?"
gabby: "private sessions with the ta?"


::posted by nikki::
31 July 2008 @ 01:14 pm

he was awakened by my missed call he said.. aww.. thanks to me? :) he was wearing a clean white shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. he looks so clean, so fresh, so hot! i would constantly glance at him  from time to time, of course without him noticing.
choir practice
Current Location: home
29 July 2008 @ 10:35 pm
just got home from choir practice... i saw my crush tonight and i cant help but stare... he's not all too handsome but i just find him uber attractive. his skin's so fair, so smooth, so flawless... as i watch him tonight, i imagined kissing his face - his cheek down to his neck then back to his face to his lips. i feel the rush of love hormones through my veins... i want to touch him, feel him...

gosh, i'm not obsessing about him! let's make that thing clear now okay?
Current Location: home
Current Mood: giddygiddy
27 July 2008 @ 10:24 am
"...or she'd leave" is apparently the reason an ex-boyfriend told one of my friends for why he felt the need to smother me and spend every waking moment with me. He said this while we were still dating.
Current Mood: disgusted