Welcome to whatever_stuff. I decided to start a graphics community for all my graphics.
Please have a look and join the community!! =D
I update the communities interests when I post new things. There has been at least one 'batch' of icons or graphics for every celebrity in the communities interests.
Layout credit : snubbly
Rules & Info
01: Please credit if you use my graphics. Please link back to whatever_stuff
02: You need to join to see the entries. Entries will remain public for a few days, but then you will need to join to view the entries.
03: I will have 'member request' posts for members every once in a while!
04: Please comment!! You dont have to take any, I just like to know that people have looked.
05: Please only use graphics on LJ and forums. No other blog sites.
06: Do not edit any of my graphics. If you want text or anything added, just ask!
07: NO HOTLINKING. Upload all graphics to your own server! What Is Hotlinking?