Thanks for your interest and we hope that you enjoy the website! We truly hope that you’ve found it to be a valuable resource. We’ve listed some FAQs below, and if you have any further questions, feel free to send us a message. We only check email occasionally but will try to respond as soon as possible.

The Philosophy Basics Team

what sources were used for this website?

Many! We list a handful of books and websites that were used during the research for this website on this page. We’ve also put together a list of great books on all of the philosophers that we feature on the site on our philosophy books page.

How do I search the website?

There is a search box at the bottom of every page that you can use to find topics by keyword.


While there are several different citation formats, each with their own versions and update schedules, it seems that the APA format includes most common attributes and would look like something like this (adapt for the specific content you’re referencing):

Mastin, L. (2009, January). Existence and Consciousness. Retrieved [Month, day, year], from

The same date can be used for all the articles on this website.

How can I find out more about this site?

We’ve created a general FAQ page that covers more topics if you’re interested in learning more about

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