Koch, Anna and Stach, Stephan. Holocaust Memory and the Cold War: Remembering across the Iron Curtain. Berlin, Boston, 2024
This study examines the intertwining of Israeli Holocaust memory and Cold War politics, focusing ... more This study examines the intertwining of Israeli Holocaust memory and Cold War politics, focusing on the early years of the Israeli state. It explores how debates over Holocaust commemoration, such as the establishment of Yad Vashem and reparations from Germany, were influenced by Israel's positioning within the East-West divide. The left-wing Zionist and Communist parties, particularly Mapam and Maki, used Holocaust memory to oppose Israel's growing alignment with the Western bloc, viewing it as a betrayal of socialist ideals and the legacy of anti-fascism. The paper highlights how the Cold War context shaped Israeli political discourse on Holocaust remembrance and Germany's post-war rehabilitation.
Papers by Boaz Cohen
My book 'Israeli Holocaust Research: Birth and Evolution' just came out in a paperback edition. Now it may be affordable to my researcher colleagues. this is a discount flyer
Research on the story of historiography is often a work on books, on the "final products" that fill academic bookshelves yet, in Israeli Holocaust Research, Boaz Cohen illustrates that the evolution of holocaust research in Israel has a more human element to it. Drawing on knowledge gained through seven years of work in ten major archives in Israel, the author reveals a previously unseen picture of the development of Israeli Holocaust research "from below," and of the social and cultural forces influencing its character. In doing so, a new facet to the picture emerges, of the story beyond the archive and the people who see Holocaust research as their mission and responsibility.
This book will be a fascinating addition to the study of Holocaust research and will be of particular interest to students of history, historiography and Jewish studies
To be held on March 8-10, 2016
At Western Galilee College, Akko, Israel
The Borns Jewish Studies Program of Indiana University, Bloomington
cordially invite you to the international conference and workshops:
Jewish Historical Writing: 140 years to Heinrich Graetz's "History of the Jewish People"
To be held on March 9-10, 2015
At Western Galilee College, Akko, Israel
והתוכנית ללימודי יהדות ע"ש בורנס באוניברסיטת של אינדיאנה בבלומינגטון
שמחות להזמינכם
לכנס בינלאומי בנושא:
כתיבה היסטורית יהודית: 140 שנים ל"תולדות היהודים" של היינריך גרץ
שיתקיים ביום ג', כ' אדר תשע"ה, 10.3.2015 בשעה 09:00
במכללה האקדמית גליל מערבי
"סוגיות חדשות בחקר השואה", המכללה האקדמית גליל מערבי, עכו. כב' טבת תשע"ח 21.1.18