books by Christopher Reed R E E D Johnson

Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘Overture' to ‘Variations on the Standard Treatment', Feb 23, 2024
Abstract of Chapter 2 in Lacan's Écrits: A reader's guide - Volume 1: From 'Seminar on “The Purlo... more Abstract of Chapter 2 in Lacan's Écrits: A reader's guide - Volume 1: From 'Seminar on “The Purloined Letter"' to On the Subject Who is Finally in Question (Callum Neill (Editor), Derek Hook (Editor), Stijn Vanheule (Editor)):
The ‘Seminar on “The Purloined Letter”’ appeared at the beginning of the Écrits; Lacan thought the seminar adumbrated important and lasting insights, e.g. repetition compulsion as determined by the Symbolic Order and the letter as “pure signifier,” the referent of which depends upon the subject’s place in a chain of signifiers. Using Edgar Alan Poe’s "The Purloined Letter", Lacan shows Poe’s use of a subjective logic to drive its narrative. It is not a typical detective story. Its style and interesting narrative echo psychoanalytic ideas on repetition, the act of enunciation, and powers of the letter as pure signifier. The chapter explicates Lacan’s views on the logic of speech, which contains a writing that can be deciphered within speaking and shows the stakes of the intersubjective circuit. This writing, found in the deductive method of Poe’s Detective Dupin, leads to cybernetics and probability theory. Using formulations from these fields, Lacan shows the autonomous functioning of the Symbolic. The final section is devoted to this explication and intimates the importance of topology and mathemes in the ‘later’ Lacan. In Poe’s tale, Dupin’s facsimile of purloined letter reveals a compact of jouissance, returning the text to repetition and the death drive.
Theses by Christopher Reed R E E D Johnson
This thesis investigates space and time from both philosophical and psychological points of view ... more This thesis investigates space and time from both philosophical and psychological points of view in relation to the concepts of being, nonbeing, and the void, as well as in their relation to sensory activity
FDA Applications by Christopher Reed R E E D Johnson
510(k) Premarket Notification (K052904), 2005
FDA Application and premarket notification for the Virtual Medical Systems VT 3000 nerve conducti... more FDA Application and premarket notification for the Virtual Medical Systems VT 3000 nerve conduction velocity testing device.
FDA Device Code: K052904
Trade/Device Name: Virtual Medical Systems VT 3000
Regulation Number: 21 CFR 882.1550
Regulation Name: Nerve conduction velocity measurement device
Regulatory Class: II
Product Code: JXF
Dated: October 13, 2005
Received: October 14, 2005
books by Christopher Reed R E E D Johnson
The ‘Seminar on “The Purloined Letter”’ appeared at the beginning of the Écrits; Lacan thought the seminar adumbrated important and lasting insights, e.g. repetition compulsion as determined by the Symbolic Order and the letter as “pure signifier,” the referent of which depends upon the subject’s place in a chain of signifiers. Using Edgar Alan Poe’s "The Purloined Letter", Lacan shows Poe’s use of a subjective logic to drive its narrative. It is not a typical detective story. Its style and interesting narrative echo psychoanalytic ideas on repetition, the act of enunciation, and powers of the letter as pure signifier. The chapter explicates Lacan’s views on the logic of speech, which contains a writing that can be deciphered within speaking and shows the stakes of the intersubjective circuit. This writing, found in the deductive method of Poe’s Detective Dupin, leads to cybernetics and probability theory. Using formulations from these fields, Lacan shows the autonomous functioning of the Symbolic. The final section is devoted to this explication and intimates the importance of topology and mathemes in the ‘later’ Lacan. In Poe’s tale, Dupin’s facsimile of purloined letter reveals a compact of jouissance, returning the text to repetition and the death drive.
Theses by Christopher Reed R E E D Johnson
FDA Applications by Christopher Reed R E E D Johnson
FDA Device Code: K052904
Trade/Device Name: Virtual Medical Systems VT 3000
Regulation Number: 21 CFR 882.1550
Regulation Name: Nerve conduction velocity measurement device
Regulatory Class: II
Product Code: JXF
Dated: October 13, 2005
Received: October 14, 2005
The ‘Seminar on “The Purloined Letter”’ appeared at the beginning of the Écrits; Lacan thought the seminar adumbrated important and lasting insights, e.g. repetition compulsion as determined by the Symbolic Order and the letter as “pure signifier,” the referent of which depends upon the subject’s place in a chain of signifiers. Using Edgar Alan Poe’s "The Purloined Letter", Lacan shows Poe’s use of a subjective logic to drive its narrative. It is not a typical detective story. Its style and interesting narrative echo psychoanalytic ideas on repetition, the act of enunciation, and powers of the letter as pure signifier. The chapter explicates Lacan’s views on the logic of speech, which contains a writing that can be deciphered within speaking and shows the stakes of the intersubjective circuit. This writing, found in the deductive method of Poe’s Detective Dupin, leads to cybernetics and probability theory. Using formulations from these fields, Lacan shows the autonomous functioning of the Symbolic. The final section is devoted to this explication and intimates the importance of topology and mathemes in the ‘later’ Lacan. In Poe’s tale, Dupin’s facsimile of purloined letter reveals a compact of jouissance, returning the text to repetition and the death drive.
FDA Device Code: K052904
Trade/Device Name: Virtual Medical Systems VT 3000
Regulation Number: 21 CFR 882.1550
Regulation Name: Nerve conduction velocity measurement device
Regulatory Class: II
Product Code: JXF
Dated: October 13, 2005
Received: October 14, 2005