Papers by Amal Jabali-Kassem
This paper discusses a case study conducted in the Greek educational context for the requirements... more This paper discusses a case study conducted in the Greek educational context for the requirements of MDDE 651 course of Athabasca University. It focuses on the learning design and support systems of online learning environments with an emphasis on gender issues through the lens of the administrators and instructors. The survey involved the interviews of administrators and instructors of a particular blended learning educational program delivered via the e-class platform of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, named “Training Adult Educators”. Most of the questions were open-ended that provided with a lot of insight on this issue. There were some conclusions drawn but they just laid the foundations for understanding some of the current trends in Greece regarding gender issues when designing e-learning programs.

The Syrian war has turned into one of the most enduring conflicts in modern times. Epidemic disea... more The Syrian war has turned into one of the most enduring conflicts in modern times. Epidemic disease, shortage of food, water, and medicine, and an unprecedented death toll among the civilian population allow placing this conflict among the worst humanitarian disasters. Along with civilian causalities and injuries, millions of Syrians were displaced or
had to abandon their homes in search of safety and security. Lebanon was among the first to offer assistance and shelter to Syrian refugees, which, however, was insufficient to mitigate adverse effects of the war on Syrians, especially children. This paper will explore the educational issues faced by Syrian children that threaten their current development and future life success. It starts by describing the current reality to proceed to present an ideal state of access to and participation in education in Lebanon. The paper analyses the existing gaps and suggests solutions for reducing them through practical actions.
This project focuses on education for women under challenging conditions of the modern global wor... more This project focuses on education for women under challenging conditions of the modern global world. The objective is to bridge the education access gap of Syrian Refugee women in Lebanon, by providing access to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for a better future and decent job creation. In terms of the modern feminist paradigm and pedagogy, this project will focus on the modern technological and informative aspects of education. As a result, the approach is to find the best possible solutions for dealing with potential barriers on the way to education expansion among women from third world countries.

Distance learning is increasingly becoming a fundamental global strategy when it comes to resolvi... more Distance learning is increasingly becoming a fundamental global strategy when it comes to resolving the problems that are experienced regarding the access to education. It is a learning method where lectures are broadcasted and conducted without the student having to attend the school physically (Gouthro, 2005). Additionally, it has been widely accepted that the distance mode of education is a sustainable and efficient mode of reaching the adult learners who may not be in a position to attend classes for one reason or the other. The participation of women in higher education all over the world has changed in the past years more so in the underdeveloped countries with the gender gap reducing significantly (Gouthro, 2005). There is an increasing number of women who participate in distance learning whether being administrators, teachers, or learners.
However, this development in education has not come without its fair share of issues and challenges. In most of the underdeveloped countries, women are experiencing various difficulties in this form of education ranging from cultural norms, cost barriers, and technical barriers among other problems. Despite these numerous challenges, the fact that distance education has helped women significantly in underdeveloped countries especially to
overcome the various obstacles that are present in higher education cannot be overlooked. This essay will focus on discussing and analyzing the different fundamental challenges and issues that women face in distance education, more so in the underdeveloped countries.
This paper discusses a case study conducted in the Greek educational context for the requirements... more This paper discusses a case study conducted in the Greek educational context for the requirements of MDDE 651 course of Athabasca University. It focuses on the learning design and support systems of online learning environments with an emphasis on gender issues through the lens of the administrators and instructors. The survey involved the interviews of
administrators and instructors of a particular blended learning educational program delivered via the e-class platform of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, named “Training Adult Educators”. Most of the questions were open-ended that provided with a lot of insight on this issue. There were some conclusions drawn but they just laid the foundations
for understanding some of the current trends in Greece regarding gender issues when designing e-learning programs.
Inclusive education seeks to create equality among children from diverse backgrounds
and with va... more Inclusive education seeks to create equality among children from diverse backgrounds
and with varied abilities. Inclusivity in the education system helps to establish a society of
mutual respect and pushes children from all backgrounds to maximize the use of their abilities. Educators need to develop appropriate techniques to deal with the diversity of students. Transformational leadership helps to encourage students to build a culture of respect and to exploit their abilities. The leadership style withstands institutional influences and endure change, therefore promoting inclusive education.

Students with intellectual needs have problems with their cognitive capability and usually lack s... more Students with intellectual needs have problems with their cognitive capability and usually lack skills in social behavior and self-care (Jones & Goble, 2012). Even though there is a wide assortment in the cognitive ability of individuals with intellectual disabilities, they generally have an IQ of 70-75 or even lower (Gordon, 2018). For students who are diagnosed with a disability, learning is usually faced with numerous challenges. Some of these challenges include being excluded from classrooms, being left out of field trips and lacking enough staff to help them learn (Hartmann, 2015). Despite their entitlement to inclusive education, students who have intellectual disabilities face academic and social barriers, which exclude them and makes them vulnerable to bullying (Gordon, 2018). The outcomes paint a stark picture of the way the education system fails to accommodate these individuals. There is a need to accommodate these students in schools so that they receive the equitable quality of education they deserve (Jones & Goble, 2012). Schools need to make adjustments on the way information can be presented to these individuals so that they can better engage in learning (Massouti, 2018). This report offers an analysis of the nature of inclusion, inclusive schools and suggests strategies to support and promote accommodation to students with intellectual needs.

The Reality of Non-Formal Learning in Lebanon and the Steps needed for its Recognition , 2018
According to UNESCO Strategy for TVET for 2016-2021, "At least 475 million new jobs need to be cr... more According to UNESCO Strategy for TVET for 2016-2021, "At least 475 million new jobs need to be created over the next decade to absorb the 73 million youth currently unemployed and the 40 million new annual entrants to the labour market". Based on the statement and statistics mentioned we need to develop a strategy and design activities so that we will create not only employment, decent work environment but also active citizens in an equitable, inclusive and sustainable society in line with SDG agenda no. 4 and 8 where lifelong learning, life skills and 21st century skills are addressed. The conflict in Syria which is entering its ninth year in March 2019 has already produced devastating effects on the entire region and beyond. The long-standing humanitarian and development crisis has affected every domain of society in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and the rest of the world. The most profound and devastating impact is on children and youth with most of them being forced to abandon their homes and currently residing in refugee shelters located throughout the region. Apart from the security concern, the Syrian crisis has limited children's access to educational services both inside Syria and in neighbouring countries hosting vast influxes of Syrian refugees (Chehab, 2016). The Government of Lebanon has been struggling to deal with the economic and social consequences of the conflict in Syria in addition to it pre-existing labour market challenges, pertaining to the limited creation of decent jobs and deteriorating labour standards in many employment sectors (ILO, 2015). The Lebanese Directorate General of Technical and Vocational Education (DGTVE) and TVET sector recognize the importance of the non-formal education system, acting as the forerunners in providing alternative education pathways for Lebanese and non-Lebanese youth. This paper focuses on the educational crisis in the MENA region caused by the enduring armed conflict in Syria and examines the Lebanese response to the problem in the context of international relations and UNESCO framework. It will discuss the importance of non-formal learning in developing the skills and attitudes of young people and the reality of non-formal learning in Lebanon and the steps needed for its recognition.

Education and the Unemployment Experience of the Youth in Lebanon: Understanding the Socio-economic Context, 2018
The education system in Lebanon has three stages in education that include pre-school, basic, and... more The education system in Lebanon has three stages in education that include pre-school, basic, and secondary stages. The secondary level allows merited students to progress to vocational training and tertiary institutions (Bagchi, 2018). However, the level of youth unemployment in the country is quite high due to the region's political instability. The government has made it compulsory for every citizen to at least acquire basic education. A large number of the Lebanese population are educated, with most of them having acquired secondary education. The weak education system policies coupled with high levels of youth unemployment are some of the main issues of the global economic crisis that have hit the ailing economy of Lebanon. The Lebanon labor market constitutes an essential component for the country's stability, but it is unable to absorb the large number of educated youths who are desperately looking for job opportunities. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Lebanon’s youth unemployment issue in the context of the socio-economic effects. This will be exemplified by using the major theories such as the human capital theory and youth unemployment theory to understand youth perceptions about employability and the causes of unemployment in Lebanon

Evaluating a program is the process through which a person or an organization makes a judgment ab... more Evaluating a program is the process through which a person or an organization makes a judgment about the value or quality of the program in question. Before making the judgment on the merit or demerit of a program, there must be a prior process of information collection that reflects the state of the program based on the initial plan. Also, an evaluation of the program in question must consider the general interests of the stakeholders. The basis of any evaluation should thus be to improve and not prove that there is something wrong about the program under evaluation. According to Carman (2007), formalizing an evaluation process within the organization facilitating the program coupled with a rigorous process towards fact-finding leads to staff commitment, and drives them to act on the findings of evaluation therefore enhancing the likelihood that there will be program improvement (p. 67). Also, the evaluation of a program can reach accountability expectations through progress assessment targeting program goals. Edwards (2011) reviews that evaluation has the potential to help and motivate people to look at how far they have come, the lessons learned from the previous events, and the future steps (p.168). This paper critiques the evaluation process titled the Strategic Technology Application for Rural Telework (START) - Rural Telework Initiatives program based on Owen’s five evaluation forms for program evaluation.
On December 10, 2004, at the end of the UN Decade of Human Rights Education, the UN General Assem... more On December 10, 2004, at the end of the UN Decade of Human Rights Education, the UN General Assembly announced the three phases of the World Program for Human Rights Education to advance the implementation of the programs of education in human rights in all sectors of society. The programme was built on the basis as well as achievements created by the United Nations´s Decade for Human Rights Education program, which began in 1995 and ended in 2004 (Stigler, 2012). | The purpose of this system is to promote understanding of methodologies and as well as of basic principles of human rights education in member states of United Nations and this understanding should be transformed into actions, which are formed into a concrete action framework forged by cooperation and partnerships of the member states.

UNESCO describes literacy as an essential resource for sustainable development since it gives man... more UNESCO describes literacy as an essential resource for sustainable development since it gives mankind the ability to participate in a highly competitive global labor market, explore more of life’s boundaries, improve standards of living, and increase income. Literacy has a multiplier effect that gives power to the masses, allowing them to be active participants in the community and make valid contributions to the society’s welfare. Moreover, literacy is considered to be an integral part of everyone’s right to an education. As connoted by Barbara et al., literacy goes beyond the basic concepts of learning such as counting, reading, and writing as it involves creating, communicating, understanding and identification especially in the current global environment that is increasingly digital (2010). The subject of this evaluation will be the DEPLP, an acronym for the Distance Education Program for Literacy Providers. This is the brainchild of collaborative efforts between the NSLA [Nova Scotia Literacy Association] and ODEA [Open and Distance Education Agency]. Established in 2012, the program is aimed at training literacy providers in a bid to provide the masses with quality literacy training programs. The program involves two varying kinds of literacy providers, namely paid and voluntary. Working under the umbrella of their respective social agencies, the latter voluntarily provides services in tutoring illiterate and low literate individuals, as well as immigrants. They do not possess any form of formal training but are guided by the National Literacy Association of Canada manual. On the other hand, paid literacy providers are those trained in the profession and operate within areas of work and learning institutions. In most cases, paid literacy providers are English majors with a bachelor’s degree but lack formal literacy training skills.

Educational technology is the integration of expertise, equipment, and services that build, creat... more Educational technology is the integration of expertise, equipment, and services that build, create and support learning and teaching in different contexts. In this regard, technology can be perceived as tools that foster or facilitate learning. Over the last few years, educational technology has become important both in the developing and developed countries. The use of technology in education allows for distance learning, meaning that a student can study without attending traditional classes. On the other hand, technology is being used to improve real-time
learning in classrooms. BRCK Education is among the education services that are facilitating digital learning in Africa. Notably, this educational service was launched to help students and
teachers to access digital educational content in a cost-effective manner using customized tablets. BRCK Education team continues to upgrade its educational devices to improve the learners'
experience and help teachers in creating teaching plans. Evidently, BRCK Education will improve digital learning in Africa because the devices are designed to work in harsh terrains and are cost effective to use and maintain.

Advancements in technology have paved the way for new applications especially focusing on the are... more Advancements in technology have paved the way for new applications especially focusing on the area of education and training. Through advancements in technology, it has become easier for education institutions to introduce what would be considered as distance
learning (Jusubalieva 6). Distance learning refers to a new mode of learning in which students are able to learn in new environments through technology away from the conventional face-to-face learning within physical learning institutions. One argument for technology in distance
education is that it provides an experience closer to the traditional face-to-face one; that is, it helps distance education to "replicate" face-to-face learning. Therefore, to help in evaluating the conceptual use of technology in education and learning, the focus of this report is to engage in a critique of this argument. The critique will evaluate some of the advantages and disadvantages that technology has had in distance learning when compared to traditional face-to-face learning
to determine the validity of that argument.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed is a literature excerpt that elaborates on the innate nature and charac... more Pedagogy of the Oppressed is a literature excerpt that elaborates on the innate nature and characters of both the colonizer and the colonized and the dynamic relationship between the two. The book reinforces the perception that the oppressor has no authority over the oppressed unless granted permission and power (Freire 44). The author, Paulo Freire has an academic background as a Brazilian educator and philosopher and this book is considered one of his globally acclaimed
texts of the 20th century.

E-learning has become a popular way of conveying information, engaging students and teaching usef... more E-learning has become a popular way of conveying information, engaging students and teaching useful critical thinking skills. While many still view e-learning as constituting barriers to face-to-face communication, others see it as a way to interact with others while having the time to formulate proper responses, enriching text with hyperlinks, videos, and images. A recent demand came up for Athabasca University, and experts have been hired to improve upon the
school’s existing e-learning curriculum, as well as to add new features that would boost engagement and enrolment. Recommendations from behaviorist thinkers like B.F Skinner and Bandura suggest that operant conditioning, which includes providing incentives and rewards for
good behavior and demerits for bad behavior, can help students achieve goals by motivating them toward positive action. The following paper will outline proposed strategies for the new e-learning module and use evidence-based, behaviorist theory to explain them.

The instructional system exists within a network of suprasystems that includes the parent NOVA Ho... more The instructional system exists within a network of suprasystems that includes the parent NOVA Holdings Group as well as the larger commercial industry of eikaiwas (private English conversation schools). “Nova is one of the leading conversation schools in Japan with over 250 branches” (NOVA Co. Ltd., 2015) in operation, employing hundreds of foreign instructors as well as local sales and administrative staff. At its height around 2004, Nova oversaw 640 branch locations and employed around 5000 foreign instructors (Nova Corporation, 2001). During this time, Nova’s clientele in Japan numbered 440,000 while 5,000 instructors of foreign nationality were actively teaching.Individual tutoring and small-class instruction in conversational and business English are Nova’s principal offerings. These learning experiences can occur in face-to-face settings, through online studies (i.e. video conferencing), or in combination. Apart from language instruction, NOVA Holdings Group offers a variety of services and programs across Japan, and also has offices within Hawaii, Cairns, and Bali.
In analyzing the issue facing NOVA Holdings Group, in regards to their educational services, Chec... more In analyzing the issue facing NOVA Holdings Group, in regards to their educational services, Checkland’s Approach will be used. The application of Checkland’s approach will include seven stages that analyze the problem and provide further details in regards to the
various aspects that are involved.
Papers by Amal Jabali-Kassem
had to abandon their homes in search of safety and security. Lebanon was among the first to offer assistance and shelter to Syrian refugees, which, however, was insufficient to mitigate adverse effects of the war on Syrians, especially children. This paper will explore the educational issues faced by Syrian children that threaten their current development and future life success. It starts by describing the current reality to proceed to present an ideal state of access to and participation in education in Lebanon. The paper analyses the existing gaps and suggests solutions for reducing them through practical actions.
However, this development in education has not come without its fair share of issues and challenges. In most of the underdeveloped countries, women are experiencing various difficulties in this form of education ranging from cultural norms, cost barriers, and technical barriers among other problems. Despite these numerous challenges, the fact that distance education has helped women significantly in underdeveloped countries especially to
overcome the various obstacles that are present in higher education cannot be overlooked. This essay will focus on discussing and analyzing the different fundamental challenges and issues that women face in distance education, more so in the underdeveloped countries.
administrators and instructors of a particular blended learning educational program delivered via the e-class platform of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, named “Training Adult Educators”. Most of the questions were open-ended that provided with a lot of insight on this issue. There were some conclusions drawn but they just laid the foundations
for understanding some of the current trends in Greece regarding gender issues when designing e-learning programs.
and with varied abilities. Inclusivity in the education system helps to establish a society of
mutual respect and pushes children from all backgrounds to maximize the use of their abilities. Educators need to develop appropriate techniques to deal with the diversity of students. Transformational leadership helps to encourage students to build a culture of respect and to exploit their abilities. The leadership style withstands institutional influences and endure change, therefore promoting inclusive education.
learning in classrooms. BRCK Education is among the education services that are facilitating digital learning in Africa. Notably, this educational service was launched to help students and
teachers to access digital educational content in a cost-effective manner using customized tablets. BRCK Education team continues to upgrade its educational devices to improve the learners'
experience and help teachers in creating teaching plans. Evidently, BRCK Education will improve digital learning in Africa because the devices are designed to work in harsh terrains and are cost effective to use and maintain.
learning (Jusubalieva 6). Distance learning refers to a new mode of learning in which students are able to learn in new environments through technology away from the conventional face-to-face learning within physical learning institutions. One argument for technology in distance
education is that it provides an experience closer to the traditional face-to-face one; that is, it helps distance education to "replicate" face-to-face learning. Therefore, to help in evaluating the conceptual use of technology in education and learning, the focus of this report is to engage in a critique of this argument. The critique will evaluate some of the advantages and disadvantages that technology has had in distance learning when compared to traditional face-to-face learning
to determine the validity of that argument.
texts of the 20th century.
school’s existing e-learning curriculum, as well as to add new features that would boost engagement and enrolment. Recommendations from behaviorist thinkers like B.F Skinner and Bandura suggest that operant conditioning, which includes providing incentives and rewards for
good behavior and demerits for bad behavior, can help students achieve goals by motivating them toward positive action. The following paper will outline proposed strategies for the new e-learning module and use evidence-based, behaviorist theory to explain them.
various aspects that are involved.
had to abandon their homes in search of safety and security. Lebanon was among the first to offer assistance and shelter to Syrian refugees, which, however, was insufficient to mitigate adverse effects of the war on Syrians, especially children. This paper will explore the educational issues faced by Syrian children that threaten their current development and future life success. It starts by describing the current reality to proceed to present an ideal state of access to and participation in education in Lebanon. The paper analyses the existing gaps and suggests solutions for reducing them through practical actions.
However, this development in education has not come without its fair share of issues and challenges. In most of the underdeveloped countries, women are experiencing various difficulties in this form of education ranging from cultural norms, cost barriers, and technical barriers among other problems. Despite these numerous challenges, the fact that distance education has helped women significantly in underdeveloped countries especially to
overcome the various obstacles that are present in higher education cannot be overlooked. This essay will focus on discussing and analyzing the different fundamental challenges and issues that women face in distance education, more so in the underdeveloped countries.
administrators and instructors of a particular blended learning educational program delivered via the e-class platform of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, named “Training Adult Educators”. Most of the questions were open-ended that provided with a lot of insight on this issue. There were some conclusions drawn but they just laid the foundations
for understanding some of the current trends in Greece regarding gender issues when designing e-learning programs.
and with varied abilities. Inclusivity in the education system helps to establish a society of
mutual respect and pushes children from all backgrounds to maximize the use of their abilities. Educators need to develop appropriate techniques to deal with the diversity of students. Transformational leadership helps to encourage students to build a culture of respect and to exploit their abilities. The leadership style withstands institutional influences and endure change, therefore promoting inclusive education.
learning in classrooms. BRCK Education is among the education services that are facilitating digital learning in Africa. Notably, this educational service was launched to help students and
teachers to access digital educational content in a cost-effective manner using customized tablets. BRCK Education team continues to upgrade its educational devices to improve the learners'
experience and help teachers in creating teaching plans. Evidently, BRCK Education will improve digital learning in Africa because the devices are designed to work in harsh terrains and are cost effective to use and maintain.
learning (Jusubalieva 6). Distance learning refers to a new mode of learning in which students are able to learn in new environments through technology away from the conventional face-to-face learning within physical learning institutions. One argument for technology in distance
education is that it provides an experience closer to the traditional face-to-face one; that is, it helps distance education to "replicate" face-to-face learning. Therefore, to help in evaluating the conceptual use of technology in education and learning, the focus of this report is to engage in a critique of this argument. The critique will evaluate some of the advantages and disadvantages that technology has had in distance learning when compared to traditional face-to-face learning
to determine the validity of that argument.
texts of the 20th century.
school’s existing e-learning curriculum, as well as to add new features that would boost engagement and enrolment. Recommendations from behaviorist thinkers like B.F Skinner and Bandura suggest that operant conditioning, which includes providing incentives and rewards for
good behavior and demerits for bad behavior, can help students achieve goals by motivating them toward positive action. The following paper will outline proposed strategies for the new e-learning module and use evidence-based, behaviorist theory to explain them.
various aspects that are involved.