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    • Black Theology
The author of this work argues that North American evangelicals support of or opposition to Donald Trump's presidency attests to what they value politically even more so than their faith in a preexistent Creator. Moreover, a Black... more
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      SociologyLawPraxisPolitical Science
With the help of Toni Morrison's novels Beloved and The Bluest Eye, Josiah Young questions several claims G. W. Leibniz makes in his Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil. Specifically, Young... more
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      PhilosophyTheodicyBlack TheologyWonder
This paper sets out to do four things. First, it situates the concept of Subalterns in the Indian context. Caste plays an important part in its definition. Subalterns are the outcaste (Dalits) and non-caste (Adivasis) communities in the... more
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      ChristianityHinduismPolitical ScienceReligious Studies
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      ChristianityHinduismPolitical ScienceReligious Studies
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      ChristianityHinduismSociologyPolitical Science
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In every faith community, worship and education should be conceived and practiced as interdependent, interpenetrating dimen
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      Christian EducationLiturgyChurch LeadershipChristian Ministry
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      Church LeadershipJames E. LoderPractical TheologyIncarnational Theology
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      Church LeadershipIncarnational Theology
The postmodern era poses significant challenges to Christian faith in God. For many, a subterranean question lies just beneath their tenuous faith: "Is there an objective reality upon which faith in God is based?" This essay argues that,... more
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      Christian EducationCritical RealismMichael PolanyiTheological Epistemology
It is our contention that business education does a generally good job of instructing students in the foundations of business leadership. However, it does not do as well in applying lessons from theological approaches to leadership,... more
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      Practical theologyTransformational Leadership
This essay explores the nature of Christian leadership by contrasting one particularly dominant image of leadership in the church with a case study of a congregation whose life was transformed by bearing its cross faithfully. This case... more
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John and Charles Wesley had a developed understanding of and reverence for sacramental practice and theology that suggests a dynamic sacramental ecclesiol-ogy and lends itself to a robust concept of sacramentality. Taking seriously... more
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We are concerned here to explore the relation of transformation and Christian leadership. And as we come to greater clarity about the central role of transformation to Christian leadership, we will question the overriding - if not in... more
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PRECIS If the church Is to express authentically its nature as the Body of Christ in the world, how might its community and ministry be understood and enacted? It is argued here that all authentic forms of ministry arise out of the... more
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If the church is, as the apostle Paul claims, the Body of Christ in the world, then the church is always and everywhere a historical and social manifestation. Its particular social forms are of infinite variety: from the spontaneous... more
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Process-relational theology and emergence neuroscience (through the lens of Philip Clayton) can help Christians form holistic and scientific language to help survivors of trauma develop a “new identity in Christ.”
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      NeuroscienceProcess TheologyProcess PhilosophySelf Care
This paper will explore the complicated relationship and power dynamics between the Church and systems of poverty. I will argue that the Church should take a cue from Kendrick Lamar’s "How Much A Dollar Cost," in their response to income... more
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      ChristianityGlobalizationLiberation TheologyHip Hop Culture