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      Gender StudiesBiblical StudiesMasculinities
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      Gender StudiesBiblical StudiesMasculinities
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The Journal of the Bible and Its Reception (JBR) promotes the study of the reception history of the Bible in terms of both methodology and content. Published twice annually, JBR aims to shed light on the broader horizon of the impact of... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesHistory of Reception of Biblical Texts
A review of new literary approaches to the Book of Joshua, including my own reading of the Conquest Narrative using critical spatial theory alongside a narrative analysis.
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Proceedings of the Third Annual Theological Symposium of the International Postgraduate Theological Fellowship (Prague, CZ: IBTS Publishing, 2007).
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      EthicsPractical theologyBiblical StudiesChurch History
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      Gender StudiesContextual TheologiesBiblical StudiesMasculinity
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, vol. III (Camps and Ghettos Under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany), Indiana UP in association with USHMM, 2018. The section on Romania contains... more
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      Romanian HistoryGenocide StudiesRomani StudiesSecond World War
The study of biblical masculinities is now a clearly recognizable discipline in critical biblical gender studies. This book, the third in a series of SPP volumes that include Men and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond (ed. Ovidiu... more
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      Gender StudiesBiblical StudiesMasculinities
The first collection of essays aiming to introduce critical masculinity studies into the area of Holocaust gender studies. Chapters gathered here broaden the understanding of the role of gender in the Holocaust and its aftermath.
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The Holocaust in Romania: what we know, what we still need to find out, Adrian Cioflâncã, Wilhelm Filderman Center for the Study of Jewish History in Romania Open ghettos as a new dimension of the Holocaust in Romania, Dr. Ovidiu Creangă,... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust In Romania
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T h e RELATIONSHIP between the prose frame (Job 1-2 ; 4 2 :7-1 7) and the peetic dialogue (3:1-42:6) in the Book ofjob remains a thorny issue. On the one hand, there are a number of inconcinnities between the two sections that support the... more
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    • Book of Job
The present volume represents the work of Korean and Korean American biblical scholars from South Korea (Republic of Korea) and the United States. First and foremost, the contributors have made the volume possible. Much appreciation goes... more
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      Book of JobTranslation
This article reexamines the literary relationship between the prose frame (Job 1–2, 42:7–17) and the poetic core (3:1–42:6) of the book of Job. Building on previous work that identifies Job 1, 42:11–17 as an older and independent... more
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    • Book of Job
Edward L. Greenstein, who has recently published a most accomplished translation of the biblical book of Job, gives an indication of the extent of the labor required to produce such a translation: “I have been deeply engaged by the... more
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      Book of JobTranslation
Job compares himself time and again to defeated and trapped animals in the poetic core of the Book of Job. God, in responding to Job, describes in loving detail, as would a proud parent her children, the animals that populate creation.... more
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      Trauma StudiesSuicideBiblical Studies, Book of Job
This article argues that Esther, as befits her intersectional identity, employs a combination of tactics and strategies, as defined by Michel de Certeau, to navi- gate and dismantle the overlapping power structures of the Persian empire... more
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    • Intersectionality