Program Highlights
Ranked 4th in Canada in Education and Teaching by the QS World University Rankings, 2024!
Over $1.5 million dollars in scholarships, awards, and bursaries awarded to Werklund School of Education undergraduate students in the 2023/2024 academic year.
Numerous opportunities for students to engage in undergraduate research through awards and the Honours program.
Unique experiential learning opportunities available, ranging from co-curricular Service-Learning to Teaching Across Borders, Land-Based learning, mentorship, and more!
Which Pathway is Best for Me?
The Werklund School of Education offers five pathways to obtain a Bachelor of Education. Select the option that describes you best, and discover your Bachelor of Education!
If you're looking at obtaining your first degree, or changing your major, check out the below pathways:
Four-Year On-Campus Pathway
Do you want to take the fastest path toward embarking on your teaching career?
Do you live in, or want to move to, Calgary? Explore the Four-Year On-Campus Pathway!
Four-Year Community-Based Pathway
Do you want to take the fastest path toward embarking on your teaching career?
Do you live in a rural or remote area of Alberta? Would you like to remain and teach in your home community? Explore the Four-Year Community-Based Pathway!
Five-Year Concurrent Pathway
Do you want to get two degrees at the same time, and explore your teachable subject area more in-depth? Explore the Five-Year Concurrent BEd Pathway!
If you are on the verge of completing an undergraduate degree, or already have one, check out the below pathways:
Two-Year On-Campus After-Degree Pathway
Do you live in, or want to move to, Calgary? Explore the Two-Year On-Campus After-Degree pathway!
Two-Year Community-Based After-Degree Pathway
Do you live in a rural or remote area of Alberta? Would you like to remain and teach in your home community? Explore the Two-Year Community-Based After-Degree Pathway!
We are more than just an undergraduate degree program! Check out a few of the student opportunities and highlights that we offer, below.
The Werklund School of Education has served as the foundation of my success, both as an emerging educator, and as a life-long learner. In my time as a student, I have sprouted meaningful relationships with future colleagues and professionals within the field of education. My professors served me as well-versed instructors, mentors, and at times, compassionate colleagues willing to assist me as I navigated the early stages of my teaching practice. It is at Werklund that I am reminded that education empowers us to cultivate our true potential, paving way for personal growth and societal progress.
Ankush Dey
Teacher Education Centennial Scholarship Recipient, 2023
Are you a teacher or community partner looking to get involved?
Are you interested in becoming a partner teacher? Are you looking to develop your leadership skills by working with a final year student through our mentorship program, or working with the Werklund School of Education's Undergraduate Programs in another capacity? Take a look at our opportunities to get you connected, below!
As an experienced educator, you take great pride in your profession, and want to pass on your knowledge on to the next generation. Your contribution will help new teachers thrive and excel in their practice. Learn more about getting involved here!
Service Learning
Our students get a chance to work with children and youth through a wide range of community and campus partners, apply course concepts to the real world, and get co-curricular credit while they build their professional network. Learn more about getting involved here!
Partner Teachers
Partner teachers are key to our students' success, and the success of their classrooms. Your rewarding partnership will help our pre-service teachers develop their skills during their field placements. Learn more about getting involved here!
Community Partners
Our Community Partners support our Community-Based students in rural and remote settings during their field placements. Mentorship from experienced educators is integral to their success. To learn more, connect with us!
Join Concurrent pathway graduate Gordie Bishop on the Choose UCalgary Podcast, as he discusses field experience!
Important dates and upcoming events
Feb. 1, 2025
Change of Program Application Deadline: We encourage those interested in applying to change their program within Education or into Education to seek advising in advance of the Change of Program Application Deadline.
Feb. 16, 2025
Fall Term Break runs today through February 22nd, except for Field IV students who should refer to their placement school calendar.
Feb. 25, 2025
Continuing Student Registration for Spring and Summer 2025 Opens today!
March 13, 2025
Continuing On-Campus Four-Year Registration Webinar runs today at 3.00pm MDT!
March 20, 2025
Concurrent Progression into EDUC 400s Webinar runs today at 3.00pm MDT!
March 31, 2025
Completing your degree requirements in Winter 2025? Today is the deadline to Apply to Graduate!
April 3, 2025
Our Newly Admitted After-Degree Registration Webinar is today at 6:00pm MDT.
April 11, 2025
Today is the last day for regularly scheduled classes!
May 13, 2025
Newly Admitted On-Campus Four-Year Registration Webinar runs today at 6.00pm MDT!
Honouring the educators who inspire our community
2023 University of Calgary Teaching Awards recognize recipients for their outstanding contributions to student learning
UCalgary celebrates Violet King and 6 exemplary students with 1st-ever award of its kind
Calgary trailblazer's legacy honoured at awards ceremony Feb. 15
Study abroad course in Spain 'unlike any school experience you can imagine'
Immersive experiential learning brings together students from across campus
Looking back on a year of exceptional undergraduate research experiences
In 2023, students researched everything from natural dyes to AI detection tools during summer studentships
Métis Bachelor of Education student leads by example in Indigenous Education program
Melody Kulifaj inspires her fellow students, sharing her knowledge of Métis culture and history
Werklund School of Education and Northern Lakes College address rural and remote teacher shortage
Renewal of BEd transfer agreement recommits to community-based learning
Have questions?
Advising Availability
Visit our contact page for further details on appointment and drop-in options.
Education Tower, Room 230 (Second Floor)
University of Calgary Main Campus
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta