Papers by Nancy L Marshall

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2001
In the most comprehensive US study to date about connections among child care experiences, family... more In the most comprehensive US study to date about connections among child care experiences, family factors, and children's early development, 1100 children have been followed from birth through age 7. The study's intent is to describe family and child care/school contexts of children's development and examine associations between contextual variations and children's developmental outcomes in social-emotional, cognitive, and physical health domains. By age 3, over 90% of the children had experienced regular nonmaternal care, and over 50% were regularly spending over 30 hours/week in care. Economic factors, family characteristics, and maternal attitudes all influenced the amount and nature of early nonmaternal care. Observed quality of nonmaternal care consistently predicted socialemotional and cognitive-linguistic outcomes during the first 3 years of life. Amount of time spent in nonmaternal care predicted some social-emotional outcomes. Type and stability of nonmaternal care had limited predictive value. Family factors, including maternal sensitivity, quality of home environment, and income, were more consistent predictors of children's outcomes than any aspect of early nonmaternal care experiences. D
Journal of Family Psychology, 2004
The current study focuses on the association between children's social adjustment in the tra... more The current study focuses on the association between children's social adjustment in the transition to school and the early elementary school years and their fathers' and mothers' parenting behaviors and beliefs and quality of marital relationship. The authors found that the most competent and least problematic children from the teachers' perspectives are those whose fathers are sensitive and supportive of their children's autonomy, whose mothers' parenting beliefs support self-directed child behavior, and whose parents maintain an emotionally intimate relationship. These findings have implications for efforts to prevent early school problems in children and support the children's transitions into formal schooling.
American Educational Research Journal, 2002
... Page 2. NICHD Early Child Care Research Network week (Capizzano &... more ... Page 2. NICHD Early Child Care Research Network week (Capizzano & Adams, 2000). In the kindergarten class of 1998-1999, 81% of the children had child-care experience prior to school entry (West, Denton, & Germino-Hausken, 1999). ...

Developmental Psychology, 2004
This study evaluated the extent to which first-grade class size predicted child outcomes and obse... more This study evaluated the extent to which first-grade class size predicted child outcomes and observed classroom processes for 651 children (in separate classrooms). Analyses examined observed child-adult ratios and teacher-reported class sizes. Smaller classrooms showed higher quality instructional and emotional support, although children were somewhat less likely to be engaged. Teachers in smaller classes rated typical children in those classes as more socially skilled and as showing less externalizing behavior and reported more closeness toward them. Children in smaller classes performed better on literacy skills. Larger classrooms showed more group activities directed by the teacher, teachers and children interacted more often, and children were more often engaged. Lower class sizes were not of more benefit (or harm) as a function of the child's family income. First-grade class size in the range typical of present-day classrooms in the United States predicts classroom social and instructional processes as well as relative changes in social and literacy outcomes from kindergarten to first grade.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1995
Are changes in job quality more closely linked to changes in distress for men than for women? Con... more Are changes in job quality more closely linked to changes in distress for men than for women? Conversely, are changes in marital quality more closely linked to changes in distress for women than for men? These questions were addressed in a longitudinal analysis of a random sample of 210 fulltime employed dual-earner couples. Change over time in job role quality was significantly associated with change over time in distress, and the magnitude of the relationship differed little, if at all. by gender. In contrast, change over time in marital role quality was also associated with change in distress, but the magnitude of the association depended on gender. Among full-time employed married women, change in marital experience was more closely linked to change in distress than among their husbands.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1995
Are changes in job quality more closely linked to changes in distress for men than for women? Con... more Are changes in job quality more closely linked to changes in distress for men than for women? Conversely, are changes in marital quality more closely linked to changes in distress for women than for men? These questions were addressed in a longitudinal analysis of a random sample of 210 fulltime employed dual-earner couples. Change over time in job role quality was significantly associated with change over time in distress, and the magnitude of the relationship differed little, if at all. by gender. In contrast, change over time in marital role quality was also associated with change in distress, but the magnitude of the association depended on gender. Among full-time employed married women, change in marital experience was more closely linked to change in distress than among their husbands.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993
This article examines the association between job role quality and psychological distress in a sa... more This article examines the association between job role quality and psychological distress in a sample of 300 full-time employed dual-earner couples, controlling for such individual level variables as age, education, occupational prestige, and marital quality and for such couple level variables as length of marriage, parental status, and household income. The magnitude of this effect is compared for men and for women. Results indicate that job role quality is significantly negatively associated with psychological distress for women as well as for men and that the magnitude of the effect depends little, if at all, on gender, casting doubt on the widely held view that job experiences more significantly influence men's mental health states than women's. The results are discussed in the context of differentiating between sex differences and gender differences.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Cost and Quality of Full Day, Year-Round Early Care and Education in Massachusetts: Preschool Classrooms [with] Executive Summary](
There are an estimated 167,000 children in early care and education programs in Massachusetts. In... more There are an estimated 167,000 children in early care and education programs in Massachusetts. In 2000, the state department of education commissioned a study of the cost and quality of early care and education in the state. This report and executive summary are the first from the study, addressing early care and education for preschool-aged children in full-day, year-round centers. The study drew a random sample of 90 communitybased centers. To measure the quality of care, a single preschool-aged classroom was chosen in each of the centers in the sample. Data collectors observed classroom for 3 to 4 hours that were typical of the usual care environment for that classroom provider. Data collectors also interviewed providers about their education and training. Center directors or owners were interviewed by a separate research team about center character tics, enrollment, staffing, revenues, and expenditures. Findings include the following: (1) overall, full-time care and education for preschoolers in Massachusetts is comparable to or better than similar preschool care in other states; (2) Massachusetts' preschool classrooms vary considerably in the quality of care and education they provide; (3) centers with lower child to staff ratios, better educated teachers, and that make greater use of teachers rather than assistant teachers provide higher quality care; (4) low-and moderate-income families are less likely than higher income families to have access to quality care and education; (5) labor is the single largest component of center costs, and labor costs are strongly associated with observed quality of care and education; and (6) higher quality early care and education costs significantly more than lower quality care and education. (Contains 22 references.) (HTH) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

This study examined the role of child care in empowering low-income parents. The study, which was... more This study examined the role of child care in empowering low-income parents. The study, which was part of a larger evaluation of the Committee for Boston Public Housing (CBPH), compared families with children in the Washington-Beech Community Preschool (WBCP), run by CBPH, with families at the Washington-Beech Houling Development whose children did not attend WBCP. WBCP was designed to provide an environment tilat fosters the social, motor and cognitive development of young children. The CBPH model posits that such programs, established in response to tenant needs and includin5 parent involvement, will foster the empowerment of parents. Thirty-nine families, with children aged 2-5 years, were interviewed. Parents of children in WBCP were compared with those in two control groups: (1) parents whose children were always cared for by a parent; and (2) parents whose children were cared for by a provider other than WBCP or a parent. Items measured were the individual's sense of self-respect, belief in collective action, and ability to use social networks. Results showed that feelings of empowerment significantly increased over the course of the year for individual WBCP parents, while members of the other groups showed essentially no change.
Wellesley Centers For Women, Jan 11, 2004
The Massachusetts Cost and Quality Study assessed the quality and costs of early care and educati... more The Massachusetts Cost and Quality Study assessed the quality and costs of early care and education services in Massachusetts, the relationship between quality and costs, and the relationship between the family income of children served and the quality of care provided by early ...
Merrill Palmer Quarterly, Jun 30, 1997
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
American Behavioral Scientist

The Boston Public Schools (BPS) Department of Early Childhood commissioned a needs assessment of ... more The Boston Public Schools (BPS) Department of Early Childhood commissioned a needs assessment of current kindergarten (K2) and preschool (K1) programs (1) to inform the BPS Department of Early Childhood about professional development needs to improve the quality of existing K1 and K2 programs; and (2) to inform the Department of additional classroom resources necessary to expand the K1 program to provide universal access for Boston 4 year olds to accredited, full day programs. This report is based on data collected from 43 K1 classrooms and 85 K2 classrooms in 67 different BPS schools in the 2005-2006 school year. Integrated classrooms were included in the sample, as were SEI and bilingual classrooms. The BPS Needs Assessment consisted of classroom observations, surveys of classroom teachers and school principals, as well as surveys completed by 844 families with children in the selected classrooms. The report makes nine recommendations: (1) Bring all K1 and K2 programs up to the Na...
Women, Work, and Health, 1991
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
ICPSR Data Holdings, 2000
Papers by Nancy L Marshall