weiss_kreuzmas 2013 is now open for sign-ups!
If you haven't already, check out the
rules and the
FAQ. And once you've done that, you're welcome to sign-up by replying to this post with your prompts
(REMEMBER: you must reply with at least three non-crossover prompts, and submitting prompts means that you're prepared to contribute fic or art for someone else's prompt) in the following way:
NAME: journal name or however you wish you be addressed.
EMAIL ADDRESS: Please make sure this is an address you check frequently!
MAXIMUM RATING: If you don't like to read/see anything above a certain rating, this is the place to say so. Additionally, if you are not yet of legal age in your country, please do not request (or claim!) NC-17 rated prompts.
I'D LIKE: Fic only please / Either fic or art would be fabulous!
Please make sure that your prompts are art friendly if you indicate that you would like to receive art. AT LEAST THREE WK-ONLY PROMPTS: Characters/pairing and prompt | Era (Pre-Crashers/Crashers/Pre-Kapitel/Kapit
el/Pre-OVAs/OVAs/Pre-Glühen/Glühen/Pre-Weiss Side B/Weiss Side B) | Genre (gen-fic/angst/mangst/humour/crack/etc)
UP TO FIVE OTHER PROMPTS: Here's where you can request your Schuldig/Loki crossover or Yohji/Derek|Stiles fusion fic. Same information as above, and if you have a particular character in mind, be sure to specify which fandom they're from. Frex, UraBoku and Gravitation both feature a male romantic lead called 'Yuki', and Norse Mythology Loki is not the same as movieverse Loki who is not the same as the various comicsverse Lokis -- getting one instead of the other in your gift will make a
huge difference.
DO WANT: List your favourite things here (eg, "Yohji crying", "tentacles", "detailed descriptions of horrendous 80s fashion disasters", etc). The more information you provide, the better!
DO NOT WANT: List your squicks and pet peeves here: (eg, "songfic", "Ken falling over things all the livelong day for no reason, FFS, he was an elite athlete before Persia got his paws on him", "Glühen", etc). The more information you provide, the better!
ANYTHING ELSE WE SHOULD KNOW: Exactly what it says on the tin.
If you need to use more than one comment to fill out the form, simply reply to your original comment. If you screw up or change your mind in a few days and can no longer edit your sign-up comment, simply make a brand new comment - just remember to delete your old one after you've finished!
Copy the text from the following box, paste it into your comment, and fill out the fields. Type in your prompts in the areas marked (Insert Prompts Here ... ) and remember to then delete the (Insert Prompts Here ... ) text. Please delete any unused coded prompt lines as well, but make sure you leave in the /ol code at the end of the section! It might also be a good idea to preview your comment before posting it! Just in case. :)
(Yes, we are totally anal with the coding, but it makes it easier for all of you (and us!) to read each other's sign ups! Don't forget to indicate era and genre for each prompt!)
Please do not suggest too much detail, give a plot outline, or ask for a novel -- these are small gifts! See
earlier sign-up posts for reference!
Prompts will close on
SUNDAY, 27 OCTOBER 2013 at 10:00 P.M. UTC TIME, after which claiming will immediately begin. What time is that where I live, you ask?
Here's a spiffy chart we made to tell you!
Not sure how to proceed? Questions? Comments? Get in touch with us mods, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!