? ?
05 January 2014 @ 10:18 am
Well, that's all for Weiss Kreuzmas 2013, folks!

Without further ado, the 2013 exchange and bonus round masterlists, for your viewing pleasure!

Exchange Master ListCollapse )

Bonus Round Master ListCollapse )

Thanks again to all of you for playing, and for all of your work!

- kreuzmas_kitty
Author: nekojita
Recipient: summerbutterfly
Title: Umami
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing(s): Schuldig/Aya
Summary: Aya gets paid a visitor. It's not the first time, and he's not happy about it or how things turn out. Based on the prompt '“You’re my favorite flavor.”| Kapitel/Tokyo Sling| Mindgames with Aya, Schuldig style| any genre.'
Warnings/Content: None that come to mind.
Word Count: 2740
Author's Notes: A good bit influenced by the Kapitel video.

UmamiCollapse )
Current Mood: coldcold
21 December 2013 @ 06:20 am
Author: viridian5
Recipient: daegaer
Title: Takeover
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Nagi/Schuldig
Spoilers: “Last Mission 11: Piece of Heaven,” “Last Mission 12: Epitaph,” “Mission 22: Miteid -- Final Reconciliation,” and some vague spoilers for the whole Glühen series.
Summary: Now that he’s returned to Schwarz, Nagi has plans.
Warnings/Content: a bit of light m/m.
Word Count: 1,810
Author's Notes: This fic was inspired by daegaer's prompt from this year's bonus round: “Nagi/Schuldig; post-Glühen; they form a new team; any genre.” Read-through by rosaleendhu.

'Takeover'Collapse )
Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished
Current Music: "Louder Than Words (Ryle Remix)" by Celldweller
Author: nekojita
Recipient: andmydog
Title: Shine a Brilliant Light
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing(s): Crawford/Schuldig Gen
Summary: A bit of a background on events that leads to Schwarz 'accepting' the mission in Japan. Based on the prompt '[American Gods universe] Being 1/8 god has its advantages.'
Warnings/Content: None that come to mind.
Word Count: 1736

Shine a Brilliant LightCollapse )
Current Mood: amusedamused
Author: ryoku_chan
Recipient: zeph317toho
Title: The Four Princes of Ice
Rating: M (Probably)
Characters/Pairing(s): Aya, Ken, Youji, and Omi
Summary: Take any fairy tale (Western or not) and give it a Weiss Kreuz spin. Sleeping Yohji, Snow Aya, Little Red Riding Nagi, pick whatever fairy or folk tale you like!
Warnings/Content: Fairy tale format, and angst. Oh, violence too. There's a spot of that.
Word Count: Just shy of 2,000
Author's Notes: I sorta kinda maybe just did what I wanted with this request. I didn't use any particular fairy tale, but sort of crafted my own around the characters using various fairy tale tropes. I apologize if it was not what you wanted. But hopefully, you enjoy it none the less?

And then there were four.Collapse )
01 January 2014 @ 01:29 pm

Another year, another Weiss Kreuzmas exchange round over and done with, which means it's time for the master list :Db

THANK YOU to all our artists, readers, writers, pimpers and squee-ers -- we wouldn't be able to do it without you all ♥

We'll get the bonus round underway shortly, but in the meantime, here's the summary of all of this year's gifts...Collapse )

In other Weiss Kreuz news, be sure to join the WK banter over on weisskreuz if you haven't already.

And remember, there's still the bonus round to come, so keep your f'list tuned to this frequency (it's not too late to grab a bonus prompt -- get your gettings here)!
Author: red_squared
Recipient: athena8
Title:  The queens we use would not excite you
Rating: G, at the most PG for implied violence.
Characters: Queen, Takatori Shuichi, Takatori Saijou
Summary: A pawn can become a queen if it survives the journey to the other side of the board.
Warnings/Content: Nope!
Word Count: ~ 3,000
Author's Notes: Written for athena8 who requested: ‘King and Queen | tensions between the ones who share the power. I think Queen had a lot of sway with might be interesting to see that power play, especially since they disagreed fundamentally on the necessity of "Weiss." Bonus if a Mamoru 'afterward' is included, to trace the arc of the King-Queen relationship. | any era so long as Shuuichi is mentioned (can be flashback)’.  I originally had another prompt (or two!) in mind, but Queen insisted that I wanted to write about her instead, and I couldn’t really say no :D

The queens we use would not excite youCollapse )
15 December 2013 @ 07:45 pm
Author: andmydog
Recipient: red_squared
Title: Though they sink
Rating: R
Character/Pairing(s): Schwarz
Spoilers: All of Kapital
Summary: Crawford sees a way to escape from Esset's chains. But at what cost?
Warnings/Content: Mild gore (canonical head wound), bad neuroscience
Word Count: 3500
Author's Notes: The dialogue completely got away from me, so... sorry about that.

Though they sink through the sea they shall rise againCollapse )
13 December 2013 @ 02:50 pm
Author: daegaer
Recipient: lady_ganesh
Title: Good Intentions
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing(s): Nagi/Mamoru
Summary: Mamoru's losing himself. Nagi can't decide if he wants to save him or let him drown.
Warnings/Content: N/A
Word Count: 2,187
Author's Notes: Set post Glühen.

Good IntentionsCollapse )
09 December 2013 @ 08:34 pm
Artist: indelicateink
Recipient: daegaer
Title: 17, 12
Rating: G
Characters: Crawford & Schuldig
Summary: for daegaer's prompt, "Crawford & Schuldig, their interactions in Rosenkreuz as teenagers"
Warnings/Content: worksafe
Artist's Notes: Crawford and Schuldig at Rosenkreuz, ages 17 and 12. Merry kreuzmas, daegaer! :)

young Crawford and SchuldigCollapse )

Author: lady_ganesh
Recipient: indelicateink
Title: You Can't Make an Omelet Without Breaking Some Telepaths
Rating: PG-ish
Characters/Pairing(s): pre-Crawford/Schuldig
Summary: Crawford has a future in mind, and he's more than capable of destroying anyone who stands in his way.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 2,443
Author's Notes: Thanks to red_squared for betaing.

You Can't Make an OmeletCollapse )
Author: athena8
Recipient: andmydog
Title: Deep Into That Darkness Peering
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing(s): Ken, OC
Summary: Based on the prompt, “Ken knows he's going mad. He just doesn't care.”
Warnings/Content: Psychosis, mentions of murder
Word Count: ~3,800
Author's Notes: The title comes from Edgar Allen Poe’s poem “The Raven.” The story is loosely based on the drama CD “Sleepless Night.” This fic isn’t written in a very conventional manner, but I hope it’s enjoyable and gets its point across! Thanks for reading. Special thanks to my best friend M.L. for her beta.

We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.Collapse )
04 December 2013 @ 06:42 pm
Author: summerbutterfly
Recipient: crescentium
Title: Deeper and Deeper
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing(s): Schuldig/Aya with guest appearance by Crawford
Summary: Schuldig's routine assignment turns into a delightfully dangerous game.
Warnings/Content: violence, blood, cursing, mindfuckery, torture, heavily implied incest, sexual innuendo, non-sexual dub-con.
Word Count: 3,009
Author's Notes: Not exactly a cheery fic. A million thank yous to oracle_dreams who pulled me out of a very bad writing rut and eyeballed all 8,000 drafts of this. All the love to crescentium and the prompt that made my muses run wild. Title and cut-text gacked from here .

I'm going down now, deeper and deeperCollapse )
08 December 2013 @ 12:29 pm
Hiya Weiß Kreuz-ian cats and kittens,

For those of you who have already put your gifts in the queue: WOO HOO.

For all you others, just a reminder that the deadline for gifts is fact approaching (Monday 9 December, for those of you keeping score at a home). If you need an extension for the main exchange, just let us know -- we don't need an explanation/excuse/sad story (please do not feed Schuldig's Schadenfreude), but we do need some idea of when (or even if) you expect to submit.

Also a reminder that once your gift is in, you are required encouraged more than welcome to claim a second prompt from the BONUS ROUND!!!1!!!11!, for which the deadline is more... fluid.

Have at it!

-- kreuzmas_kitty, on behalf of midnitemaraud_r and red_squared
09 November 2013 @ 01:40 pm
First off: everybody who has signed up to participate in the exchange round should have posting access to weiss_kreuzmas -- if you don't think you do, please check your invites. If you're still not sure, ping the moderator account and we'll investigate.

Second off: it's that ~♥~other~♥~ most wonderful time of the year -- the annual weiss_kreuzmas BONUS ROUND!!!1!!!11!

Below and behind the cut, you will find all of the prompts that were unclaimed in the exchange round. Additionally, we have provided a link to the original submission comment if you wish to view the specific likes/dislikes each person provided, but since this is the bonus round, we will not hold you to those specifics.

To claim, simply comment to this post with the number and prompt you're choosing. If you're not really an artist, but you have a brilliant idea for crack, or you want to show off your "I'm not an artist, but I play one in Kreuzmas" skills a la lauand's fantastic (and NSFW) "Draw Like a Five-Year-Old Contest", go for it! If you don't quite make the standard 500 word minimum, and your ficlet clocks in at 457 words, we're not actually going to count. If you want to be creative and tell a story with a series of haiku or drabbles, a screenplay/script, or you're an icon or vid maker and have ideas that fulfill a prompt, well -- this is the bonus round. TIME TO SHINE.

  • BONUS ROUND!!!1!!!11! entries are due around the end of the December -- we're flexible on timing, as if you're playing in the main exchange, you may not be able to get another gift into the queue until the first one clears.

  • If you would like to submit additional prompts, you may do so. We'll add them to the list.

  • If you would like to claim your own prompt, you may also do so!

  • You are welcome to claim more than one bonus prompt, but we ask that you finish one before claiming another.

  • You may combine more than one prompt.

  • The "loose" rules are that each prompt may be claimed twice - once for fic, and once for art. However! If you are dead set on claiming a previously claimed prompt, you can contact the previous claimer to ask if they're okay with it. Additionally, if you will be creating icons or a video, or some other format that is not a standard fic/ficlet/art, you may claim a previously claimed prompt.

  • You can only have one post in the moderation queue at a time, so please make sure you post your exchange round fic first! Hang on to your bonus contributions until your first fic/art is posted (released from the queue), and then you can upload them to the queue. If you are only playing in the bonus round and not the exchange, you can upload your bonus fic/art/other at any time. If you are writing/drawing multiple bonus fics/art/other, again, hang on to the extra ones until your first one clears.

    An alternate method would be to use a second or sock account to post multiple entries, which you are free to do - just contact us so we can grant you posting access!

28 October 2013 @ 09:01 am
And we're now open for claiming!

Come and get your prompt, and then submit your gift into the queue by MONDAY 9 DECEMBER 2013.
19 October 2013 @ 05:18 pm
[info]weiss_kreuzmas 2013 is now open for sign-ups!

If you haven't already, check out the rules and the FAQ. And once you've done that, you're welcome to sign-up by replying to this post with your prompts (REMEMBER: you must reply with at least three non-crossover prompts, and submitting prompts means that you're prepared to contribute fic or art for someone else's prompt) in the following way:

NAME: journal name or however you wish you be addressed.

EMAIL ADDRESS: Please make sure this is an address you check frequently!

MAXIMUM RATING: If you don't like to read/see anything above a certain rating, this is the place to say so. Additionally, if you are not yet of legal age in your country, please do not request (or claim!) NC-17 rated prompts.

I'D LIKE: Fic only please / Either fic or art would be fabulous! Please make sure that your prompts are art friendly if you indicate that you would like to receive art.

AT LEAST THREE WK-ONLY PROMPTS: Characters/pairing and prompt | Era (Pre-Crashers/Crashers/Pre-Kapitel/Kapitel/Pre-OVAs/OVAs/Pre-Glühen/Glühen/Pre-Weiss Side B/Weiss Side B) | Genre (gen-fic/angst/mangst/humour/crack/etc)

UP TO FIVE OTHER PROMPTS: Here's where you can request your Schuldig/Loki crossover or Yohji/Derek|Stiles fusion fic. Same information as above, and if you have a particular character in mind, be sure to specify which fandom they're from. Frex, UraBoku and Gravitation both feature a male romantic lead called 'Yuki', and Norse Mythology Loki is not the same as movieverse Loki who is not the same as the various comicsverse Lokis -- getting one instead of the other in your gift will make a huge difference.

DO WANT: List your favourite things here (eg, "Yohji crying", "tentacles", "detailed descriptions of horrendous 80s fashion disasters", etc). The more information you provide, the better!

DO NOT WANT: List your squicks and pet peeves here: (eg, "songfic", "Ken falling over things all the livelong day for no reason, FFS, he was an elite athlete before Persia got his paws on him", "Glühen", etc). The more information you provide, the better!

ANYTHING ELSE WE SHOULD KNOW: Exactly what it says on the tin.

If you need to use more than one comment to fill out the form, simply reply to your original comment. If you screw up or change your mind in a few days and can no longer edit your sign-up comment, simply make a brand new comment - just remember to delete your old one after you've finished!


Copy the text from the following box, paste it into your comment, and fill out the fields. Type in your prompts in the areas marked (Insert Prompts Here ... ) and remember to then delete the (Insert Prompts Here ... ) text. Please delete any unused coded prompt lines as well, but make sure you leave in the /ol code at the end of the section! It might also be a good idea to preview your comment before posting it! Just in case. :)

(Yes, we are totally anal with the coding, but it makes it easier for all of you (and us!) to read each other's sign ups! Don't forget to indicate era and genre for each prompt!)

Please do not suggest too much detail, give a plot outline, or ask for a novel -- these are small gifts! See earlier sign-up posts for reference!

Prompts will close on SUNDAY, 27 OCTOBER 2013 at 10:00 P.M. UTC TIME, after which claiming will immediately begin. What time is that where I live, you ask? Here's a spiffy chart we made to tell you!

Not sure how to proceed? Questions? Comments? Get in touch with us mods, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
05 October 2013 @ 01:27 pm

Sign-ups start mid-October 2013(ish) -- start thinking about what you want to PROMPT (here are some we prepared earlier, if you want an idea of how things roll :Db).

Need anything else? Check out one or more of:


Got a question that hasn't been covered in the rules or the FAQ? Ask it here! Or email us mods at weiss DOT kreuzmas AT gmail DOT com and we'll get back to you directly!

IN THE MEANTIME, be sure to check out the battle over at weissvsaiyuki -- Saiyuki fandom is currently leading, 2-nil :O WEISS FANDOM, REPRESENT.
12 January 2013 @ 07:41 pm
It's the middle of January, most people have taken their Christmas decorations down, and we've felt up all the stockings and come up empty (...), which means that weiss_kreuzmas is officially over for another year.

THANK YOU to everybody who played, pimped, discussed, wrote, flailed and squeed with us -- it just wouldn't be Kreuzmas without you all.

Under the respective cuts are the master lists for the bonus round and for the exchange portion of weiss_kreuzmas. If you haven't already, there's still plenty of time to click through and read (or re-read!) anything you may have missed or to leave a comment if you weren't able to the first time.

Without further ado:

BONUS ROUND MASTER LIST - click for the treats!Collapse )

EXCHANGE MASTER LIST - click for the goodies!Collapse )

See you all again next year!

Kreuz-ily yours,
kreuzmas_kitty, midnitemaraud_r and red_squared
05 January 2013 @ 06:03 pm
Author: inktrap
Recipient: mereprototype
Title: Peer Mediation
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing(s): Chloe/Ken
Summary: "Ken is pretty much like a tiger in that department: all strength, teeth and claws, but just a big cat, endearing to look at from a distance, when not tearing things to pieces."
Warnings/Content: N/A
Word Count: 2.962
Author's Notes: I'm so sorry for the delay. I freaked out about editing this all by myself, so I'm really sorry for any english mistakes you might find. I hope the snark makes up for it!

Read more...Collapse )