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Come weird with me's LiveJournal:
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Thursday, July 8th, 2010 | 10:34 am [misswithers]
Multi-person Yard Sale to fund dental work for a kitty cat. One day only. Sunday July 11th, 9am - 4pm. 1918 Lemoyne St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 -Vintage Women's Clothing sizes M/L -Men and Women's Clothing -Electronics -Furniture/Chotchkys -Vinyl -78s -Action Figures -Books -Toys -Household Items -Kitchenware -Lots of Fake Food -Two Lamps -And more... Here's a puppy to intice you. | Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 | 1:18 pm [misswithers]
| 11:51 am [misswithers]
Black Market At Black Maria: Skip The Mall (2009)NOVEMBER 21ST THROUGH JANUARY 2ND, 2010 Opening Reception: Saturday, 21st of November, 7:00 - 10:30pm "Black Market" is quintessential Black Maria, showing the work of emerging artists and established artists side by side. It is a great opportunity to see work by artists with international collectors as well as by artists who will be showing their work outside of an academic environment for the first time.  Adam Alaniz, Lydiaemily Archibald, Jan Beran, Julian Callos, Lucy Campbell, Grace Chee, Catia Chien, Katherine Chiu, Bryan Collins, Nanami Cowdroy, Steven Daily, Nicole Dreyfuss, Alexis Dubois, Lauren Gardiner, Jane Gotts, Kio Griffith, Tom Haubrick, Aaron Hitchcock, Michael Hsiung, Tyler Jeffers, Aaron Kraten, Benjamin Long, Danni Shinya Luo, Jon Measures, Minchi, Paul Nagel, Dany Paragouteva, Miss Withers, Taylor Marie Prendergast, Noah Ptolemy, Shark Toof, Suso, and many more... Black Maria Gallery | Monday, September 28th, 2009 | 9:27 am [misswithers]
This weekend! October 3rd and 4th! Two art shows! L.A. Noir  October 3rd and 4th 3pm - 9pm 1918 Lemoyne St. Los Angeles, 90026 The Tarot Show at The Hive  729 S. Spring St, Downtown Los Angeles October 3rd, 8pm - midnight $8 ($5 if dressed in black and yellow) | Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009 | 10:51 pm [misswithers]
Bee-rotica  at The Hive  The Hive Gallery Group show and Performances- BEEROTICA themed show- erotic pieces inspired by our favorite insects, Bees July 4th 8-12:30AM $8 at door/ $5 for those dressed w/ erotic outfit Show runs July 4th- July 25th 2009 PARKING: FREE street & loading zones/ $10 at immediate lot on lft. past 7th st. Featured Artist 1: Rebecca Hahn Featured Artist 2: Hembert Guardado Tall Wall Artist: Antonio Roybal Small Wall Artist: Gyorgy Bp. Szabo Installation Artist: Big Toe  Beerotica Artists: Macsorro / Nathan Cartwright / Greg Gould / Michael Pukac / Jodii Tseng / Ping Ping / Jose Carabes / Ichae Ackso / Henry Cram / Randy Horton / Ken Garduno / Jessica Ward / Kelly Thompson / Erick Rodriguez / Ugly Shyla / Eitan Alexander / Carl Lozada / Ted Von Heiland / Ryan Ebelt / Michael Pukac / Ping Ping / Liz Lorini / Lauren Over / Steven Sattler / Skyler Gonzalez / Raya Golden / Johnny Siu / Lolita Gunslinger / Gregory Rodriguez / Cate Rangal / Lea Vendetta / Edward Cao / Sherry DeLorme / Miss Withers / Laura Diamond / Milla Zeltzer / Paul Torres / Terri Woodward / Jeruselum Crickets / Thom Foolery / Zachary Schoenbaum / | Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 | 5:41 pm [movehalfaninch]
Anvil! The Story of Anvil! is coming to Edwards University Town Center 6 in Irvine this weekend. For those of you who don't know, Anvil! The Story of Anvil has been called the real life This Is Spinal Tap. My friends saw it in NYC and said it was the best thing ever. you can get tix here
| Thursday, February 19th, 2009 | 3:08 pm [sallystardust]
Something cool to do in LA (running for 5 more weeks!)
LA Weekly calls FILM it's Pick of the Week!! Watch the talkback with James Karen (longtime friend of Buster Keaton who was in the movie 'Film') here! Full LA Weekly Review: Failing Better The Absurdists' convention Local playwright Patrick McGowan's new play, Film, has no right to be as good as it is. The central character is the late theater director Alan Schneider (Bill Robens) -- known for staging some of the best plays by Absurdist authors, including Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? on Broadway, and introducing almost all of Samuel Beckett's plays to the American stage. Film has no right to be so good because Schneider, in this play, is an insufferable, flailing bully. The play is Schneider's nightmare -- an Absurdist nightmare, naturally -- a comedy and inexplicably scintillating entertainment about artistic failure. This biographical story, set in 1965 New York, features Schneider trying to make a film from a screenplay by Samuel Beckett (Phil Ward), who has come to New York to work with Schneider. Joining them to star in the slogging, portentous film, also named Film (now regarded by some historians as a "masterpiece") is Beckett's favorite comedian, Buster Keaton (Carl J. Johnson), long past his prime, spiritually at ease with his station in life, and willing to play along with the clueless intellectuals and a film crew whose patience gets sorely tested. Ward's Beckett is a delightfully rueful, awkward and solitary figure, aching in vain (of course) for the affections of the star-struck yet savvy prop mistress (the lovely Deana Barone). Johnson's Keaton (Mandi Moss handily plays the comedian in his younger days) has a pleasingly bemused perspective on Schneider's temper tantrums. Framing the story are slivers of Waiting for Godot in both French and English, and, in another nod to Beckett, a vaudeville in front of a curtain, featuring a kind of Mutt and Jeff routine, here played out by Schneider and the source of his envy, director Mike Nichols (who grabbed the job directing the movie of Virginia Woolf), portrayed here as a figure of rare competence by Trevor H. Olsen. Despite his production being slightly too long, director Trevor Biship knows exactly what he's doing, astutely staging the action (with supplementary archived film clips of Keaton in his prime) on Sarah Palmrose's emblematic set of a stage within a stage within a stage, each with its own curtain, and together depicting the multiple, clashing realities inside Schneider's tormented brain. Theatre of NOTE, 1517 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood; Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m.; through March 21. (323) 856-8611. --Steven Leigh Morris Or read the review here!Buy Tickets Online here! Ask me about discount tickets we have available! Current Mood: cheerful | Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 | 10:50 am [sallystardust]
| Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 | 1:25 pm [guitarrorist]
| Monday, November 24th, 2008 | 11:20 am [misswithers]
| Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008 | 9:45 am [misswithers]
 FEATURED ARTISTS FOR APRIL 30TH: Barcode, Lycan from MDH Graphic Design, The Art + Craftwork of L.E. DUBIN, Chanel Penley, Christine Penley, Pinkgrenade®, DEZ, Vinzent, K. Howell, ERNESTO VAZQUEZ OF EVILLUSTRATIONS, Angie Cardone, Larry P. Holdaway, MAER, Jinx, Miss Withers, UNEQUALART, Emily J. Steigerwald, Detra, Junky Christ, Pictor Photography, Spinestealer, SULLENGRL/ Deborah Medina, Vanessa FAYD, Roger Cornwall Jr., Gaston, PACKMAN, [Gian] Simplify Photography, FetishKitty, Stephen Von Frankenstein, Luanie Kologi, and Topper Anthony from XIII Designs, Roxanne Zidell, Suspect Art, and serk one.
FREE Vodka shots from Hangar One 9-10 PM
Sal and Marcus present The Louche Effect Luxury Absinthe Bar | Thursday, April 17th, 2008 | 1:47 pm [guitarrorist]
| Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 | 1:47 pm [guitarrorist]
Saturday - April 12th - 9pm: Silver Needle - Invisible Humans - PussyCow - Automatique at THE SCENE - 806 E. Colorado St., Glendale, CA - $5 and 21+ | Sunday, January 13th, 2008 | 11:06 am [misswithers]
| Sunday, January 6th, 2008 | 9:32 pm [misswithers]
| Saturday, January 5th, 2008 | 10:27 am [misswithers]
| Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 | 10:32 am [misswithers]
Charles Phoenix!  Charles Phoenix is the unofficial retro LA kitsch historian. If you've never heard of him or his books, shame on you! and look here. I was lucky enough this year to get tickets to his Christmas slideshow at Redcat. Now, continue on to ( photosCollapse ) | Friday, December 14th, 2007 | 3:45 pm [jj_maccrimmon]
| Thursday, December 13th, 2007 | 1:01 pm [jj_maccrimmon]
Fright Night LA (Frankenstein show photos)
Due to several causes, including several conversations last night, children who would not leave me alone and Windows deciding it just had to update, I didn't get the show photos done last night. I'll post them tomorrow afternoon (Pacific time). Current Mood: rushed | Wednesday, December 12th, 2007 | 2:16 pm [jj_maccrimmon]
Fright Night LA – the Final Incarnation (12 Oct 07)
Sadly this October was the last edition of Fright Night LA in its current version. Our illustrious host Noah K, decided to take a break from this event while preparing for Bat’s Day #10. Normally I would post the images to Fright Night the week before the next month’s edition. Since there wasn’t to be another one to follow (until next year), I didn’t make a reminder in my calendar to post these in November. I’ll make up for that lapse now. ( Old friends and new, gather ‘round (19 behind the cut)Collapse ) Current Mood: accomplished |
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