? ?

Jan. 2nd, 2011



Fic: [ai/kab] Achieving Good Relations With the Media in Five Easy Steps, by Kristopher N. Allen

Title: Achieving Good Relations With the Media in Five Easy Steps, by Kristopher N. Allen
Characters: Kris Allen, Jim Cantiello, Michael Slezak, Cale Mills, Andrew DeRoberts, Ryland Steen, Lizzie Hardy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: All parties involved are happily married to their spouses of choice. All man-crushes are as admitted to on camera or in writing.
Summary: Even taking the human capacity for masochism into account, he doesn't expect Idol contestants to watch video recaps that exist to make fun of their personality slash singing voice slash outfits.

If he's really honest, Jim especially didn't expect it from Cute Country Mouse With Guitar.

Kris Allen, Jim Cantiello and the humble beginnings of a beautiful friendship.
Notes: Thanks to oatmeal_cookie and blademistress for valiant assistance in a very short time frame. Written for cabayuki as part of Yuletide 2010.

step one: make a good first impressionCollapse )

Sep. 21st, 2010



fic: [ai] through the storm we reach the shore (Kris/Adam, Kris/Katy, Kris/OMC, Adam/OMC, NC-17)

Title: through the storm we reach the shore
Pairings: Kris/Adam, Kris/Katy, Kris/OMC, Adam/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 52,582
Disclaimer: Not at all true. Makes no representations as to what any of these people are actually like.
Summary: "Someone has to keep the paparazzi employed."

"Better you than me, dude," Kris says brightly. Then, softer, serious and a little cynical, "and you do such a great job."

There are about a dozen different ways to interpret that, or there would be if Adam didn't recognise the conspiratorial gleam in Kris's eyes.
Five years on, the rules have changed, even if the people haven't.
Notes: Originally written as a ficlet for ohmygod13 in the charity drive for Haiti at ontd_ai. Needless to say, the story grew in the telling. Major thanks to my betas oatmeal_cookie, inbetweencabs and yetunknown for all their hard work. More detailed notes and acknowledgements at the end of this monster.

part one: maybe tomorrow

They're in between interviews, the last local music journalist having just escaped with barely concealed relief written all across his face about thirty seconds ago.Collapse )

Jun. 9th, 2010



fic: [ai/kab] lend me your ears (and I'll sing you a song) [gen, pg]

Title: lend me your ears (and I'll sing you a song)
Pairing: gen, although any subtext you detect is probably not a coincidence.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not at all true. Makes no representations as to what these guys are actually like.
Summary: Sometimes, Kris is a dumbass. In his defence, the cold started out as just that. The perks and perils of touring with the Kris Allen Band.
Notes: For arabella_hope. Because I promised. *g* Equal parts H/C and slapstick.

Adam and Allison are at the mics practicing Slow Ride, Danny's goofing off with Matt and they're making far more noise than ten people in a big room should be capable of.Collapse )

Mar. 31st, 2010



Fic: [ai/kab] How to Survive Playing For the American Idol (gen, pg)

Title: How to Survive Playing For the American Idol: Five Simple Rules to Follow For a Good Time
Pairing: gen, although any subtext you detect is probably not coincidental.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not at all true. Makes no representations as to what these guys are actually like.
Summary: " - wait, hold still," Kris says, then he's pressing himself up against Andrew, one hand braced on his shoulder. The Kris Allen band: behind the music.
Notes: I wanted to do something fun to break writer's block for various other WIPs, hence this fic.

rule one: there are no boundariesCollapse )

Jan. 23rd, 2010



fic: [ai] with a little help from my friends (Kris Allen band fic, gen)

Title: with a little help from my friends
Pairing: gen (Kris Allen band fic)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Probably not true. Especially the parts set in the future.
Summary: "Right. So people are taking sneaky pictures of us. I’ve definitely never had that happen before. Does that mean we're properly famous now?" The Kris Allen band on tour. As they would tell you, they play music. Everything else is just a bonus.

( Cale decides he both loves and hates the beaten up old couches on the tour bus. )

Cross-posting for archiving purposes.

March 2013




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