Fic: [ai/kab] Achieving Good Relations With the Media in Five Easy Steps, by Kristopher N. Allen
Characters: Kris Allen, Jim Cantiello, Michael Slezak, Cale Mills, Andrew DeRoberts, Ryland Steen, Lizzie Hardy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: All parties involved are happily married to their spouses of choice. All man-crushes are as admitted to on camera or in writing.
Summary: Even taking the human capacity for masochism into account, he doesn't expect Idol contestants to watch video recaps that exist to make fun of their personality slash singing voice slash outfits.
If he's really honest, Jim especially didn't expect it from Cute Country Mouse With Guitar.
Kris Allen, Jim Cantiello and the humble beginnings of a beautiful friendship.
Notes: Thanks to

( step one: make a good first impressionCollapse )