fic archive post
Where to find my fics:
+ Some of my Harry Potter fics are up at fictionalley.
+ Everything else is on LJ and archived below, by fandom and in chronological order.
+ Alternatively, you can also browse through my AO3 account, although it's missing some of the shorter pieces.
(note: everything is PG rated unless it says otherwise)
( The Infamous Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist CrossoverCollapse )
( Fullmetal AlchemistCollapse )
( House M.D.Collapse )
( Sherlock (BBC)Collapse )
( X-Men: First ClassCollapse )
( X-Men: First Class/Harry PotterCollapse )
( X-Men: First Class/Marvel Cinematic UniverseCollapse )
( Hannibal (NBC)Collapse )
( MiscellaneousCollapse )
The following fics are technically RPS, even though most of my writing in these fandoms is gen or pre-slash. There's your warning. No representation is being made about the real lives of the people depicted.
( FootballCollapse )
( Americal Idol RPF (s8)Collapse )
This post will be updated gradually as I archive more of my writing.