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Oct. 31st, 2008



[sticky post] fic archive post

Where to find my fics:

+ Some of my Harry Potter fics are up at fictionalley.

+ Everything else is on LJ and archived below, by fandom and in chronological order.

+ Alternatively, you can also browse through my AO3 account, although it's missing some of the shorter pieces.

(note: everything is PG rated unless it says otherwise)

The Infamous Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist CrossoverCollapse )

Fullmetal AlchemistCollapse )

House M.D.Collapse )

Sherlock (BBC)Collapse )

X-Men: First ClassCollapse )

X-Men: First Class/Harry PotterCollapse )

X-Men: First Class/Marvel Cinematic UniverseCollapse )

Hannibal (NBC)Collapse )

MiscellaneousCollapse )

The following fics are technically RPS, even though most of my writing in these fandoms is gen or pre-slash. There's your warning. No representation is being made about the real lives of the people depicted.

FootballCollapse )

Americal Idol RPF (s8)Collapse )

This post will be updated gradually as I archive more of my writing.

Mar. 28th, 2013



[XMFC] The Sleeping Prince [Charles/Erik, PG-13]

Title: The Sleeping Prince
Pairing: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The King and Queen both came to a violent end, as so many kings and queens of Genosha had before them. A shame, but all tales of this sort need blood to feed them.

As for the Crown Prince, just fifteen years old and full of promise, he fell into a deep sleep from which no method devised by the best healers in Genosha could wake him.

The tale of Erik Lehnsherr and the Sleeping Prince of Genosha.

Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Genosha, there was a young and powerful king.Collapse )

Sep. 23rd, 2012



[Football] just me (before we met) [Leo Messi gen, PG]

Title: just me (before we met)
Characters: Leo Messi (and family), Gerard Pique, Cesc Fabregas and a few other cameos
Rating: PG
Summary: They let him play with the other kids. How could they not? He seemed perfectly normal, perfectly human. A little quiet, but that could just be shyness, and he made friends almost in spite of himself.
Notes: Written for this genius prompt at footballkink2: Lionel Messi is, in fact, an alien.

Bonus points to the press, for once.

(Not in a Star Trek/Wars kind of way, more like in a "Le Petit Prince" way, that strange mix of serenely self-aware but as inexperienced in this place and this body as a newborn foal)...

With thanks to the OP, and to meretricula, without whom this fic would not exist.

Superlatives have been exhausted, the thesaurus is dog-eared and so when it comes to conjuring up increasingly grand descriptions of the Argentine, commentators and supporters have turned to the other-worldly, the extraterrestrial. It is as if they are talking about an alien.Collapse )

May. 1st, 2012



[Football] Do What You Do [Victor Valdes/Andres Iniesta, PG-13]

Title: Do What You Do
Pairing: Victor Valdes/Andres Iniesta, one-sided Andres Iniesta/Xavi Hernandez
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: bullying, misogyny, homophobic language.
Summary: Her hands looked massive in the keeper's gloves, swallowing Andres' completely. They shook, she grinned, and Andres felt it go through him like lightning. Her face was not at all forbidding, then. Andres' high school football team needs a keeper. Victoria Valdes is a force of nature who happens to play in goal.
Notes: Written for the touchline prompt here, for meretricula for sant jordi.

But if you do/What you do/Yeah, you'll do fineCollapse )

Apr. 14th, 2012



[XMFC] A Conspiracy of Ravens [Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, PG-13] (Part IV of VI)

Title: A Conspiracy of Ravens (Part IV of VI)
Pairing: Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, Emma Frost/Scott Summers
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: past child abuse, minor character death, legal (but not emotional) infidelity, the bad guys being misogynistic, slut-shaming jerks.
Summary: Charles Francis Essex made an excellent courtier. As the son of Nathaniel Essex, a land-less diplomat, he had little to his name that he had not procured by his own devices, and luckily for him those devices were considerable.

When Princess Raven of Symkaria travels to Genosha to fulfil her marriage contract with its Crown Prince, she finds himself caught up in the storm brewing between Prince Erik and Sebastian Shaw, the Regent of the realm. She can only be thankful that her trusted advisor and friend Charles is with her; but as she's about to discover, he's got his own agenda. A modern day royalty AU.

The most unsettling aspect of the entire day might have been the look of undisguised worry Angel gave Erik after he told her what had happened with Emma Frost.Collapse )

Mar. 19th, 2012



[XMFC] A Conspiracy of Ravens [Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, PG-13] (Part III of VI)

Title: A Conspiracy of Ravens (Part III of VI)
Pairing: Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, others to be advised
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Charles Francis Essex made an excellent courtier. As the son of Nathaniel Essex, a land-less diplomat, he had little to his name that he had not procured by his own devices, and luckily for him those devices were considerable.

When Princess Raven of Symkaria travels to Genosha to fulfil her marriage contract with its Crown Prince, she finds himself caught up in the storm brewing between Prince Erik and Sebastian Shaw, the Regent of the realm. She can only be thankful that her trusted advisor and friend Charles is with her; but as she's about to discover, he's got his own agenda. A modern day royalty AU.

When Erik was eighteen, he fell in love.Collapse )

Mar. 16th, 2012



[XMFC] A Conspiracy of Ravens [Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, PG-13] (Part II of VI)

Title: A Conspiracy of Ravens (Part II of VI)
Pairing: Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, others to be advised
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Charles Francis Essex made an excellent courtier. As the son of Nathaniel Essex, a land-less diplomat, he had little to his name that he had not procured by his own devices, and luckily for him those devices were considerable.

When Princess Raven of Symkaria travels to Genosha to fulfil her marriage contract with its Crown Prince, she finds himself caught up in the storm brewing between Prince Erik and Sebastian Shaw, the Regent of the realm. She can only be thankful that her trusted advisor and friend Charles is with her; but as she's about to discover, he's got his own agenda. A modern day royalty AU.

The official histories drafted during the reign of the Regent Sebastian Shaw recount the events leading up to his rule thus...Collapse )

Feb. 2nd, 2012



[XMFC] A Conspiracy of Ravens [Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, PG-13] (Prologue and Part I of VI)

Title: A Conspiracy of Ravens (Prologue and Part I)
Pairing: Charles/Erik, Raven/Irene, others to be advised
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Charles Francis Essex made an excellent courtier. As the son of Nathaniel Essex, a land-less diplomat, he had little to his name that he had not procured by his own devices, and luckily for him those devices were considerable.

When Princess Raven of Symkaria travels to Genosha to fulfil her marriage contract with its Crown Prince, she finds himself caught up in the storm brewing between Prince Erik and Sebastian Shaw, the Regent of the realm. She can only be thankful that her trusted advisor and friend Charles is with her; but as she's about to discover, he's got his own agenda. A modern day royalty AU.

The official histories drafted during the reign of the House of Marko recount the events leading up to the rule of Kurt III thus...Collapse )

Jan. 23rd, 2012



[Football] light up (as if you have a choice) [Xavi Hernandez, Pep Guardiola, PG]

Title: light up (as if you have a choice)
Characters: Xavi Hernandez, Pep Guardiola, Carles Puyol, Andres Iniesta (and assorted other people involved with FC Barcelona from the 1990s onwards)
Disclaimer: Not at all true. Makes no representations as to what any of these people are actually like. See end notes.
Summary: When asked about the comparisons, he could only say that it was an honour to be associated with Pep, which was at least the honest truth. What he couldn't say was that despite Pep's own best attempts at defusing the rising tension, the thought of the path he'd been set on scared him like nothing else. Xavi finds his own way.
Notes: Written for the 8th edition of cornerflag.

( Xavi was born a footballer, just like his brothers and sister and his father before him. )

Jan. 13th, 2012



[XMFC/Captain America/Iron Man] see with clear eyes [Charles Xavier, Howard Stark, Tony Stark, PG]

Title: see with clear eyes
Pairing: Howard Stark/Maria Stark, minor Howard Stark/Charles Xavier
Rating: PG
Warnings: allusions to child abuse, manslaughter, suicide, Howard Stark's parenting
Summary: Howard found the Ivy League lecture circuit rather tedious as the years went on. However, there were still some perks. The adoration was nice.

The adoration was very nice when it came from attractive, wide-eyed undergrads like the young man who was waiting for him outside after he finished his annual talk at Harvard.
Howard met Charles when he was nineteen years old and in need of a favour.

'That’s very kind of you, sir,' said the young man, his smile widening. 'I’m Charles Xavier. I think you knew my father?'Collapse )

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March 2013




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