? ?

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Dec. 4th, 2011


Sherbet Bunny for Christmas!!

Hey guys...
I'm selling a brand new Sherbet Bunny with unused code for a great price on ebay!!!
Price negotiations are welcome, too!  Check it out:

Thanks, and have a merry Christmas!!!!  ^_^

Nov. 1st, 2009




At Walgreens, they have for 9.99 doubles, that isa regular and it's Lit' version packaged together

The only down size you might have the animal because it'sthe regular bunch out there.  But a great gift topick up for family members.

Apr. 26th, 2009



Webkinz . new lines

Has anyone bought the new lines ... Wbkinz jr or the Signature series?

After several week of asking .. My Hallmark finally got the Panda in.  29.99 Plus tax.  Yes it's bigger,double in size but the cost. Hope they won't roll to many out.

Seen the jr.s , cute but I'll stay away from them, also higher in pric.

What do you think of them?

Apr. 6th, 2009



Gulliver the traveling teddy introducing himself here!

Hello everyone! My name is Gulliver.

I know,  I know, I am not a webkinz, you says. But I have six webkinz friends who insisted I join a group so they could say hi. They are Harold the Koala, Jun the Panda, Sugar the Pink Poodle, Tilly the Duck, Barbara the Manatee, and Nicodemus the lil' Cocker Spaniel. And they all say a big hello. Except for Nicodemus, who says meep. Oh, there is also the not-a-webkinz giraffe, named Fred&George (yes, all one word) who is here too. He did not want to be left out.

We all really like Webkinz, and making new friends. We especially want to finish finding all the gems so we can have a fancy crown!

I myself am a traveling teddy, and to learn more about that you should visit my group, Traveling Teddies. You do not have to be a teddy to travel!

I can't wait to meet everyone!

Feb. 24th, 2009



Daily arcade/gem hunt lock outs?

Has anyone else tried to do the Wishing Well/Wheel of Wow or gem hunt and been told that they've already been done for the day? My niece's account has seen this for the last two days straight, and I wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem before I contacted customer service.

Feb. 23rd, 2009



Bunny costume

I just bought the pink bunny jogging suit for webkinz tonite and the feature code says it doesn't exist...has this happened to anyone and what is there that I can do? My girl is upset!

Feb. 5th, 2009

Webkinz Frog



As I mentioned, I wanted to share some of my Webkinz rooms. Enjoy - they're not fabulous, but they might spark some ideas for rooms of your own!Collapse )

Oct. 23rd, 2008



Academy Classes

The instructions for the Academy says that for your first four pets who complete all 10 levels, it will reduce the required classes for your other pets. I have always been curious about this and haven't seen it anywhere (not that I looked very hard) and I'm sure it is documented, but here's my own, personal experience.

Today, I completed Level 10 in the Speed Class. We chose the Golden Shoes. Then I moved on to another pet to try the speed. Gloria had one class left to complete Level 6 so when she did the class today, she earned her Level 6 pin, and now it says she has 22 classes left. If that's right, then that's a big reduction, because Level 7 should take 35 classes. I checked with Popcorn, because he hadn't done any classes yet. After completing one class in Level 1, he has 3 classes left to go, which is a reduction of 1. I may have to keep going with Popcorn, to check the reduction at each level.

3 more classes to complete my first Strength class! 9 more classes to complete my first Creativity class!

Oct. 6th, 2008

Isshi:My Prince! <3


Floral Fox PSI

Does anyone have a Floral Fox PSI?

Items I'll gives for it:(you can only choose 1 PSI)

Unicorn PSI
Cocoa Dinosaur PSI
Striped Snake PSI

Sep. 23rd, 2008

Baby dragon   Cuteness


Stuff to trade

So anyway, i have a fair bit of exclusive/rare/unusual stuff that I don't want. So I would like to trade with someone. I'm trying to get the Egypt theme stuff, the Midieval theme stuff, the new Aztec theme stuff, and a few of the exclusive beds and items.

Here is what I have for trade:

Webkinz W Pond
Neon Plant
Giant Sandwich Table
Trading card 2.0 Wallpaper
Swiss Cheese Table
Screwy Lamp
YangYin Blossom
Experiment Station 1
Experiment Station 2
Robo-Handy Table
Ribbons and Bows Tree
Jellybean Tree
Prismatic Chair
Gold Safe
Strike a Posing Plant
Medieval Flooring
Medieval Wallpaper
Gladiator Helmet
Frozen Pond
solar belt
Welcome Balloons 1 green, 2 yellow, 6 red, 6 blue

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