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In this book, Hannes Charen presents an alternative examination of kinship structures in political theory. Employing a radically transdisciplinary approach, On the Politics of Kinship is structured in a series of six theoretical vignettes... more
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      Political PhilosophyFeminist TheoryPolitical Anthropology
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The anti-psychiatrists in the 1960's, specifically Thomas Szasz, have claimed that mental illness does not exist. This argument was based on a specific definition of physical disease that, Szasz argued, could not be applied to mental... more
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      Philosophy of MedicinePhilosophy of Psychiatry
The anti-psychiatrists in the 1960's, specifically Thomas Szasz, have claimed that mental illness does not exist. This argument was based on a specific definition of physical disease that, Szasz argued, could not be applied to mental... more
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      PhilosophyAristotleEastern PhilosophyCompassion
Moral relativism is an attractive position, but also one that it is difficult to formulate. In this paper, we propose an alternative way of formulating moral relativ-ism that locates the relativity of morality in the property that makes... more
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      Meta-EthicsMoral RelativismMoral TheoryCoherentism
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      PoetryWilliam BlakeClose ReadingRomantic English poetry
This paper explores Herbert Mason’s rendition of Gilgamesh as a work that navigates the loss of friendship, and self, in terms of Gaston Bachelard’s concept of ‘poetic space’. In the first section I foreground the relationship between... more
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      Gaston BachelardLiminalityLyric poetryGilgamesh Epic
In this work I develop what I call the problem of meta-epistemic disagreement. I argue that there is a kind of apparent intractable disagreement, embodied in recent disputes between internalists and externalists about epistemic... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyContextualismEpistemic Justification
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      Contemporary PoetryTravel LiteratureCreative AppropriationKenneth Goldsmith
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistorySecond Sophistic
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      Roman HistoryTranslation StudiesHadrianMatsuo Basho
Interpreting the myth of Icarus through a close reading of three major poetic treatments.
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      MythologyJacques DerridaModernismWilliam Carlos Williams
A lyric essay investigating the phenomenology of modesty in the face of a mountain.
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      PhenomenologyPetrarchDeep EcologyArne Naess
A discourse on the poesis of myth.
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      MythologyClassicsPoetryClassical Mythology
I argue that certain forms of literary appropriation are morally permissible by the lights of Kant's first formulation of the categorical imperative.
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      PoeticsContemporary PoetryLanguage PoetryKantian ethics
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    • Philosophy
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    • Philosophy
Richard Sylvan, a vanguard in the field of environmental philosophy published a book in 1994 with David Bennett titled The Greening of Ethics. Nearly twenty-five years later, where the environmental situation of our world is even more... more
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