LIBROS by Jorge L . Chinea

Jorge Luis Chinea's book Race and Labor in the Hispanic Caribbean is the latest addition to the c... more Jorge Luis Chinea's book Race and Labor in the Hispanic Caribbean is the latest addition to the considerable body of historiography on immigration to colonial Puerto Rico. While the vast majority of scholarly books and articles on the subject have focused on white European immigrants (Catalans, Basques, Corsicans, Italians, etc.), Chinea's main contribution is his focus on West Indian immigrants during the nineteenth century, the overwhelming majority of whom were black or mulatto. The book rests on a very solid documentary foundation that includes collections from the Archivo General de Indias (Seville), Archivo HistĆ³rico Nacional (Madrid), National Archives (Washington, DC) and the Archivo General de Puerto Rico (San Juan). The author also demonstrates masterly over about Caribbean historiography and historical developments in the rest of the Caribbean such as military, economic and ecological crises that spurred various waves of West Indian emigration to Puerto Rico. The author sets the stage for his study by providing a useful historical synthesis of immigration to colonial Puerto Rico. He points out that very few legal white immigrants arrived in Puerto Rico during the 1600s and 1700s; in contrast, Chinea argues, most immigrants arrived illegally and the majority of them consisted of slaves escaping from neighboring islands in search of freedom, castaways, deserters, smugglers and other adventurous types. Immigration expanded dramatically under the provisions of the Bourbon reforms of the late 1700s and early 1800s, most notably the 1815 CĆ©dula de Gracias with multiple provisions to promote immigration. Chinea's thesis is that: 'West Indians played a major part in shaping social, economic and political developments in Puerto Rico during the fi rst half of the nineteenth century' (p. 9). He establishes that a considerable one-third of immigrant heads of households arriving in Puerto Rico between 1800 and 1850 came from the West Indies. Chinea's analysis of immigration records demonstrates that the vast majority (90 per cent or more) of these immigrants, including slaves, consisted of blacks and mulattos. Most West Indian immigrants had their origins in the French-speaking Caribbean, St. Domingue in particular. Most migrants were male, young and single; half of them
Esclavos, Penados y Exiliados en Puerto Rico, Siglo XIX
This book examines the changes and continuities of Iberian colonial domination of Puerto Rico dur... more This book examines the changes and continuities of Iberian colonial domination of Puerto Rico during Spain's Second Empire, especially in the areas of fiscal reform, agricultural production, labor exploitation, political persecution and social control.
Chapter published in Gloria Tapia Rios, ed., Thoa Arriba, Toa Alta: una historia. ensayos histĆ³ricos y culturales. Toa Alta, PR: Ediciones Magna Cultura, 2021, pp. 129-139., 2021
Surveys the history of the Toa region from 1492 to the founding of Toa Alta in the mid-18th centu... more Surveys the history of the Toa region from 1492 to the founding of Toa Alta in the mid-18th century to foreground the town's ethnoracial past and explore the interconnections of several of its families, including those surnamed Chinea, CintrĆ³n, and ChĆ©veres....
Explora la historia de la regiĆ³n de Toa desde 1492 hasta la fundaciĆ³n de Toa Alta a mediados del siglo XVIII para dar a conocer el pasado etnracial del pueblo/ciudad y explorar las interconexiones de varias de sus familias, incluidas las que portan los apellidos Chinea, CintrĆ³n y ChĆ©veres
Raza y Trabajo aborda, a grandes rasgos,
la diƔspora antillana que desde las islas
del Caribe bri... more Raza y Trabajo aborda, a grandes rasgos,
la diƔspora antillana que desde las islas
del Caribe britƔnico, danƩs, francƩs y
holandƩs llega a Puerto Rico en el periodo
colonial espaƱol tardĆo. Subraya el
protagonismo de la masa trabajadora,
negra y mulata en su perfil etnoracial,
durante el auge azucarero de la primera
mitad del siglo XIX.
Papers by Jorge L . Chinea
Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 2014
Dialogo: An Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 2021
Edited interview conducted by professor Lucia M. Suarez about the Center for Latino/a and Latin A... more Edited interview conducted by professor Lucia M. Suarez about the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies at Wayne State University, mostly, but not entirely, during my directorship.

Revista Brasileira do Caribe, Sep 3, 2021
As a result of a series of interrelated circumstances, several Caribbean islands share a common A... more As a result of a series of interrelated circumstances, several Caribbean islands share a common Antillean space and are geographically located not far from each other, two facts that can be easily ascertained when one peers over most maps of the region. However, with few exceptions, we often lose sight of these points of convergence and interconnectedness and end up viewing the region as an area made up exclusively of separate insular territories. A cursory exploration of the precolonial and colonial experiences of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico reveals how each territory has acquired its unique cultural, social, economic and political characteristics, while also allowing an opportunity to gain a deeper appreciation of those elements that have linked them historically. This essay is an effort to highlight some of the factors that drove such interactions, which date from the prehispanic era and continued, in various forms and degrees, during the imposition of European imperial control of the Caribbean that began at the end of the XV century.

Como inumeros estudantes e especialistas do Caribe tem observado, o trabalho tem sido e continua ... more Como inumeros estudantes e especialistas do Caribe tem observado, o trabalho tem sido e continua a ser um tema central das discussoes sobre a era pos-Colombiana da regiao. Comecando em 1492 os habitantes do arquipelago tem experimentado varias formas de extracao de trabalho, como o repartimiento , a encomienda , servidao contratada de brancos, escravidao negra, aprendizagem, contrato de trabalho asiatico, europeu e africano, trabalho forcado (i.e. o sistema libreta usado em Porto Rico) e escravidao por dividas. Apesar de cada um desses esquemas evoluisse mais ou menos isoladamente, eles compartilharam um objetivo comum: os exploradores buscaram extrair o maximo de trabalho da populacao alvo ao minimo custo possivel para reduzir despesas operacionais e maximizar os lucros em seus empreendimentos de mineracao, criacao de gado e agricultura. Este artigo fornece a conexao entre trabalho, regimes de trabalho e o desenvolvimento da colonia espanhola de Porto Rico de 1500 ate a metade do s...
Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 2019
El Canal de PanamĆ” y los sistemas de riego que se implementaron en la Cuenca HidrogrĆ”fica del Ebr... more El Canal de PanamĆ” y los sistemas de riego que se implementaron en la Cuenca HidrogrĆ”fica del Ebro desde finales del siglo XIX son muestras representativas de las implicaciones sanitarias que estas obras suponĆan en unos territorios que experimentaban profundas transformaciones ambientales y que recibĆan una abundante mano de obra que, ademĆ”s, se veĆa obligada a residir en las proximidades de zonas convertidas en hĆ”bitats muy favorables para el desarrollo de los vectores de la malaria. Pese a incorporar al estudio dos zonas muy diferentes entre sĆ, se observa cĆ³mo la zona con menores precipitaciones tambiĆ©n fue capaz de generar fases epidĆ©micas de la enfermedad, no solo en la fase de construcciĆ³n de los embalses y canalizaciones sino tambiĆ©n con la puesta en marcha de los regadĆos.
De RaĆz Diversa. Revista Especializada en Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2016
Revista Mexicana del Caribe
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative DECONSTRUCTING THE CENTER, CENTERING THE MARGINS:
The American Historical Review, 2005

The Ethnic Studies Review, 1996
I wish LaBelle and Ward had made a more forceful defense of the presence of both ethnic studies a... more I wish LaBelle and Ward had made a more forceful defense of the presence of both ethnic studies and the multicultural project. Each has its role to play; and each can be complementary. Ethnic studies must be seen as an emerging paradigm shift in the social sciences and humanities. As such ethnic studies must continue to probe, construct, and advance new vistas of knowledge about the experiences of ethnic groups and especially people of color in the United States. This is a project which by its very nature will be confrontational and controversial. This tension is healthy in the academy. It forces us-including ethnic studies disciplinarians-to reexamine our own bases of knowledge, un derstanding, and practice. On this point, this book raises some crucially important ques tions emanating out of the national discourse regarding ethnic studies, multiculturalism, and diversity. Some of these questions concern multiculturalism; what are its instructional objectives? Does the concept provide cover for those hostile to ethnic studies? Is multiculturalism ethnic studies? Is ethnic studies multiculturalism? These are some of the questions with which scholars in both ethnic studies and multicultural and diversity projects must grapple, and preferably together. This book serves i m portantly as the catalyst for raising these questions; this book challenges us to do some serious introspection and planning with regard to determining the relationships between ethnic studies and multiculturalism as important dimensions of a national and international diversity project. Therein rests the value of Ethnic Studies and Multiculturalism.

Irish Migration Studies in Latin America, 2007
The historical treatment of Irish Catholics by the English and British governments has been the s... more The historical treatment of Irish Catholics by the English and British governments has been the subject of much examination, but systematic research on the social, economic, and political impact of Irish refugees who sought asylum inSpain and Latin America at various times since the sixteenth century has only recently drawn the attention of scholars. The Irish experience in Spanish colonial Puerto Rico is no exception. Puerto Rican historiography acknowledges the presence of a handful of Irish planters in the late eighteenth century, but provides few clues about those who came before or after that time (PicoĢ 1986: 142). Nor are the āpushā factors that might help explain why they came to the island discussed at any length. This essay seeks to bridge this gap by linking the Irish diaspora to a long history of Anglo- Spanish rivalry both in Europe and the West Indies. In doing so, it also aims to show how changes in Spainās colonial priorities impacted on Irish immigration in Puerto Rico. Three numerically small but significant Irish āwavesā are identified and briefly examined in the context of Spainās foreign immigration policy: indentured servants around the middle of the seventeenth century; illegal traders in the early 1700s; and Irish farmers, artisans and soldiers during the late Bourbon period, c. 1750-1815.
Colonial Latin American Historical Review, 2002

Revista Brasileira do Caribe, 2016
When contrasted to the extensive amount of published work on the enslavement of Africans in the m... more When contrasted to the extensive amount of published work on the enslavement of Africans in the mature āsugarā islands of the Caribbean, the magnitude of such work devoted to Puerto Rico seems modest by comparison. The sparse coverage on the Spanish colony may be partly explained by its comparatively late participation in the āsugar revolutionsā that led to the consolidation of a slave-based plantation complex in the South Atlantic. Puerto Rico partook of these changes over a shorter time span, roughly between 1765 and 1850, in a domestic climate characterized by a shortage of capital and by a series of external revolutionary changes that eventually led England to abolish the slave trade within its imperial domain starting in 1807. An intense British-led international abolitionist campaign followed, and Spain was compelled to sign a string of Anglo-Spanish treaties to cease the importation of African captives in its American colonies. Spain did so reluctantly, and continued to look for ways to supply Cuba and Puerto Rico with bonded African labor. This background helped shape the opportunities and constraints under which the nefarious commerce that serviced both islands functioned during the first half of the nineteenth century. As a result, during that interval no effort was spared to conceal the African provenance of the involuntary migrants taken to Puerto Rico. This essay seeks to contribute to this latter under-explored theme by examining the last known introduction of enslaved Africans in Puerto Rico that occurred in 1859 with the clandestine arrival of nearly an estimated 1000 Congolese captives, mainly children and adolescents, aboard the slaver Majesty.
Journal of Caribbean History, 1997
Revista Brasileira do Caribe, 2009
Afro-Latino Voices: Narratives from the Early Modern Ibero -Atlantic World, 1550-1812, edited by Kathryn J. McKnight and Leo J. Garofalo, 2009
LIBROS by Jorge L . Chinea
Explora la historia de la regiĆ³n de Toa desde 1492 hasta la fundaciĆ³n de Toa Alta a mediados del siglo XVIII para dar a conocer el pasado etnracial del pueblo/ciudad y explorar las interconexiones de varias de sus familias, incluidas las que portan los apellidos Chinea, CintrĆ³n y ChĆ©veres
la diƔspora antillana que desde las islas
del Caribe britƔnico, danƩs, francƩs y
holandƩs llega a Puerto Rico en el periodo
colonial espaƱol tardĆo. Subraya el
protagonismo de la masa trabajadora,
negra y mulata en su perfil etnoracial,
durante el auge azucarero de la primera
mitad del siglo XIX.
Papers by Jorge L . Chinea
Explora la historia de la regiĆ³n de Toa desde 1492 hasta la fundaciĆ³n de Toa Alta a mediados del siglo XVIII para dar a conocer el pasado etnracial del pueblo/ciudad y explorar las interconexiones de varias de sus familias, incluidas las que portan los apellidos Chinea, CintrĆ³n y ChĆ©veres
la diƔspora antillana que desde las islas
del Caribe britƔnico, danƩs, francƩs y
holandƩs llega a Puerto Rico en el periodo
colonial espaƱol tardĆo. Subraya el
protagonismo de la masa trabajadora,
negra y mulata en su perfil etnoracial,
durante el auge azucarero de la primera
mitad del siglo XIX.
HidrogrĆ”fica del Ebro desde finales del siglo XIX son muestras representativas de las implicaciones sanitarias que estas obras suponĆan en unos territorios que experimentaban profundas transformaciones ambientales y que recibĆan una abundante mano de obra que, ademĆ”s, se veĆa obligada a residir en las proximidades de zonas convertidas en hĆ”bitats muy favorables para el desarrollo de los vectores de la malaria. Pese a incorporar al estudio dos zonas muy diferentes entre sĆ, se observa cĆ³mo la zona con menores precipitaciones tambiĆ©n fue capaz de generar fases epidĆ©micas de la enfermedad, no solo en la fase de construcciĆ³n de los embalses y canalizaciones sino tambiĆ©n con la puesta en marcha de los regadĆos.