? ?
29 November 2009 @ 01:13 am
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Photobucket Photobucket

nfl icons. enjoy.
please follow guidelines.

nothing beats a feeling like thisCollapse )
Current Mood: calmcalm
02 August 2009 @ 11:28 pm
In the mood for some baseball icons so here it is. warning there is a whole lot of dodgers and yankees because i was in that kind of a mood. however, leave a comment with your team and i'll make sure to make more for the next batch.

This community just started, so i understand that there is not a whole lot of members yet, but I'd like to ask you all to promote the community! Lets add some fun to the place.
watchthegame  watchthegame  watchthegame 

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Photobucket Photobucket

buy me some penuts and cracker jacksCollapse )

Current Mood: thirstythirsty
16 June 2009 @ 10:49 pm
First post and hope you all like.

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pandemonium in los angelesCollapse )

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Current Mood: blankblank