Waseda University
Asian Philosophy
śvarapratipattiprak śa 1. 問題の所在 アドヴァイタ(Advaita, 不二一元論)学派は,イ ンドの哲学学派である五ヴェーダーンタ伝統学派 (1) の中で最も成立の早いものである.この学派は, ウパニシャッド等の天啓聖典(śruti)に基づき梵我 一如を自力で悟ることによって解脱を得ることを最 高の目的としている.そのため,解脱を得るために 人格的な主神(主宰神,īśvara)を信仰する必要が ない.また,解脱という観点から言えば主宰神の果... more
The Advaita (Vedānta) School aims at being liberated from transmigration by the realization (sākṣātkāra) of brahman's identity, the underlying principle of the universe, and ātman, that of individuals. Accomplished when the realization... more
The vyūha theory is a distinctive doctrine of the Pāñcarātrika, one of the Vaiṣṇava schools in India. Advaita scholars had criticized this vyūha theory since Śaṅkara (ca. -756-772-), the founder of the Advaita school. Madhusūdana... more
As Madhusūdana Sarasvatī (ca. 16th cent.) was both a scholar of the Advaita Vedānta school and a believer of Viṣṇu, he tried to integrate the Vaiṣṇava teachings with Advaita doctrine. In his Paramahaṃsapriyā (PP), he grounds the vyūha... more
The Advaita school, one of the philosophical schools of India, aims to be liberated from transmigration through realization of brahmātmaikyatva on the basis of the Upaniṣads. Therefore in this doctrine, belief in a supreme god as a... more
is two practices (i.e., knowledge (prajñ) and means (up ya)). Therefore, in the PBhU we can regard 1) meditation on bodhicitta or 2) knowledge and means as the cause of attainment of the final stage. How, then, does he associate these two... more
On the Process of the Formulation of the Advaitic Vyūha Theory MANABE Tomohiro The vyūha theory is a distinctive doctrine of the Pāñcarātrika, one of the Vaiṣṇava schools in India. Advaita scholars had criticized this vyūha theory since... more