We study approximations to a class of vector-valued equations of Burgers type driven by a multipl... more We study approximations to a class of vector-valued equations of Burgers type driven by a multiplicative space-time white noise. A solution theory for this class of equations has been developed recently in [Hairer, Weber, Probab. Theory Related Fields, 2013]. The key idea was to use the theory of controlled rough paths to give definitions of weak / mild solutions and to set up a Picard iteration argument.
We develop a theory of ergodicity for a class of random dynamical systems where the driving noise... more We develop a theory of ergodicity for a class of random dynamical systems where the driving noise is not white. The two main tools of our analysis are the strong Feller property and topological irreducibility, introduced in this work for a class of non-Markovian systems. They allow us to obtain a criteria for ergodicity which is similar in nature to the Doob-Khas'minskii theorem.
We construct solutions to vector valued Burgers type equations perturbed by a multiplicative spac... more We construct solutions to vector valued Burgers type equations perturbed by a multiplicative space-time white noise in one space dimension. Due to the roughness of the driving noise, solutions are not regular enough to be amenable to classical methods. We use the theory of controlled rough paths to give a meaning to the spatial integrals involved in the definition of a weak solution. Subject to the choice of the correct reference rough path, we prove unique solvability for the equation and we show that our solutions are stable under smooth approximations of the driving noise.
In many applications it is important to be able to sample paths of SDEs conditional on observatio... more In many applications it is important to be able to sample paths of SDEs conditional on observations of various kinds. This paper studies SPDEs which solve such sampling problems. The SPDE may be viewed as an infinite dimensional analogue of the Langevin SDE used in finite dimensional sampling. In this paper nonlinear SDEs, leading to nonlinear SPDEs for the sampling, are studied. In addition, a class of preconditioned SPDEs is studied, found by applying a Green's operator to the SPDE in such a way that the invariant measure remains unchanged; such infinite dimensional evolution equations are important for the development of practical algorithms for sampling infinite dimensional problems. The resulting SPDEs provide several significant challenges in the theory of SPDEs. The two primary ones are the presence of nonlinear boundary conditions, involving first order derivatives, and a loss of the smoothing property in the case of the preconditioned SPDEs. These challenges are overcome and a theory of existence, uniqueness and ergodicity developed in sufficient generality to subsume the sampling problems of interest to us. The Gaussian theory developed in Part I of this paper considers Gaussian SDEs, leading to linear Gaussian SPDEs for sampling. This Gaussian theory is used as the basis for deriving nonlinear SPDEs which effect the desired sampling in the nonlinear case, via a change of measure.
It is shown that the law of an SDE driven by fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter grea... more It is shown that the law of an SDE driven by fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter greater than 1/2 has a smooth density with respect to Lebesgue measure, provided that the driving vector fields satisfy Hörmander's condition. The main new ingredient of the proof is an extension of Norris' lemma to this situation.
In this article, we show how the theory of rough paths can be used to provide a notion of solutio... more In this article, we show how the theory of rough paths can be used to provide a notion of solution to a class of nonlinear stochastic PDEs of Burgers type that exhibit too high spatial roughness for classical analytical methods to apply. In fact, the class of SPDEs that we consider is genuinely ill-posed in the sense that different approximations to the nonlinearity may converge to different limits. Using rough paths theory, a pathwise notion of solution to these SPDEs is formulated, and we show that this yields a wellposed problem, which is stable under a large class of perturbations, including the approximation of the rough driving noise by a mollified version and the addition of hyperviscosity.
We introduce a new concept of solution to the KPZ equation which is shown to extend the classical... more We introduce a new concept of solution to the KPZ equation which is shown to extend the classical Cole-Hopf solution. This notion provides a factorisation of the Cole-Hopf solution map into a "universal" measurable map from the probability space into an explicitly described auxiliary metric space, composed with a new solution map that has very good continuity properties. The advantage of such a formulation is that it essentially provides a pathwise notion of a solution, together with a very detailed approximation theory. In particular, our construction completely bypasses the Cole-Hopf transform, thus laying the groundwork for proving that the KPZ equation describes the fluctuations of systems in the KPZ universality class.
We consider parabolic stochastic partial differential equations driven by white noise in time. We... more We consider parabolic stochastic partial differential equations driven by white noise in time. We prove exponential convergence of the transition probabilities towards a unique invariant measure under suitable conditions. These conditions amount essentially to the fact that the equation transmits the noise to all its determining modes. Several examples are investigated, including some where the noise does not act on every determining mode directly.
We introduce a new notion of "regularity structure" that provides an algebraic framework allowing... more We introduce a new notion of "regularity structure" that provides an algebraic framework allowing to describe functions and / or distributions via a kind of "jet" or local Taylor expansion around each point. The main novel idea is to replace the classical polynomial model which is suitable for describing smooth functions by arbitrary models that are purpose-built for the problem at hand. In particular, this allows to describe the local behaviour not only of functions but also of large classes of distributions.
We study the ergodic properties of finite-dimensional systems of SDEs driven by non-degenerate ad... more We study the ergodic properties of finite-dimensional systems of SDEs driven by non-degenerate additive fractional Brownian motion with arbitrary Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1). A general framework is constructed to make precise the notions of "invariant measure" and "stationary state" for such a system. We then prove under rather weak dissipativity conditions that such an SDE possesses a unique stationary solution and that the convergence rate of an arbitrary solution towards the stationary one is (at least) algebraic. A lower bound on the exponent is also given.
We study approximations to a class of vector-valued equations of Burgers type driven by a multipl... more We study approximations to a class of vector-valued equations of Burgers type driven by a multiplicative space-time white noise. A solution theory for this class of equations has been developed recently in [Hairer, Weber, Probab. Theory Related Fields, 2013]. The key idea was to use the theory of controlled rough paths to give definitions of weak / mild solutions and to set up a Picard iteration argument.
We develop a theory of ergodicity for a class of random dynamical systems where the driving noise... more We develop a theory of ergodicity for a class of random dynamical systems where the driving noise is not white. The two main tools of our analysis are the strong Feller property and topological irreducibility, introduced in this work for a class of non-Markovian systems. They allow us to obtain a criteria for ergodicity which is similar in nature to the Doob-Khas'minskii theorem.
We construct solutions to vector valued Burgers type equations perturbed by a multiplicative spac... more We construct solutions to vector valued Burgers type equations perturbed by a multiplicative space-time white noise in one space dimension. Due to the roughness of the driving noise, solutions are not regular enough to be amenable to classical methods. We use the theory of controlled rough paths to give a meaning to the spatial integrals involved in the definition of a weak solution. Subject to the choice of the correct reference rough path, we prove unique solvability for the equation and we show that our solutions are stable under smooth approximations of the driving noise.
In many applications it is important to be able to sample paths of SDEs conditional on observatio... more In many applications it is important to be able to sample paths of SDEs conditional on observations of various kinds. This paper studies SPDEs which solve such sampling problems. The SPDE may be viewed as an infinite dimensional analogue of the Langevin SDE used in finite dimensional sampling. In this paper nonlinear SDEs, leading to nonlinear SPDEs for the sampling, are studied. In addition, a class of preconditioned SPDEs is studied, found by applying a Green's operator to the SPDE in such a way that the invariant measure remains unchanged; such infinite dimensional evolution equations are important for the development of practical algorithms for sampling infinite dimensional problems. The resulting SPDEs provide several significant challenges in the theory of SPDEs. The two primary ones are the presence of nonlinear boundary conditions, involving first order derivatives, and a loss of the smoothing property in the case of the preconditioned SPDEs. These challenges are overcome and a theory of existence, uniqueness and ergodicity developed in sufficient generality to subsume the sampling problems of interest to us. The Gaussian theory developed in Part I of this paper considers Gaussian SDEs, leading to linear Gaussian SPDEs for sampling. This Gaussian theory is used as the basis for deriving nonlinear SPDEs which effect the desired sampling in the nonlinear case, via a change of measure.
It is shown that the law of an SDE driven by fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter grea... more It is shown that the law of an SDE driven by fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter greater than 1/2 has a smooth density with respect to Lebesgue measure, provided that the driving vector fields satisfy Hörmander's condition. The main new ingredient of the proof is an extension of Norris' lemma to this situation.
In this article, we show how the theory of rough paths can be used to provide a notion of solutio... more In this article, we show how the theory of rough paths can be used to provide a notion of solution to a class of nonlinear stochastic PDEs of Burgers type that exhibit too high spatial roughness for classical analytical methods to apply. In fact, the class of SPDEs that we consider is genuinely ill-posed in the sense that different approximations to the nonlinearity may converge to different limits. Using rough paths theory, a pathwise notion of solution to these SPDEs is formulated, and we show that this yields a wellposed problem, which is stable under a large class of perturbations, including the approximation of the rough driving noise by a mollified version and the addition of hyperviscosity.
We introduce a new concept of solution to the KPZ equation which is shown to extend the classical... more We introduce a new concept of solution to the KPZ equation which is shown to extend the classical Cole-Hopf solution. This notion provides a factorisation of the Cole-Hopf solution map into a "universal" measurable map from the probability space into an explicitly described auxiliary metric space, composed with a new solution map that has very good continuity properties. The advantage of such a formulation is that it essentially provides a pathwise notion of a solution, together with a very detailed approximation theory. In particular, our construction completely bypasses the Cole-Hopf transform, thus laying the groundwork for proving that the KPZ equation describes the fluctuations of systems in the KPZ universality class.
We consider parabolic stochastic partial differential equations driven by white noise in time. We... more We consider parabolic stochastic partial differential equations driven by white noise in time. We prove exponential convergence of the transition probabilities towards a unique invariant measure under suitable conditions. These conditions amount essentially to the fact that the equation transmits the noise to all its determining modes. Several examples are investigated, including some where the noise does not act on every determining mode directly.
We introduce a new notion of "regularity structure" that provides an algebraic framework allowing... more We introduce a new notion of "regularity structure" that provides an algebraic framework allowing to describe functions and / or distributions via a kind of "jet" or local Taylor expansion around each point. The main novel idea is to replace the classical polynomial model which is suitable for describing smooth functions by arbitrary models that are purpose-built for the problem at hand. In particular, this allows to describe the local behaviour not only of functions but also of large classes of distributions.
We study the ergodic properties of finite-dimensional systems of SDEs driven by non-degenerate ad... more We study the ergodic properties of finite-dimensional systems of SDEs driven by non-degenerate additive fractional Brownian motion with arbitrary Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1). A general framework is constructed to make precise the notions of "invariant measure" and "stationary state" for such a system. We then prove under rather weak dissipativity conditions that such an SDE possesses a unique stationary solution and that the convergence rate of an arbitrary solution towards the stationary one is (at least) algebraic. A lower bound on the exponent is also given.
Papers by Martin Hairer