t's only been half a year but what a great half a year it's been. Like I keep saying, if anyone had told me WERP was going to be this successful when I first started it, I don't think I would have believed them. But yet, here we are half a year later and more active than ever. It makes me happy to know that I've been able to reach out and touch a few people along the way. You guys are more than just players. You're an awesome group of friends and I don't think anything in the world can take that away from us. So I have to say a special thanks to all of you because without you, we'd never be where we are today.
So here's my thanks:
Elfgirl - You're awesome! You've been a great co-admin and a great friend. No matter what, you've always had my back through thick and thin. You're great to plot and plan with. Your help on the Handguide does not go unnoticed along with the help on our rules and policies. Words are not enough to express my thanks and my gratitude.
Shadowwolf75 - You RP an awesome Auto. I don't think I can find anyone who can hold a candle to you. You're other characters are great too. They're always a pleasant surprise and a nice treat. As equally as nice of treat is collaborating with you and all the plotting we've done together. Also, you were the very first active RPer WERP has ever had and really helped in getting the ball rolling. A big thank you to you and all that you've done.
Netbug009 - Not only are you a great RPer, but an excellent writer too. Tam-e's antics are always fun to watch and you have a great sense of humor. I enjoy your enthusiasm and energy you put in to this. A thanks for being just that awesome.
Frankincensy - You're always so thoughtful and a talented artist. Helene is a fascinating character and I like seeing her around WERP and everywhere else. I would have never thought of doing a robopsychologist but you really pulled it off well. Also, you're a treat to talk to. BTW, thanks for all your grammar help on the Handguide. I'm glad to have also been a help to you as well. Thank you very much. It's great to have you around.
Lightningeclipse - You've got a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and a great sense of humor. Cind-e is a lot of fun and quite quirky. I enjoy quirky! ^^ I never got a chance to say it, but I'll say it now - thanks for the fanart. Really, I just don't get that much outside of WERP in the past. It makes me happy that you also enjoy what I do just as much as I enjoy what you do. So thank you for everything that you do.
Ashura01 - I may not know you as well as I do the other players, but you are one cool dude. Also, it's nice to have another Canadian around to swap stories with. Sam-e is quite a cute brave little bot. I'd love to see more of him in the future. So thanks for being there with all your greatness.
Julian Wilbury/Rockerbot - You crank out a lot of awesome! I enjoy your artwork as I also enjoy your writing and Lens-a. I would have never have thought that the friendship between her and Weld-r would happen like the way it did. Those two are really great for each other. Also, you've been really patient with me when it comes to thinking of what to do with Weld-r. So thanks for everything! ^^
Babycharmander/Blazingcoral - You've got a lot of great ideas and OSM is absolutely adorable! Collaborating with you has been a real treat. You're a lot of fun to talk to. (Muuur! XD ) Also, your art is awesome. I enjoy seeing it. Also, you've done some nice work on the Handguide. A great big thanks to you!
Schellibie - You may be our newest member and I'm still getting to know you, but damn! You're great. The stuff you've done for the Handguide so far is awesome (Sorry I can't be of any help with Leah as even I haven't figured out her outfit yet. You may end up having to make that up. ) You've got a great handle on Burn-e's character and Canidie is great. I'm glad that you've joined us. I hope to see more of you in the future. Thank you very much for everything.
And thank you to all you lurkers/spectators of WERP. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Hopefully, you'll stick around for all the story, thrills, chills, drama, and fun that we will have in the future.
And as for the Xmas Eve surprise for you all... something that WERP's been really needing..... - CLICKY! ^^
BTW, on another side note, the Wednesday catchup for week #20 is up on the Handguide if you wish to check it out! ^^
- S-O
Current Location:In an trash cube igloo with Wall-e
I know I'm not as active as I used to be on LJ in general, but I still love all of you guys, and I hope everybody knows that I still consider you all dear friends.…
Gatrie nodded in agreement with Aida's words, knowing that this alone was a big step for Aida. Despite the alliance and having learned a little bit more beyond the surface of what he knew of Aida's…
While EVE, TAM-E, and VN-GO were enjoying the calm, looking out various windows of the Axiom, getting home was only the start for the busy mind of McCrea.
I know I'm not as active as I used to be on LJ in general, but I still love all of you guys, and I hope everybody knows that I still consider you all dear friends.…
Aside from assisting Auto with flying, he…
I'm glad we're back on track. Let's keep this up, guys!
- Steele