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Co-Mod Hunt!

Hi there, everyone!

Anyways, I'm looking at having a partner in crime for this comm. Think you're up for it? Here's what you'll be required to do:

- Help in doing the Wednesday Catchups (Must be able to create witty DVD-esque sounding scene titles)
- Be awesome and must love your robots. Hug them on a daily basis. XD
- Must be able to help create a layout for our fantastic RP
- Must be organized to a degree. Organized messes are also acceptable.

So if you can do it, PLEASE leave a comment on this entry.

Thanks and good luck to all!




( 27 comments — Leave a comment )
Aug. 6th, 2008 04:19 pm (UTC)
If possible, I wouldn't mind being a co-mod for this community. I'd actually been thinking of offering to help out with the Wednesday Catchup since activity had picked up so much around here. For experience and such, I've been a mod and admin in a couple of RPG communities (namely one that I've been involved with for the past 6 years: it was on ezBoard before moving to Gaia), have modded and co-modded RPGs, and I'm one of the storycrafters in the FF one. As far as organization goes, I'm reasonably organized IRL but much more so online.

And yes, I love my robots and hug them daily... even being sure to take special consideration with D-FIB. XD
Aug. 6th, 2008 04:52 pm (UTC)
Okay. I'll let you have it. We certainly have a lot of activity going on recently with all the amazing twists and turns our plot has been taking.... give or take a few emotionally confused robots. XD

So go ahead! You've got the job.

Aug. 6th, 2008 04:55 pm (UTC)
Okay. You're all powered up now.

Er.... on another note.... I sorta accidentally didn't finish last week's wednesday catch up plus the new one.... can you help me out with it? Thanks. ^#^;;

Aug. 6th, 2008 05:16 pm (UTC)
Awesome, thanks! ^_^

As for helping with last week's and this week's catchup, that's not a problem. Do you just want me to go ahead and tackle last week's first, editing it in once it's compiled?
Aug. 6th, 2008 05:18 pm (UTC)
No problem. ^^

Anyways, sure. That'll work. If you can do that, it would be awesome!

Aug. 6th, 2008 08:18 pm (UTC)
I'm on it. I'll have it up sometime later this evening. ^_^

*EDIT: Just about finished with the week 4 catchup, and I'll have it up in the next couple of hours. (My family's going out to dinner and since I'm actually home for now... well, yeah.)

Edited at 2008-08-06 11:54 pm (UTC)
Aug. 6th, 2008 11:56 pm (UTC)
Curse you and your ability to edit comments! XD Anyways, that's awesome. Love to see it when it goes up!

Aug. 7th, 2008 03:11 am (UTC)
XD! Sorry, I had completely blanked that that was a paid account thing (a friend gave me a few months worth of one a few years ago, so after getting a taste of one, I decided to stick to it... especially after the account sale a while back...^^()), but apparently its coming in handy here... and that response of yours did amuse me... mwa-ha, fear my editing skills!

I've run into a snag though. Apparently, even though being a co-mod will allow me to edit entries by anyone, it won't let me save them. And here I'd gone through, bolded/italicized, and all. XD I've tried just about everything, but it looks like you'll still have to edit it in. I've got all of Wednesday 4 typed up though, so do you want me to send it to you in an LJ message or something? Just let me know and I'll get it to you.
Aug. 7th, 2008 01:26 pm (UTC)
Your best bet is via email. Mine is [email protected] Send it to me that way and I'll make the post. I actually didn't know that you couldn't edit my post. Now that I know... we'll have to come up with some work around or something.

YOUU! You and your acursed editiation skillz! I'll send two of Japan's finest ninjas taped together with electrical tape to your door so I may have my REVENGE! XD
Aug. 7th, 2008 04:12 pm (UTC)
Just sent it out. ^_^ Also, let me know if you want me to start tackling Wednesday #5 for you today.

Mwa-ha-ha! Little do you realize though that with my editing skills, I could simply cut the ninjas from my presence and then place them somewhere else! I could even modify the placing of their electrical tape so as to render their fighting/stealth skills ineffective! XD
Aug. 7th, 2008 05:03 pm (UTC)
Alright! And I just put it up! ^^ If you can start on #5, that would be great! ^^

NOOOO! My ninjas! I payed a good 19.95$ for them on eBay! The electrical tape was an extra 1.50$.... but NOOOOOOOO! Great... now I must find a way to thwart you with something else. I was thinking of a giant squid.....

Aug. 7th, 2008 05:35 pm (UTC)
W00t! ^_^ I'll get started on #5 in a little bit and have it sent to you once it's done... this one might take a bit longer as it consists of nearly twice the number of comments as the last one did, but it'll be in your inbox. XD

I would counter the giant squid with a sperm whale. ^_^
Aug. 7th, 2008 05:41 pm (UTC)
Awesome! Thanks. Looking forward to seeing it.

BAH! NOT the sperm whale! Anything but THAT! Well... I uh.... I... I've got one bazilion great white sharks with lasers attached to their heads. My god! They were expensive.... XD
Aug. 7th, 2008 05:55 pm (UTC)
You do realize you're talking to a marine biologist who especially loves sharks, right? XD

Giving me a bazillion of them, lasers or not, would be like giving PIX-E a library much like the one that the Beast gave to Belle. XD ... which is an amusing image.
Aug. 7th, 2008 06:34 pm (UTC)
You know, you'd NEVER get Pix-e out of that library, right? She's like the biggest bibliophile in the galaxy. She'd have to be dragged out!

But anyways, they're evil Dr. EVIL type sharks. They were breed and handled by evil trainers to be in evil armies all over the world.... including mine. Wow.... did you know your admin was such an evil genius here? XD
Aug. 7th, 2008 06:54 pm (UTC)
Oh I know, but it was one of those images that wouldn't leave me alone. XD Also, those sharks will become my little puppies!!

I had an vague idea about your status as an evil genius, which I did take into consideration when applying to be your partner in crime. But... I still responded to you, didn't I? XD
Aug. 7th, 2008 07:00 pm (UTC)
Wahhh?! Noooo! My lil' sharkies! You DE-eviled them! I-I'll come up with something eviler! You'll see! XD

But Pix-e's library.... I've gotta find a way we can work that scene in to the RP. She needs at least ONE happy moment, right?
Aug. 8th, 2008 07:07 am (UTC)
I look forward to it, my friend! XD

As far as her library is concerned, yes... yes PIX-E needs some happy moments at some point, namely this big one. Do I sense a future brainstorming topic?
Aug. 8th, 2008 01:38 pm (UTC)
Yes. ^^ Actually, you had a great idea and I really want to use it now. I'm not sure if I'll have Pix-e discover it on her own or someone shows her.

Aug. 11th, 2008 05:17 pm (UTC)
On another note related to previous discussion here, I'm just about finished with the Wednesday #5 catchup. I should have it to you later today (would have already sent it out, but plans with friends have delayed it... sorry... XD).

Also, once I get the chance, do you want me to tackle the Wednesday Catchup for our most recent week and try to have that to you by Wednesday, or do you want to take this one?
Aug. 11th, 2008 05:31 pm (UTC)
I'd appreciate it if you did this wednesday's and I'll do next wednesday's one. Does that sound fair?

Anyways, don't worry about #5. Just take your time and get it to me when you get it to me, okay?

Aug. 11th, 2008 08:35 pm (UTC)
Indeed, that works. ^_^ I'll take care of it after #5 and have it to you once it's ready.

Just so you know, I'm highly amused with writing these. XD
Aug. 6th, 2008 08:38 pm (UTC)
Looks like we've got a comod already, but if you still need some help, I could make a header and find a layout that looks good with it, but not a brand new layout.
Aug. 6th, 2008 10:48 pm (UTC)
Will you? I'd like that! Thank you! ^^

Aug. 17th, 2008 08:58 pm (UTC)
Just since it's probably easier to keep up with it here than in the RP were we last mentioned it, what's up with the Wednesday Catchup for Wednesday #7? Have you got it or would you like for me to take this one?

Either way is fine, just let me know what works for you. ^_^
Aug. 18th, 2008 02:17 am (UTC)
Hate to be a pest, but could you take #7 and #8 for me? I'll try and cover #9 when we cross that bridge, okay? ^^;;

Aug. 18th, 2008 02:44 am (UTC)
That's fine. ^_^ 7 and 8 won't be a problem, and I'll have them in your inbox once their respective weeks are up.

And don't even try to think you're being a pest. I mean hey, I offered to help out with these, didn't I? XD
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