So here's my thanks:
Elfgirl - You're awesome! You've been a great co-admin and a great friend. No matter what, you've always had my back through thick and thin. You're great to plot and plan with. Your help on the Handguide does not go unnoticed along with the help on our rules and policies. Words are not enough to express my thanks and my gratitude.
Shadowwolf75 - You RP an awesome Auto. I don't think I can find anyone who can hold a candle to you. You're other characters are great too. They're always a pleasant surprise and a nice treat. As equally as nice of treat is collaborating with you and all the plotting we've done together. Also, you were the very first active RPer WERP has ever had and really helped in getting the ball rolling. A big thank you to you and all that you've done.
Netbug009 - Not only are you a great RPer, but an excellent writer too. Tam-e's antics are always fun to watch and you have a great sense of humor. I enjoy your enthusiasm and energy you put in to this. A thanks for being just that awesome.
Frankincensy - You're always so thoughtful and a talented artist. Helene is a fascinating character and I like seeing her around WERP and everywhere else. I would have never thought of doing a robopsychologist but you really pulled it off well. Also, you're a treat to talk to. BTW, thanks for all your grammar help on the Handguide. I'm glad to have also been a help to you as well. Thank you very much. It's great to have you around.
Lightningeclipse - You've got a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and a great sense of humor. Cind-e is a lot of fun and quite quirky. I enjoy quirky! ^^ I never got a chance to say it, but I'll say it now - thanks for the fanart. Really, I just don't get that much outside of WERP in the past. It makes me happy that you also enjoy what I do just as much as I enjoy what you do. So thank you for everything that you do.
Ashura01 - I may not know you as well as I do the other players, but you are one cool dude. Also, it's nice to have another Canadian around to swap stories with. Sam-e is quite a cute brave little bot. I'd love to see more of him in the future. So thanks for being there with all your greatness.
Julian Wilbury/Rockerbot - You crank out a lot of awesome! I enjoy your artwork as I also enjoy your writing and Lens-a. I would have never have thought that the friendship between her and Weld-r would happen like the way it did. Those two are really great for each other. Also, you've been really patient with me when it comes to thinking of what to do with Weld-r. So thanks for everything! ^^
Babycharmander/Blazingcoral - You've got a lot of great ideas and OSM is absolutely adorable! Collaborating with you has been a real treat. You're a lot of fun to talk to. (Muuur! XD ) Also, your art is awesome. I enjoy seeing it. Also, you've done some nice work on the Handguide. A great big thanks to you!
Schellibie - You may be our newest member and I'm still getting to know you, but damn! You're great. The stuff you've done for the Handguide so far is awesome (Sorry I can't be of any help with Leah as even I haven't figured out her outfit yet. You may end up having to make that up.
And thank you to all you lurkers/spectators of WERP. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Hopefully, you'll stick around for all the story, thrills, chills, drama, and fun that we will have in the future.
And as for the Xmas Eve surprise for you all... something that WERP's been really needing..... - CLICKY! ^^
BTW, on another side note, the Wednesday catchup for week #20 is up on the Handguide if you wish to check it out! ^^
- S-O
- Current Location:In an trash cube igloo with Wall-e
- Current Music:Sprode - Freezepop
Heck, why should S-O be the only one giving everybody thanks! Coming through!
Elfgirl - YOU. You're awesome to be working together with in this RP. You're positive and helpful. I mean, REALLY helpful. It seems like 90% of the time you're among the first RPers to know what's going on when somebody gets lost. You take up characters when people leave happily. You love what you do and are really good at it. I'm glad to have you as a fellow RPer and a friend.
Shadowwolf75 - I totally agree with S-O. You RP Auto like nobody's buisness. He's changed so much through this RP, and yet it never feels awkward or forced or wrong in the least. You have a different perspective on things, and it adds a lot to the community. When McCrea spends time with Auto, that's usually when I have the most fun RPing them.
Frankincensy - You, my friend, win an internet not just for your RPing skills, but for your incredibly hilarious crack artwork and general enthusiasm you bring. Not saying I only like your crackwork. You're a great artist. ^^
Lightningeclipse - Your OC is great. Absolutely great. I love thier behavior and the way you have them interact with others. I hope her and TAM-E cross paths more in the future. You're also a great friend. ^^
Ashura01 - Another great OC. It's so cool seeing all the different kinds of OCs around here, isn't it? Anyways, your OC has such a different flavor to him. I feel like I' still just getting to know him in ways, but I like what I see already. Glad to have you on the team. :)
Julian Wilbury/Rockerbot - You're just as much fun off-RP as on it! I love having you on my f-list, fellow epic robot geek! xD Seriously, I can relate to some of the stuff you say and I haven't been able to relate to others on it before. You're a great friend. LENS-A is a fun OC, too! ^^
Babycharmander/Blazingcoral - OSM is both your OC's name and a robotified version of a word that describes you. You're an awesome RPer and a nice artist. I'm glad to watch you on DA as well. ^^
Schellibie - You bring a lot of enthusiasm. I lost count of how many times were were like "YAY THE DVD IS COMING OUT SO I CAN SEE BURN-E AND COME TO WERP!" You're so fun, and you're a darn good artist.
Anyways, A LOGO! 8D NEAT! Now all we need is MATCHING T-SHIRTS!
...Somebody called for a website makeover? I mean, I can't make whole new layouts, but I can make a banner to match a certain premade layout. I did that with netbugstuff.
But anyways... you can do that? Wow! That'd be awesome. Thanks, Netbug! ^^ BTW, thanks for all your thanks and you're very welcome. ^^
Have yourself a very merry Christmas! :D
- S-O
S-O- My thanks; where to begin? I have to admit when I first ran into this RP I severely underestimated it, but once I started reading it, I was glued to it, read every single post (NOT JUST CATCHUPS) because it was all that awesome, and marvelled at how you held it all together. You've done an awesome job leading this crazy group. I also am not sure how the whole Lens-a and Weld-r friendship thing happened but it was just an awesome fluke that happened when I was trying so hard to find a place here. I felt like I forced her into a role here; but it worked! Thanks for putting up with my often dodgy posting.
Elfgirl - You were one of the first people to really reach out to me when I joined, it felt like. It's true, you really ARE one of the first people to come and help out when an RPer is in need of assistance or advice, and you're awesome for it. I love your OCs, Jeq-n gives me warm fuzzies and I feel such pathos for Deuce, and my goodness, you have such a handle on all the rogue robots! And the whole subplot with Lens-a being afraid of Han-s has been fun to work through.
Shadowwolf75 - You have contributed so many elements to the RP that it couldn't run without, and it's amazing. I love your development of Auto and his backstory, and you could not believe how much I looked for forward to Reika and Auto's reunion. Overall you've just made awesome contributions to the RP with the fleshing out of areas of the WALL-Everse that hadn't been explored, and I look forward to your posts. Also, give Shou a hug for me, okay?
Netbug009 - Netbug, for me, you're synonymous with EVE and the WALL-E fandom in general. I am so glad that despite you've never RP'd you joined, because we'd missing out otherwise. You're also a wonderful friend, and I hope that never changes. TAM-E is such a wonderful OC, and the recent TAM-O developments have had me squeeing so loudly! And I hope the Darnit!Tam-e moments never end. :D
Frankincensy - I'm sorry I haven't talked to you as much, but I do know that you're an awesome RPer. I don't know if you were inspired by Issac Asimov's Dr. Calvin the robopsychologist, which would win you massive brownie points in my book, but Helene is a much more awesome and endearing version, anyway. And as a fine connoisseur of fandom crack, I appreciate your contributions.
Lightningeclipse - I also love Cind-e! (As if it isn't obvious!) I can't wait to hear more about her backstory with her creator, what you've alluded to sounds wonderful and may have the potential for breakbreaking. :( I know you said before you'd never have a robot character, but I'm so glad you do now, because Cind-e in all her insanities is such fun to RP with. I also enjoy talking to you off-RP! I also love seeing your art- post moooaaar!
Ashura01 - I'm sorry I haven't gotten to know you more, but you have such a wonderful little character in Sam-e and I can't wait to hear more about him. Netbug's right, he does seem to have a different flavour to him, and I wonder what you have up your sleeve. ;)
Babycharmander/Blazingcoral - I think Netbug said it best, but I love the word "awesome" in case people haven't noticed it yet. But you and OSM are awesome! He's so adorable in all his dimwittedness and pacifist ways (don't tell him I called him that XD ) and I always look forward to your posts. You have wonderful art, too, and good taste in games and movies.
Schellibie - You've been awesome on and off the WERP- you're so much fun to talk to! I'm glad you're finally here with Burn-e and your OC and you've been great so far. You're also another wonderful artist whose work I love seeing and I think you have a bright future ahead of you!
Man, if only any of us on the WERP had a dA sub. I would love to make a simple stamp to display WERP pride on my page, myself. S-O, another thing I love about you is your graphic design work!
Blah blah blah hearts hearts hearts I love you guys and you know that already. XD Happy holidays and halfversery!
S-O: You're a great person on and off WERP, and without you, none of this would even exist! So yes, you rock. And I love your design work and all the thought you've put into the RP and expanding the universe. Oh, and all of your characters are awesome in their own way, and you've done a great job making everything fit into the WALL-E universe!
Elfgirl: Okay, MY FELLOW NERDTWIN! The only fandom person I've met offline (so far) and you are just great. The way you handle so many characters is AWESOME. I could never do it. Thanks for puppeting Burn-e for me when I was away off in homework land. So yeah, pretty much you know I think you rock, and NERDTWINS FOREVAH! (go Duke! *shot*)
Shadowwolf75: You are a really cool person and you've done so much for expanding the WERP universe also... and your take on AUTO is awesome, as has been said many times before. ^^ Anyways, you're a great writer and a great RPer and I don't knwo what wed do without you!
Netbug: I've gotten to know you pretty well over the past couple months, and I must say, YOU ARE AWESOME. You write a great EVE, and I just love TAM-E as well. Your sense of humor is actually one of the first things that got me interested in WERP. So yeah... keep being awesome, and keep writing WEVE fluff. XD Because you can never have enough fluff.
Frankincensy: Girl, you are amazing. Helene is such a refreshing character, and your positive attitude is great to have around the RP. Not to mention you are an awesome person to talk to and you've been there for me for these past few months. And you're a great artist! <333
Lightningeclips: Haha, if not for you I'd be the youngest around WERP. *shot* Anyways, CIND-E is so fun to read and you're great with her. Plus getting to know you has been fun, you have a great personality! Also, you've made me laugh many a time with your posts! <3
Ashura: Can't wait to see more of you and SAM-E around the RP. You've done a great job developing his character and overall you are just a cool dude!
Babycharmander: Okay, you are one cool chick! OSM is, for lack of a better word, adorkable! And you do a great job with him. Plus you are just a cool laid back person overall! OSM adds a whole new layer of awesome. (haha pun) to the RP. <3
Julian: You're so fun to talk to, and Lens-a is such a cool and unique character. You've got talent, that's for sure! :D Plus it's awesome to have someone that I can rant about TV Tropes to until ungodly hours of the night... haha. Anyways, keep on bringing the awesome, girl!
*passes out*
**hugs you anyways** Seriously though, the two of us are the best example of kidding around with this... everyone from both sides of the rivalry could stand to take lessons from us. XD
Anyways, thanks to you and everyone so far, and I'm honored. ^_^ I'll get to posting my own rundown of thank yous later... possibly in the next hour, but if not then, then definitely sometime on the 25th itself.
Ooh, ooh, meeee! I'm a lurker! I love hanging around here reading through the stories and seeing the fanart. I have a character of my own that I wish I could of RP'd had I of come earlier. It's wonderful seeing how developed all these robots around here are becoming. :D
So, in conclusion, I want to thank all of you who RP and make my day a little brighter when I read them! <3
And it's never too late to join! If you're ever stuck on character creation Elfgirl and I can help you out no problem. We're pretty good with this stuff.
S-O: I owe a huge debt of thanks to you for being the one who came up with this in the first place, but more than that, it's been such a pleasure to read your posts and RP with you. I never would have joined WERP if you hadn't created such a fun, inclusive, n00b-friendly atmosphere, and I was hooked on your characters long before I jumped in with my own. I love your sense of humour and your enthusiasm, and your characters are a seriously inspiring lot. If that wasn't enough, you've taught me stuff about SAR, vector art and the horrors of a Canadian winter... and this knowledge-vulture is very grateful for that. XD Thanks for being so awesome.
Elfgirl: not only are you a joy to RP with, you're such a nice person too. You're always so kind and friendly. Taking part in scenes with you is always a pleasure because you write such detailed, thoughtful posts- the Helene and Dax flashback scene is one of my favourite moments in the RP so far. You've imbued each of the Rogue Robots with more personality than I thought possible, and created wonderful OCs as well. This may sound random, but I love your passion for sharks. It's always nice to talk to someone who has a real love for a particular subject, whatever that subject is. Oh, and you taught me the word "crural". XD
Netbug: the WALL-E fandom wouldn't be the same without you... sometimes I wonder if you have a direct line to Pixar to give us all the inside scoops. XD You write so much fic it blows my mind; I dream of being as productive as you. You RP with a sense of humour and a real dedication that always shows through. Plus, TAM-E is so cute. Outside the RP, you are always very respectful and kind regardless of whether people agree with you or not, and I really appreciate that.
Shadow: put it this way, Auto's portrayal in the movie seems a little two-dimensional to me now- you're that good with him. You took a character I was indifferent to and gave him so much personality and heart- and as for Pito, it has brought us untold amounts of squee and epic win. I can't wait for it to canon, but I also love the way you and S-O are dragging it out. XD Also, your OCs win. Reika and Serenity are two of my favourite characters in the RP.
Lightningeclipse: Cind-e is just so much fun. She's a bratty character who is totally not annoying, if you get what I mean... in less careful hands, Cind-e could have ended up being quite an unappealing character, but your sense of humour and skill mean she's always firmly on the likeable side, so kudos to you for pulling that off. It's a pleasure to have you in the RP. ^^
Ashura01: you deserve a lot of credit for your RPing of SAM-E. Although he may not have taken centre stage very much yet, he's fulfilled a crucial role anyway, and I like the way his personality is developing. It's great to have you both.
Julian Wilbury: you sometimes apologise for the length of your responses, but I can tell you they're always a pleasure to read. The insights into LENS-A's mind you give are so cool to read- fleshed-out characters rule. LENS-A and Weld-r are such a fun pair; they're definitely my favourite platonic ship. They just complement each other so well. Again, props to you for creating a character whose neurotic moments come off as funny and endearing, not annoying. Also, you're a very talented artist.
BabyCharmander: you're a true veteran and I'm kind of in awe of how long you've been RPing and making OCs. I didn't even know what the internet WAS when I was nine. XD Anyway, it's really cool to see the evolution of OSM from some of your previous characters. He's just so much fun to read about, no matter what he does, and I love how you have a sense of humour about him and aren't afraid to make fun of him in his dorkier moments. XD You're both awesome and it's great to have you here.
Schellibie: your arrival pushed the WERP awesome-ometer up to dangerous levels. XD Even before you arrived, I loved chatting with you about WALL-E and everything else... you're very cool. I'll be cheering you on no matter what you set out to do. Anyway, your portrayal of BURN-E has been hilarious, and Candide is such a cool addition to the Heritage, especially given recent developments regarding Gatrie. XD You're such a good artist and you're always really fun and friendly. ILU.
S-O: Well, first of all, without you, we wouldn't have WERP at all, so that already puts you at the very top of my personal awesome-meter. XD But besides that, you're halarious, and a great person to talk to. You're also very friendly and helpful...heck, you were the one who helped me out with Cind-E and invited me here in the first place! So I'll always be greatful for that, and I love your characters as well.
(Oh, and as for the fanart, no problem! ^^)
Elfgirl: Okay, you are seriously EPIC. I roleplay probably half of the characters in the RP, you write the catchups, you're co-admin of this place, you're always one of the first ones to jump in and help out when someone is having trouble...and yet, you're also an awesome writer and always so friendly. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you seriously are awesome.
Netbug009: You know, it's funny, I can't seem to think of the WALL*E fandom in general without thinking of you now. You contribute so much to the fandom, and you're a great writer as well, I'm a big fan of your work. You're also halarious, and always help come up with some of the best crack ideas. XD You also write McCrea and EVE very well, and I just LOVE TAM-E. <3 You've also been a great friend, and yeah...just keep being awesome.
Shadowwolf75: I know everyone else has said this already, but you really do RP Auto just fantastically. Honestly, before I found this place I didn't really think much of Auto, and I HATED the idea of him being paired up with anyone. Obiviously, you've changed my mind COMPLETELY on both things, and now I totally adore that wheel. XD You're a great writer, and you've contributed so much to this whole universe here....I'm really glad we have you here.
Babycharmander: Like the others have said, you're, well...awesome. XD I've really enjoyed chatting with you, and you've been a great friend. And...if you can't tell already...I just love OSM to peices, he's such a sweetheart. I've also had a LOT of fun with the interaction between him and Cind-E, and I'm very much looking forward to doing that certian thing we plotted between those two. (MWAHAHAHAHA! XD) Oh, and just as a side-note, I love your artwork.
Julian Wilbury: My fellow robo-geek! 8D No, seriously, you're just so much fun to talk to, and you're also one of the first people I RPed with here, and that really helped me feel settled, so I owe you for that. XD LENS-A is also a fastcinating character, I'm a big fan of hers.
(Oh, and I'm glad you're looking forward to Cind-E's backstory. XD; It's not really that epic, it's really rather simple...but, I tried my best.)
Frankincensy: Oh man, I really should try to talk with you more, because you're awesome as well. Helene's a really great and unique character, I'm just fastcinated by her. I also love your fanart and you just seem like a really cool person in general. Really glad you're a part of this place. ^^
Ashura01: Yeah, I don't know you as well as I know some of these other guys, but you seem like a really cool dude. ^^ SAM-E is also a very interesting character, as well...he's a very quiet, thoughtful sort of robot, and considering a lot of the characters in the WALL*E universe have loud personalities, that's pretty neat to see. I'm glad we have you here as well.
Schellibie: You're one of the few people I knew before coming here, and I've always really enjoyed talking with you. You're halarious, and you have a great personality as well. (Also, yay for being a fellow Avatar geek! XD) I totally love how you've RPed BURN-E so far, and Candide's been a lot of fun, as well. (The relationship between her and Gatrie has been really cute/halarious so far. XD) Keep up the good work! ^^
LightningEclipse:....Oh, wait....
Once again you guys, thanks so much for the awesome compliments. ^^ I really really appreciate it, and I totally love this place, and you all. *hugs everyone* Merry Christmas!
S-O-- Without you there wouldn't be the awesomeness that is this RP, and Pix-e certainly wouldn't be around. I'm having lots of fun dragging out her relationship with Auto, but it's going to be even more awesome once we finally get them to get their acts together and admit it to each other. I think Auto's finally going to admit it to himself in my next post . . .
Netbug-- Tam-e is epic win, as is her epic amount of spazzing over M-O. You also play an awesome Eve, and it's always fun to RP Auto interacting with Captain McCrea.
Elfgirl-- The thing that's most amazing about your part in the RP is how you took pretty much all the rogue robots and gave them all far more character than the movie ever gave them. D-fib and Han-s are great, as are all the others. All your OCs are awesome too.
Frankincensy-- Not only do you have a wonderful character in Helene, you're a pretty good artist too . . . and your crack art is usually hilarious.
LightningEclipse-- Cind-e is amusing to no end. She's so different from just about every bot in the RP, but that's what makes her so funny. Should be fun to see the next strange thing she does.
Ashura01-- Your OC is great too . . . should be interesting to finally have him and Reika interact sooner or later.
Julian_willbury-- Lens-a is pretty awesome too . . . kinda funny that she's supposed to be a security bot and yet she was scared of Han-s for a while.
BC-- OSM's just such a lovable doofus . . . he means well but he just can't seem do do things right, you can't help but feel for the hammer bot.
Schellibie-- You haven't been around as long as everyone else, but you're just as great! Burn-e couldn't have a better RPer and Candide is a riot.
All right, I think I got everyone . . . the non-teal deer version is this: you guys rock!
Steele - Not to throw your own compliment for me back at you, but there's no other way to put it... you're awesome! You're a great friend as well and I'm honored to be your co-admin. Whether it's story stuff or administrative details, you're amazing to plot and plan with, and to be honest, I always look forward to your next PM when we get in a spree of those. Four months later, and I'm still ecstatic to be a part of JEQ-N with you... along with that, the Ranger was fun to plan, and I'm excited about our upcoming plots, both those that we've worked on and those we've yet to figure out. As I've said before, thank you so much for starting WERP in the first place and for just being awesome yourself. Your story, characters, and everything else are made of win, and I'm just happy to be a part of this.
Shadow - I've gotta say it... you play Auto perfectly. Same as you say I've given more character to all of the Rogue Robots, you've done the same for him, and you've done a fantastic job. Your OCs are all great too, and just as I loved the extra dimension of a trio friendship that Jeremie gave to Leah and Vivian, I'm thrilled to be a part of DeShou with you. I'm looking forward to the two of us RPing out more of the couple that is essentially the epitome of H/C. I've enjoyed getting to know you better as a friend, and seriously, thanks for everything you've done here so far.
Netbug - The feeling is mutual in that I'm very glad to have you as a fellow RPer and friend. ^_^ I love RPing out WEVE and TAM-O with you, especially bouncing our ideas off each other both in the RP and in our plotting. It's a ton of fun working random ideas out with you, whether they're actually for the RP or general crack. You're very amusing, enthusiastic, a great writer, and your sense of humor is classic. You might be new to RPing, but I'm glad to have you in all of your awesomeness here. And of course, I'm looking forward to our future plans being pulled off. XD
Frankincensy - You're a wonderful friend, a fantastic RPer, and a great artist. You're fun to work with, I love RPing out scenes with you too, and I'm definitely looking forward to more Heritage plotting with you. The Helene and Dax flashback is one of my favorite RP moments too, thanks in no small part to just how much you added to that once very vague idea. Helene is a very interesting character and I'm excited to get to see her in action more as we continue the story. Our random discussions, WERP-related and non, are always an amazing read, and it's great to know that I've always got someone I can talk to about various things, whether they pertain to the plot or are just random subjects. As I've said before, I'm very glad you jumped in on the action. ^_^
Lightningeclipse - I'm glad you wound up joining here and that we've become friends both in WERP and online in general. Like Steele, I hadn't gotten the chance to say it yet, but the fanart was great. Seriously. Your enthusiasm and creativity just add so much more to the awesomeness we've got going on here, and they've definitely expanded on it from that initial point. Cind-E amuses me to no end, and I second what Frankincensy regarding her. Again, great to have you here.
Ashura - It's always great to have a fellow gamer around. XD I'm glad you joined the action here. Also, I never got to say it a while back, but you took a potentially iffy situation regarding Sam-e's introduction and turned it into a creative, believable, and successful story. You took the more challenging path and I think it made him a stronger character for it. I'm looking forward to seeing his true personality come out more now that he's free and able to make new friends with the Axiom crew.
Julian - Lens-a is great, just about as great a character as you are a friend. Seriously, you rock. ^_^ I'm also glad that I'm not the only one who writes the long, descriptive posts for various given scenes, especially since yours are always so fun to read. Also, I did quite enjoy working out Lens-a's fear of Han-s, and I'm proud of her for getting to the point where she is now. We still might have to put that idea of ours into play at some point, but regardless, it's just great to have you on the team.
BC - You're a great RPer, artist, and friend. Osm has always been and is adorable, and I'm glad to have had all the exchanges with him and my characters. I've really loved having all of the interactions between Osm and the Rogue Robots, especially since I think they all really brought out more of the personalities and characters for everyone involved in them. You're very creative and enthusiastic, your sense of humor never ceases to amuse me, and I'm just really glad to have you here.
Schellibie - And last but certainly not least, my NERDTWIN! XD I could go on and on about how glad I am to have met you both online and IRL, but I'd start rambling and getting repetitive, and I think the two of us both know more than what can be said in a simple thank you here. Suffice to say though, I'm really happy that we've gotten to be such close friends, and not just with WALL-E. I've loved all of our awesome conversations and plotting... seriously, you're amazing with Burn-e, and Candide is just fantastic on her own regardless of our adorkable plans that deal with her and a certain mechanic. I'm thrilled that you were finally able to join in on the action here, and I'm looking forward to even more epic win here, IRL, and in general. You rock as well, and indeed... GEEK TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE! XD
Yeah... I love all of you guys and I hope you all had a great holiday. Here's to very much continued awesomeness all around. ^_^