Papers by Hamdan Hadi Kusuma
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Absorption and emission measurement were made on ruby (Cr:Al2O3) crystal with 0.5 wt. %). The res... more Absorption and emission measurement were made on ruby (Cr:Al2O3) crystal with 0.5 wt. %). The results for optical absorption spectra of Cr 3+ :Al2O3 single crystal are shows two strong absorption bands at 408 nm and 558 nm in the range spectrum between 390 nm and 600 nm, meanwhile three broad absorption bands at 205 nm, 227 nm and 255 nm in range spectrum between 190 nm and 370 nm. The emission band when excited by UV light at 205 nm, 227 nm and 255 nm were detected and centered at 321 nm. The emission band by the excitation of 408 nm was found at 465 nm, 671 nm, 692 nm and 710 nm. Meanwhile, the emission band under the excitation of blue light at 490 nm was detected at 671 nm, 692 nm and 710 nm. The emission band at 671 nm, 688 nm, 695 nm and 710 nm were detected from excitation by green light with wavelength at 532 nm and 558 nm.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE-UIN-SUKA 2021)
Spectroscopic properties and excited-state absorption (ESA) of Ti doped Al21O3 were investigated ... more Spectroscopic properties and excited-state absorption (ESA) of Ti doped Al21O3 were investigated in detail. Absorption spectrum was carried in the range of 200-800 nm by UV-Vis NIR spectrometer, and the emission spectra in the range 200–900 nm was recorded by a Perkin Elmer LS 55 luminescence Spectrometer. The excitation spectra of these emissions were measured and interpreted using a band model for the Ti: Al2O3 system.

This research has studied the value of moisture content, calorific value, and the rate of burning... more This research has studied the value of moisture content, calorific value, and the rate of burning of corncob skin briquettes and kapok kapok (Ceiba pentranda). The briquettes were produced in 5 steps: First, the main material for cobs and kapok randu (Ceiba Pentranda) skin is dried so that the weight is reduced by 20%. Second, the carbonization of the main materials with a temperature of 400 ̊C for 60 minutes with a furnace and sieved. Third, compressed briquettes with corncob and kapok randu (Ceiba Pentranda) skin composition in the following ratios of A (100%: 0%), B (75%: 25%), C (50%: 50%), D (25%: 75 %), E (0%: 100%) with 10% w/w tapioca starch as binder. Fourth, dried the briquette sample and roasted at a temperature of 100 ̊C for 60 minutes. Fifth, the samples were then characterized by bomb calorimeter. The results show that the highest moisture content value was in sample E 3,33%, the highest calorific value was in sample E which was 6195.05 Cal/grams, and the highest burni...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
ZnO is a semiconductor material that advantages in various applications, especially for photocata... more ZnO is a semiconductor material that advantages in various applications, especially for photocatalysts. The catalytic activity of ZnO is much better than other materials, because ZnO can absorb light in a wider spectrum. The double layer ZnO/ZnO:Ag with various concentrations of 0.1 M, 0.3 M, and 0.5 M has been successful deposition. Double layer ZnO/ZnO:Ag deposition was carried out by sol-gel method and spray coating deposition technique. The results showed that the concentration of double layer ZnO/ZnO: Ag increased with the increase of the absorbance value. From the transmittance spectrum attempt was made to estimate the value of energy band gap of the samples. Double layer ZnO / ZnO:Ag energy gap in the range 3,2-3,3 eV. The energy gap of Double Layer ZnO/ZnO:Ag decreases with increasing concentration to 0.5 M. Double layer ZnO/ZnO: Ag 0.5 M has the smallest energy gap of 3.21 eV. Photodegradation testing was carried out to determine the ability of samples to photocatalytic act...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
The digital module can be used as a solution in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The... more The digital module can be used as a solution in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a Chemistry e-Module Based On Chemistry Triplet Representation and Unity of Sciences. Research and development were conduct to developed this e-module. The steps were: (1) research and information collected; (2) planned; (3) developed a primary form of product; (4) preliminary field-tested; (5) main product revision; (6) main field-tested; (7) operational product revision; (8) operational field-tested; (9) final product revision; (10) dissemination and implementation. Pre-test post-test control group design was applied to see the effectiveness of e-Module on critical thinking skills. Data were collected using test and non-test methods. The research subjects were students of the Chemistry Education Department, UIN Walisongo. Chemists and multi media experts have done the validation to test the initial quality of the products and give a fe...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Synthesis of bamboo charcoal from Javanese bamboo has been carried out at a temperature of 400°C ... more Synthesis of bamboo charcoal from Javanese bamboo has been carried out at a temperature of 400°C with a yield of 30.86%. The syintesis of javanes bamboo charcoal by heating proses with activated using NaCl. Activated bamboo charcoal was characterized using reference to SNI 06-3730-1995 regarding technical activated charcoal including water content, volatile content, total ash content, carbon content, iodine absorption and absorption of methylene blue. Activated bamboo charcoal also characterized its functional groups using FTIR and morphology using SEM. The activated bamboo charcoal which has the characteristics of a water content of 4.36% (w/w), an ash content of 1.28%(w/w), a vapor content of 5.28%(w/w), a carbon content of 80.08% (w/w), an iodine absorption capacity of 1146.35 mg/g and the absorption capacity of Methylene blue 421.46 mg/g which according to SNI 06-3730-95 standards concerning activated charcoal. From the FTIR result activated bamboo charcoal shows an absorption a...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Scientific communication is an important skill for teacher, but so far, lecturers have never eval... more Scientific communication is an important skill for teacher, but so far, lecturers have never evaluate the scientific communication skills of pre-service physics teacher. This study aims to analyze the scientific communication skills of pre-service physics teacher of UIN Walisongo Semarang. The data collection methods used were tests, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of the data analysis showed that the test questions were valid and reliable. There are 27 items in the final product, with one easy question and 26 moderate questions. Pre-service physics teachers’ scientific communication skills are divided into six categories, with a percentage of 23.6% being skilled; 1.2% less skilled type 1A; 2,6% less skilled type 1B; 6.7% less skilled type 2A; 47.9% less skilled type 2B; and 17.9% unskilled. The lecturers need to improve scientific communication skills to pre-service physics teacher. In addition, lecturers also need to analyze pre-service physics teachers’ scientific ...
Hydrogen in the from of OH- ions can be incorporated into LiNbO3 single crystals during the growt... more Hydrogen in the from of OH- ions can be incorporated into LiNbO3 single crystals during the growth process. The infrared absorption band due to the OH- has been measured at room temperature. The OH- absorption peaks of pure and doped lithium niobate crystals have been investigated. It was found absorption peaks of pure LiNbO3 at about 3458 cm-1, 3476 cm-1, and 3492 cm-1. However, the absorption peaks of Er3+doped LiNbO3 was found at 3451 cm-1, 3478 cm-1, and 3490 cm-1. The OH- absorption peaks were considered to relate to the stretching vibrations of protons located at 336 pm O-O bonds in oxygen triangles nearest to the Li site.
Kusuma, Hamdan Hadi (2004) Relation between temperature gradient at growth interface rate in czoc... more Kusuma, Hamdan Hadi (2004) Relation between temperature gradient at growth interface rate in czochralski LiNbO3 examined by heat balance equation. In: Regional Conference on Solid State Science And Technology , 2004, Kota Kinabalu. ... Full text not available from this repository. ... Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. More information and software credits.

Higher-order thinking skills are essential skills for a pre-service teacher to have. This study a... more Higher-order thinking skills are essential skills for a pre-service teacher to have. This study aims to develop the instrument and measure the higher-order thinking skills pre-service physics teacher UIN Walisongo Semarang with science literacy-based learning using the High Order Thinking Skills instrument. The data collection method used was a test, consisting of 20 selected questions with open reasons; structured interviews with lecturers and pre-service physics teachers; and documentation to collect pre-service physics teachers’ data required for research. The test instrument developed by reacherchers and validated by expert in the field of evaluation and physics. The instrument developed was in the form of questions grids, test questions, answer keys, scoring and assessment guidelines, and guidelines for the interpretation of high order thinking skills. The results of product development obtained 14 test items representing four indicators on Simple Harmonic Motion material. The ...

Penelitian pemanfaatan fabrikasi plastik biodegradable telah dikembangkan karena bersifat ramah l... more Penelitian pemanfaatan fabrikasi plastik biodegradable telah dikembangkan karena bersifat ramah lingkungan dan terbarukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuat plastik biodegradable dengan filler berupa (kitosan dari limbah kulit udang dan tepung ampas ubi kayu dari limbah ampas ubi kayu) dengan penambahan sorbitol sebagai matrix, serta menganalisa menggunakan uji kuat tarik dengan standar ASTM D-638M, FTIR dan biodegradasi. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan 4 sampel plastik biodegradable dengan variasi perbandingan komposisi massa filler (kitosan:tepung ampas ubi kayu) masing-masing sampel yaitu A (1,30: 0,70) gr, B (1,35: 0,65) gr, C (1,40: 0,60) gr dan D (1,45: 0,55) gr. Dari hasil uji sifat mekanik didapatkan nilai kuat tarik masing-masing sampel yaitu A (1,01±0,11) MPa, B (1,32±0,08) MPa, C (1,66±0,03) MPa dan D (1,97±0,06) MPa. Sedangkan nilai persen elongasi dari masing-masing sampel yaitu A (23,58 ± 1,39) %, B (16,67 ± 0,20) %, C (11,01 ± 1,32) % dan D (8,11 ± 0,72) %. Sedangk...
Optical transmission and absorption spectra of Ti:Al2O3 single crystal have been determined in th... more Optical transmission and absorption spectra of Ti:Al2O3 single crystal have been determined in the region of UV-vis and infrared at room temperature. The main absorption peaks at 491 nm and 562 nm, the weak infrared absorption band at 650 nm and the strong UV absorption band below 300 nm are observed. The absorption coefficient alpha was determined in the visible range while the optical band gap have been determine using the relation of alpha 1/2 vs (hv) plot. The refractive index is discussed in the vicinity of Fresnel's equation. In particular, the Sellmeier equation was determined in the range visible region by means on non-conventional method based on the measurement of refraction by using UV-visible spectroscopy. The refractive indices are forward to decrease from 3.71 to 1.28 in the wavelength range 400 - 800 nm

This research aims to produce a product in the form of an encyclopedia of physics measuring instr... more This research aims to produce a product in the form of an encyclopedia of physics measuring instruments and to find out the quality of the encyclopedia of physics measuring instruments as a learning resource for SMP / MTs students. The type of research used in this research is Research and Development (RD), referring to the development of Borg Gall which has been modified by Sugiyono. The subjects of this study were students of class VII SMP Negeri 1 Brangsong. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by means of interviews and questionnaires. The results of the encyclopedia quality assessment based on the evaluation of material experts are 100% with very good category, media experts are 94.29% with very good category, assessment from science teachers is 93.33% with very good category, and the assessment of student responses in the small-scale trial was 97.78% with the very good category. Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that the encyclopedia of physics...
This paper reports the growth and spectroscopic characteristics of Ti-doped Al2O3 crystals. The T... more This paper reports the growth and spectroscopic characteristics of Ti-doped Al2O3 crystals. The Ti3+:Al2O3 single crystals have been successfully grown by Czochralski method in argon atmosphere with Automatic Diameter Control (ADC) r.f heating for the first time. The effects of composition and properties of the crystals on the process variables, growth parameters, thermal designs are described. The crystal quality enhancement and control by recognizing, understanding, and minimizing or elimination of crystal defects are also described. The absorption and emission spectra were investigated. Absorption spectrum was obtained in the range of 200-800 nm by using on UV-Vis NIR spectrometer. The optimized growth conditions were identified based on the observation.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
A minimal extension of the Standard Model with the gauge grup SU(2)⊗U(1)⊗Z2 has been built. In th... more A minimal extension of the Standard Model with the gauge grup SU(2)⊗U(1)⊗Z2 has been built. In this theory, there are three scalar fields, namely two doublet Φ and η and one singlet Φs. The scalar field mass of Φs is found to be greater than the mass of η and the scalar field mass of η is greater than the mass of Φ (mΦs > mη > mΦ).
Phenomenon : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Fisika adalah cabang ilmu pengetahuan alam (sains) yang mempelajari tentang fenomena alam secara ... more Fisika adalah cabang ilmu pengetahuan alam (sains) yang mempelajari tentang fenomena alam secara ilmiah. Fenomena alam yang ada dan terjadi di bumi dan di langit adalah kajian sains dan sekaligus objek tafakkur kepada Allah. Pemahaman pengetahuan agama Islam (Al-Qur’an dan as sunnah) menjadi dasar untuk mempelajari fisika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan hasil belajar mata kuliah fisika dasar dan pengetahuan agama Islam (Tafsir) terhadap kemampuan mengintegrasikan bagi mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Walisongo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan kemampuan mengintegrasikan pengetahuan agama Islam dengan konsep dasar fisika masih rendah ditunjukkan dengan nilai…

Journal Of Natural Sciences And Mathematics Research
The research of solar cell with using dye from natural materials as a sensitizer in a dye-sensiti... more The research of solar cell with using dye from natural materials as a sensitizer in a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) continues to grow. One advantage of the DSSC is does not require a material with high purity so that the production cost is relatively low. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of the absorption band of teak leaf extract. Extraction of teak leaves dissolved in a mixture of ethanol and acetic acid with a variation ratio of 1: 0, 1: 1 and 5.66: 1, resulting in a solution of each color reddish yellow, reddish brown and dark red. Absropsi test results with UV-Vis spectrometer showed that there are peaks in the absorbance in the visible region, ie at wavelengths between 500 nm to 560 nm. This shows that the dye material of teak leaf extract may work or absorb the green color. While absobption other peaks are also found in pektrum wavelength of 580 nm, 600 nm and 660 nm, each of which can absorb the green color yellow, orange and red.

Journal Of Natural Sciences And Mathematics Research
Wasted-plastic which is a hardly-decomposed material was one of the major problems of trash-recyc... more Wasted-plastic which is a hardly-decomposed material was one of the major problems of trash-recycling management in Indonesia. Replacing a common plastic with biodegradable plastic was one of the solution to reduce the amount of undecomposed-materials in the enviroment. Therefore, the aim of this resarch is to study how to synthesis cassava shell based biodegradable plastic and to analyse the effect of kitosan addition on cassava shell based biodegradable plastic properties. There are three basic characterization processes performed to analyse the sample properties, i.e mechanical test, FTIR and biodegradability test. Kitosan enhanced the mechanical and biodegradability properties of samples. The elongation-percentage decreased down to 8,57% along with the increasing the amount of kitosan concentration. FTIR data indicated the presence of O-H, N-H, C-H, C=C, NO2 and CO organic functional group on biodegradable plastic samples. Kitosan reduce the decomposition process of samples due to its hydrophilicity. Sample with highest concentration of kitosan decomposed at the longest time up to 14 days. .

Journal Of Natural Sciences And Mathematics Research, 2015
The Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> crystal has been done by Czochralki Metho... more The Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> crystal has been done by Czochralki Method with different pull rate. The effect of pull rate on the Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> single crystal was characterized using X-ray diffraction and density measurement. Base on the XRD result of Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> crystal, which belongs to the hexagonal system, except for the difference in the relative intensity, present diffraction data which are found to be in good agreement with those of the powder diffraction file (PDF) 43-1484 provided by the JCPDS. It was observed the structure with symmetry group <em>D</em><sup>6</sup><sub>3d</sub>–<em>R</em>3<em>C </em>and has lattice constants being <em>a </em>= 4.759 Å, <em>c</em> = 12.99 Å. The density of the crystals increased with the pull rate. This phenomenon is caused by the speed of the pull rate cr...
Papers by Hamdan Hadi Kusuma