Papers by Nicholas Mataya
After 325, Christianity was divided against itself as different groups within the church advocate... more After 325, Christianity was divided against itself as different groups within the church advocated Arian or Nicene definitions of orthodox faith. The response to Arianism exhibited by Severinus of Noricum (modern Austria) in Eugippius' Vita Severini, a work written in the early sixth century, is atypical in the Nicene orthodox literary tradition. Nicene orthodox authors in the fourth to sixth centuries of Christianity generally considered Arians to be a hostile "other."
Late Antiquity was a time in which much of the accepted political, cultural, and social order was... more Late Antiquity was a time in which much of the accepted political, cultural, and social order was being transformed into something new: a Christian Mediterranean. One can see evidence of this transformation in the religious writings that have survived to today. In the Balkans, these religious writings normally take the form of martyr acts and hagiographies that follow the actions of a holy man. Three of these stories are the Passio Iuli Veterani, the Passio Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Sirmiensis, and Eugippius" Vita Severini. By examining the holy man"s adversaries, their ideas of sin, and the power wielded by the holy man to influence the surrounding powers, one can see in these stories evidence for the transformation of Christianity in the Balkans.
Papers by Nicholas Mataya