AD-minister Num: 23 by Michèle E. M. Akoorie
El objetivo de este artículo es identificar como el proceso histórico y los cambios en ideologías... more El objetivo de este artículo es identificar como el proceso histórico y los cambios en ideologías políticas han influenciado en la respuesta de inversión en Chile por parte de las empresas multinacionales. Con base en una dimensión histórica, se presenta una trayectoria de desarrollo a través de la cual el sistema económico chileno, influenciado por cambios en las ideologías políticas, ha evolucionado. En cada sección se categorizan las respuestas de las empresas multinacionales durante los distintos periodos de inversión. A continuación se proponen contribuciones a la teoría e implicancias para los administradores, sugiriendo que el entendimiento del funcionamiento del sistema político de un país asiste a la empresa para desarrollar y ejecutar estrategias de manejo de riesgo apropiadas.
JEL: F23, P3.
Papers by Michèle E. M. Akoorie

Revista Suma de Negocios, Dec 2010
Technology transfer, spillovers and linkages from MNEs to local industry may aid economic develop... more Technology transfer, spillovers and linkages from MNEs to local industry may aid economic development in emerging economies. This paper argues that foreign affiliates in an emerging economy (Chile) will demonstrate multiple patterns of linkage formation which is a combination of competitive and collaborative linkages with local firms. Foreign affiliates will overcome their liability of foreignness (LOF) by engaging in collaborative relationships which augment their ownership advantages in terms of producing socially responsible products and processes (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR). Using a sample of firms from the service sector in Chile case study techniques are employed within and across to analyse the degree of linkage (DOL) between foreign affiliates and local firms. Foreign affiliates do demonstrate multiple patterns of linkage formation and those firms with above average extent and quality of linkages are also likely to have above average scores for CSR linkages. The implications of these findings for policy and IB theory are discussed.
Por medio de transferencia tecnológica, externalidades (o spillovers) y vínculos con entidades locales las empresas multinacionales poseen el potencial de asistir en el desarrollo económico de las economías emergentes. Este artículo argumenta que filiales extranjeras operando en una economía emergente (Chile) mostrarán múltiples tipos de vínculos tales como vínculos competitivos y de colaboración con empresas locales. Las filiales extranjeras compensarán sus desventajas derivadas de su origen extranjero por medio del establecimiento de vínculos colaborativos, los cuales incrementan las ventajas provenientes de sus activos (ownership advantages) en términos de producción de productos y procesos que son socialmente responsables (Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, RSE). Para el análisis del grado de vinculación (Degree of Linkage, DOL) entre las filiales extranjeras y las empresas locales una muestra de empresas del sector servicios en Chile fue analizada utilizando técnicas de estudio de casos. Se encontró que las filiales extranjeras efectivamente establecen múltiples tipos de vínculos con otras empresas, y las filiales que han establecido un nivel de vínculos por sobre el promedio, en términos de cantidad y calidad, también han establecido vínculos de RSE por sobre el promedio. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados en términos de políticas y para la teoría de negocios internacionales.
South Asian Journal of Management, 20 (3). 7-37. , 2013

Strategic Outsourcing: An …, Jan 1, 2011
turnover rates and have lesser staff management problems, and improved consistency of service . I... more turnover rates and have lesser staff management problems, and improved consistency of service . In the SME context the core competence approach can assist firms to increase efficiency, free up or borrow resources and retain flexibility, gain access to unique resources and capabilities from abroad, expand relations with strategic partners and serve customers more efficiently . While the TCA approach is primarily about cost minimization, offshore manufacturing outsourcing can also be of value to the SME to be able to tap into sources of innovation and dynamic capabilities which diminishing transportation and communication costs have made possible. Thus ,our second proposition is: 7 Proposition 2. Offshore manufacturing outsourcing enables SME clients and their suppliers to tap into sources of innovation and dynamic capabilities which diminishing transportation and communication costs have made possible.

Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance, Dec 2015
Entrepreneurial actions need to be financed either through external means or internally by the en... more Entrepreneurial actions need to be financed either through external means or internally by the entrepreneur (Shane, 2003). Not all entrepreneurs have inherited wealth at their disposal at the initiation of a new venture. Hence, the entrepreneur must find external sources to fulfill their resource (financial, physical and human) requirements, the absence of which can be a major constraint to a venture start-up and growth (Casson, 2003; Penrose, 1966). Access to resources is fundamental to
opportunity exploitation, as someone who has identified a good opportunity needs access to resources to exploit it (Chrisman et al., 1998). Likewise, small firms that suffer from resource restrictions or means of accessing capital have inadequate capacity to grow due to limited availability of opportunities (Gilbert et al., 2006; Thakur, 1999). Access to capital and human resources can be considered a central factor in the success of a new venture (Bhidé, 2000). The purpose of this chapter is to fill some of these gaps and investigate the underlying factors that led to successful exploitation of external social capital (in other words, the relationships developed by entrepreneurs with
actors not employed by the firm as opposed to their internal social capital developed with their employees) in accessing bootstrapping resources. In essence, we try to answer why/how entrepreneurs use social capital as a bootstrapping strategy and what brings the entrepreneurs and external networks together to create new resource configurations.
Our chapter is structured as follows: first we review the literature related to bootstrapping and social capital. Then, we describe how we conducted the study. In the findings section we present propositions which explain how entrepreneurs initiated their ventures with limited external debt and
equity financing, and used social capital to bootstrap resources. Finally, we discuss the study’s implications and future directions for research.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2012
International entrepreneurship (IE) is an emerging field with a rapidly growing body of knowledge... more International entrepreneurship (IE) is an emerging field with a rapidly growing body of knowledge. This paper examines gaps, issues and trends of the IE in the last two decades. First, it suggests an integrative framework based on international business, entrepreneurship, strategic management, social network and marketing theories. The suggested model highlights the significant role played by the entrepreneur/team, firm and network resources that act as antecedents to international opportunity development and value innovation. Second, it suggests four typologies of firms (born global, enduring global, early exporter and mature exporter) that can be studied under the IE theme. Finally, we discuss future research directions.
Chinese Management Studies, 2011
Purpose – Following the Olympic Games of 2008 and the World Expo in 2010, many Westerners have in... more Purpose – Following the Olympic Games of 2008 and the World Expo in 2010, many Westerners have increasingly begun to pay attention to China; a country which combines ancient history with modern economic achievements. As a consequence there has been renewed interest in the West in learning about Chinese language and culture. Confucius education schools have even begun to spring
Industry transformation related to environmental stewardship has received significant scholarly a... more Industry transformation related to environmental stewardship has received significant scholarly attention over the past decade. However, limited theoretical and empirical work examines the motivations for improving environmental performance in an industry in different countries. In this paper, we develop a set of hypotheses, based in the theory of reasoned action and stakeholder theory, regarding drivers of the adoption of environmental
Journal of Asia-pacific Business, 2010
The focus of this article is to use institutional theory to provide a better understanding of env... more The focus of this article is to use institutional theory to provide a better understanding of environmental issues facing New Zealand wineries. Findings from a survey of New Zealand wineries indicate that institutional pressures do not fully explain the adoption of sustainable environmental practices in the New Zealand wine industry. The authors found that firms with a higher commitment to
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the development and characteristics of industri... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the development and characteristics of industrial clusters in the province of Zhejiang, China with particular emphasis on the hosiery industry in the town of Datang. Design/methodology/approach – The study used case study methodology and data triangulation techniques based on archival research and reports of statistical agencies both at central and
AD-minister Num: 23 by Michèle E. M. Akoorie
JEL: F23, P3.
Papers by Michèle E. M. Akoorie
Por medio de transferencia tecnológica, externalidades (o spillovers) y vínculos con entidades locales las empresas multinacionales poseen el potencial de asistir en el desarrollo económico de las economías emergentes. Este artículo argumenta que filiales extranjeras operando en una economía emergente (Chile) mostrarán múltiples tipos de vínculos tales como vínculos competitivos y de colaboración con empresas locales. Las filiales extranjeras compensarán sus desventajas derivadas de su origen extranjero por medio del establecimiento de vínculos colaborativos, los cuales incrementan las ventajas provenientes de sus activos (ownership advantages) en términos de producción de productos y procesos que son socialmente responsables (Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, RSE). Para el análisis del grado de vinculación (Degree of Linkage, DOL) entre las filiales extranjeras y las empresas locales una muestra de empresas del sector servicios en Chile fue analizada utilizando técnicas de estudio de casos. Se encontró que las filiales extranjeras efectivamente establecen múltiples tipos de vínculos con otras empresas, y las filiales que han establecido un nivel de vínculos por sobre el promedio, en términos de cantidad y calidad, también han establecido vínculos de RSE por sobre el promedio. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados en términos de políticas y para la teoría de negocios internacionales.
opportunity exploitation, as someone who has identified a good opportunity needs access to resources to exploit it (Chrisman et al., 1998). Likewise, small firms that suffer from resource restrictions or means of accessing capital have inadequate capacity to grow due to limited availability of opportunities (Gilbert et al., 2006; Thakur, 1999). Access to capital and human resources can be considered a central factor in the success of a new venture (Bhidé, 2000). The purpose of this chapter is to fill some of these gaps and investigate the underlying factors that led to successful exploitation of external social capital (in other words, the relationships developed by entrepreneurs with
actors not employed by the firm as opposed to their internal social capital developed with their employees) in accessing bootstrapping resources. In essence, we try to answer why/how entrepreneurs use social capital as a bootstrapping strategy and what brings the entrepreneurs and external networks together to create new resource configurations.
Our chapter is structured as follows: first we review the literature related to bootstrapping and social capital. Then, we describe how we conducted the study. In the findings section we present propositions which explain how entrepreneurs initiated their ventures with limited external debt and
equity financing, and used social capital to bootstrap resources. Finally, we discuss the study’s implications and future directions for research.
JEL: F23, P3.
Por medio de transferencia tecnológica, externalidades (o spillovers) y vínculos con entidades locales las empresas multinacionales poseen el potencial de asistir en el desarrollo económico de las economías emergentes. Este artículo argumenta que filiales extranjeras operando en una economía emergente (Chile) mostrarán múltiples tipos de vínculos tales como vínculos competitivos y de colaboración con empresas locales. Las filiales extranjeras compensarán sus desventajas derivadas de su origen extranjero por medio del establecimiento de vínculos colaborativos, los cuales incrementan las ventajas provenientes de sus activos (ownership advantages) en términos de producción de productos y procesos que son socialmente responsables (Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, RSE). Para el análisis del grado de vinculación (Degree of Linkage, DOL) entre las filiales extranjeras y las empresas locales una muestra de empresas del sector servicios en Chile fue analizada utilizando técnicas de estudio de casos. Se encontró que las filiales extranjeras efectivamente establecen múltiples tipos de vínculos con otras empresas, y las filiales que han establecido un nivel de vínculos por sobre el promedio, en términos de cantidad y calidad, también han establecido vínculos de RSE por sobre el promedio. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados en términos de políticas y para la teoría de negocios internacionales.
opportunity exploitation, as someone who has identified a good opportunity needs access to resources to exploit it (Chrisman et al., 1998). Likewise, small firms that suffer from resource restrictions or means of accessing capital have inadequate capacity to grow due to limited availability of opportunities (Gilbert et al., 2006; Thakur, 1999). Access to capital and human resources can be considered a central factor in the success of a new venture (Bhidé, 2000). The purpose of this chapter is to fill some of these gaps and investigate the underlying factors that led to successful exploitation of external social capital (in other words, the relationships developed by entrepreneurs with
actors not employed by the firm as opposed to their internal social capital developed with their employees) in accessing bootstrapping resources. In essence, we try to answer why/how entrepreneurs use social capital as a bootstrapping strategy and what brings the entrepreneurs and external networks together to create new resource configurations.
Our chapter is structured as follows: first we review the literature related to bootstrapping and social capital. Then, we describe how we conducted the study. In the findings section we present propositions which explain how entrepreneurs initiated their ventures with limited external debt and
equity financing, and used social capital to bootstrap resources. Finally, we discuss the study’s implications and future directions for research.