Omid Noroozi
OMID NOROOZI is working at the Education and Competence Studies Chair Group of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He graduated in 2013 after having defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘Fostering Argumentation-Based Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education’. His research was supervised by prof. Martin Mulder (promotor), dr. Harm Biemans (co-promotor), and prof. Armin Weinberger (co-promotor). He has presented many papers at international conferences and published various articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Specialties: Educational Technology, Research and Development,
Designing and evaluating Online learning Platforms,
Research on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Environments,
Designing and Evaluating Various CSCL Scripts,
Scaffolding Online Learning Platforms,
Research on the Role of Argumentation in Learning,
Research on CSCL within Agri-food sciences in Higher Education
Specialties: Educational Technology, Research and Development,
Designing and evaluating Online learning Platforms,
Research on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Environments,
Designing and Evaluating Various CSCL Scripts,
Scaffolding Online Learning Platforms,
Research on the Role of Argumentation in Learning,
Research on CSCL within Agri-food sciences in Higher Education
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Papers by Omid Noroozi