Salut je suis un peu nouveau mais je vais être direct déjà je viens de finir le nouveau chapitre incroyable Master Class insane le VN elle-même et incroyable le début jusqu'à la fin beaucoup d'émotions le scénario les script les animations des personnages ou l'environnement incroyable j'ai bien aussi aimé les recettes ça va m'aider à devenir un très bon patricien (surtout à mes BF) (*idiot de puro x) c'est juste incroyable Paul-Loup et enfin bf avec Charles franchement je suis heureux je suis aussi heureux parce que en finale tu t'améliores en anglais ou en français je sais pas du tout quelle langue de base tu es mais je te félicite d'avoir créé ce VN franchement si j'avais une note à te donner ça serait au moins un dix étoiles mais on peut pas du coup je te donne 5 étoiles franchement tu m'as comblé je resterai à l'écoute jusqu'à au futur mise à jour et aussi bonne chance pour le game Jay même si tu participes ou tu participes pas même si tu gagnes ou tu gagnes pas c'est pas grave en tous les cas tu t'amuses et tu t'améliores c'est tout passe une bonne soirée passe une bonne journée je repasserai plus tard si tu m'as laissé un commentaire ici et aussi (Puromaru) si tu vois ce message tu as intérêt de laisser un commentaire sympathique
Haha je vois c’est qui Puromaruki il a laissé des commentaires très gentils ^^
En tout cas merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ça m’a fait beaucoup plaisir de le lire!
Je suis français, mais malgré ça je trouvais l’écriture en français compliqué (gestion des temps, des formulations, écrire plus en version orale etc…) J’ai eu beaucoup d’aide que ce soit pour le français et l’anglais et je leur suis très reconnaissant 💪
La game jam ce n’est pas pour gagner, juste pour écrire autre chose qu’Alones ^w^
Deux fois donc tu es assez fort en vrai tu as un vrai talent et bien franchement merci pour l'explication c'était agréable de te parler et franchement j'ai hâte de voir qu'est-ce que tu nous prépares /^-^/
J'ai parcouru ton récit et j'ai lu ça comme un véritable "thriller". Beaucoup de suspense et de surprises ! La qualité du français en passant est très bien. Je ne veux pas entrer dans les détails pour ne pas vendre la mèche. C'est au lecteur de découvrir tout ça. L'intrigue est là et bien ancrée. On voit que les personnages ont été bien travaillés. Tu étais certainement bien inspiré ! Chapeau pour cette créativité ! J'ai bien hâte de voir la suite du récit ; ) Bravo encore !
Je suis ravi par tant de compliments 🤯
Dire que je pensais mon écriture était mon point le moins fort haha
Je vais essayer de continuer à rendre ce vn palpitant promis ^^
Oui, ton français est très bien. Ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y a pas eu quelques coquilles ou de petites erreurs d'orthographe. C'est normal, le français est une langue difficile. Mon but n'était pas de te complimenter, mais surtout de montrer mon enthousiasme face à ton récit. J'avais oublié de dire que tes dessins sont super mignons aussi. Et que les "pauses bouffes" ajoutent au rythme du récit ( et mon appétit aussi ; - ). Comme il y a pas mal de suspense, ces pauses relâchent un peu la tension pour mieux se replonger dedans par la suite. Un peu comme les silences en musique. Bien sûr que j'ai hâte de voir la suite, mais pas de pression : ne te sens pas obligé de faire ça tout de suite. Prends le temps qu'il faudra ^^
Je suis content que t’apprécie mes dessins et recettes, je veux rendre mon vn le plus unique possible 😇
Merci encore Loopy Loop pour tous tes feedback, ça me fait vraiment plaisir :3
Great VN, the story is engaging, the characters are great and the production value has no right being this high when it's the product of only one artist !
To be honest, I have been slacking up so much lately after Burning Woof, but after reading this, it will give me some motivation for releasing my build as fast as I can 🥰
In chapter 6 in the cave, where you click on various elements, try to touch the rock, around right bottom corner. It’s tricky cuz the rock doesn’t highlight when you hover on it. When you succeed and have a dialog, don’t be afraid and keep continuing clicking it. Good luck!
I've played many visual novels before playing this one, and this one is definitely one of my favorites. Unfortunately, most of the good furry visual novels are usually made by a small team - or just one person - so they don't have that much support.
I've known about this visual novel for quite a while before actually playing it. The main reason was because most of the small visual novels have either been abandoned or just has a short story. But this one seems to be getting finished ( I hope )
Another thing is I was surprised by was the story of this one. Most of the stories in the more popular visual novels are mainly just some guy in college dealing with mental health and all that - Im not saying that's bad, just repetitive. So I liked this one for featuring more than that. The whole idea about wolves going extinct a long time ago and you and some other guy are the only ones left is a really scary idea.
Although, the game can use some touch-ups.
The art is really nice, it's a style I don't normally see. But, some of the character's sprites- especially Charles - have their shoulders a little to up; giving them an unnatural look. If you decide to consider this, then I drew a quick example of what I'm referring to:
When someone draws shoulders, they should normally be slanted. I'm pretty sure you can find a better tutorial somewhere else, but I wanted to inform you of this. I drew a red triangle on the right drawing to help show what I mean. The shoulders should be lower than the neck, otherwise it looks stiff and pretty uncomfortable. I suggest you look for a tutorial on YouTube or some other website if you wish for a better explanation.
The father of the hyena's sprite seems to have this little thing applied, so im not sure if you're aware of this already. But oh well...
The English translation in the earlier chapters could also use some work.
Besides that, this game was by far one of the best ones that I played - and I played a lot. Thank you for making this, and I will wait patiently for the next update. Thank you! ":3
Yeah the furry visual novel fandom is very niche, so only a few get some spotlight. But it's ok, small creator as me enjoy some supportive comments like that!
My art definitely need some rework indeed, I actually redraw Gaël, I wonder if I'll do Charles haha. Good shoulders advice btw!
For the English translation I'll do my best ><
Don't worry I'm not letting this project down! I'm halfway in my update, but with work and the incoming May Wolf 2024 Jam, it will take some extra time...
First time commenting and I must say, your game is the most unique I found here with more POVs than just the MC and the references and out of the box things you are just great. Love this work and excited to read the next chapter.
Et bien et bien la Communauté française toujours ici toujours à l'écoute et bien j'ai aimé j'ai recommencé le jeu pour être sûr d'avoir tous les recettes de plus j'ai bien aimé les deux nouveaux chapitres il y avait vraiment un sentiment de tristesse du dégoût et de la colère de plus j'ai bien aimé découvrir le secret et l'histoire de Martin et de ça cicatrice en tout cas je n'ai pas de suggestion à rajouter je ne peux rien dire je peux pas critiquer c'était juste parfait voilà j'espère que tu as aimé lire ce commentaire :)
Et frérot je me suis amusé sur ton VN vraiment l'histoire est très drôle du début jusqu'à la fin mais surtout (appeler un médecin pour la amis de Paul-Loup) il veut sortir avec son prof mais on est où xD
Ah oui en passant franchement mon ami avait raison j'étais un peu mitigé quand j'ai vu ce VN mais au final ça valait le coup donc je pense que il mérite 5 étoiles honnêtement surtout l'histoire même si je m'en fiche des passages NSFW c'est juste dommage qu'il y a pas de variantes françaises de ce genre mais en tout cas bien joué j'ai apprécié
One of the best vns I've ever read. The writing is good and the arts are very charismatic. The songs are also great, it fits well with the atmosphere. There's only one thing that bothered me while reading, but it didn't bother me that much. In the Android version, I don't know about the others, there seems to be a problem with the text box, it only contains three lines of dialogue and the rest is off screen. I don't know if it's because of my cell phone or what, but either way it doesn't interfere much with understanding the story.
Well, anyway, good work and thanks for your work and those involved.
Your comment is very heart warming ^w^ The composers made a god job indeed! And yeah the Android's text box is kinda wacky, I'll try to fix it next update!
Wanna let you know that the android version has some problem.
Mainly the text box, where the text is lower that usual. So in some long text it just crop down to the point of unreadable. Can you fix it or is there a way to fix it?
my head canon is after Charles he stacks the rocks, he lifts into a pile making sure they don't tumble on the ground like a fun activity to do when he's bored
why is the wolfs back after 400 ish years the fail safe duh on a scholar eclipse the power of the warewolf or wolf god hits the feral wolf to hide it its takes years to have a anthro wolf but the feral hide more and have more human like thing like being alive as long as a anthro and small stuff idk how ppl dont get this
the sun gives life and the moon makes you stronger can fuse 2 or the wolf in you each world is dif but most of the same but the sun hates the undead parasites that are the blood drinker but ther stronger they are the less they can do
I'm starting to worry about what paul loup will be next but i hope he finds out. but first I really like the game you made, this game is already in my favorites list. Keep up the good work. and don't care about hater you work is very good ^^
As I sit here typing away on my phone, I can't help but feel a twinge of frustration. You see, there's a game out there that I've been dying to play called Alones - it's the only thing I can think about lately. But there's one problem: it's only available on PC. And unfortunately for me, I don't have a PC.
I've been saving up for what seems like forever, but every time I get close to having enough money for a decent computer, something comes up. My car breaks down, I have to pay for textbooks for school, or I need to replace a broken appliance in my apartment. It seems like there's always something preventing me from reaching my goal.
And so, I'm left with my trusty phone. It's a great phone, don't get me wrong - but it's just not the same as playing games on a big computer screen. I've tried finding similar games on Android, but they're just not the same.
I know it sounds silly to get so worked up over a game, but sometimes it feels like it's the only thing I have to look forward to. I work long hours at a job I don't love, and my social life is pretty non-existent. So, when I hear about a new game that I think I'll really enjoy, it's like a little glimmer of hope.
But for now, I'll just have to make do with what I have. I'll keep typing away on my phone, daydreaming about the day when I can finally afford a PC and play all the games I've been missing out on. And who knows - maybe one day I'll look back on this time and laugh, remembering how silly it was to get so worked up over a game. But for now, it's important to me, and that's all that matters.
oh i just got here and now it's out I can't wait to play this and Post this! oh! Btw I'm part of Discord and it has a News Space I use so i'll tell Everyone there about you! i Hope Your VN does well! Link out! oh one more thing, if you want to chat in discord here's a Link to where if you can command check it out there aren't a lot of people that talk there but it's nice hope to see you there! :D
i can't wait to see what this game looks like! so do your best out there, and hey no pressure ok? everyone knows how long a demo tasks to come out so no need to rush to get it done alright ;) Link out`
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what a beautiful story and yet it's not over in any case I really liked it
Thanks Narujiki! Yup not over yet, I’m writing the next build slowly but surely ^^
OMG looks super cute, I'll give it a try.
Thanks haha, have fun~
Salut je suis un peu nouveau mais je vais être direct déjà je viens de finir le nouveau chapitre incroyable Master Class insane le VN elle-même et incroyable le début jusqu'à la fin beaucoup d'émotions le scénario les script les animations des personnages ou l'environnement incroyable j'ai bien aussi aimé les recettes ça va m'aider à devenir un très bon patricien (surtout à mes BF) (*idiot de puro x) c'est juste incroyable Paul-Loup et enfin bf avec Charles franchement je suis heureux je suis aussi heureux parce que en finale tu t'améliores en anglais ou en français je sais pas du tout quelle langue de base tu es mais je te félicite d'avoir créé ce VN franchement si j'avais une note à te donner ça serait au moins un dix étoiles mais on peut pas du coup je te donne 5 étoiles franchement tu m'as comblé je resterai à l'écoute jusqu'à au futur mise à jour et aussi bonne chance pour le game Jay même si tu participes ou tu participes pas même si tu gagnes ou tu gagnes pas c'est pas grave en tous les cas tu t'amuses et tu t'améliores c'est tout passe une bonne soirée passe une bonne journée je repasserai plus tard si tu m'as laissé un commentaire ici et aussi (Puromaru) si tu vois ce message tu as intérêt de laisser un commentaire sympathique
Haha je vois c’est qui Puromaruki il a laissé des commentaires très gentils ^^
En tout cas merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ça m’a fait beaucoup plaisir de le lire!
Je suis français, mais malgré ça je trouvais l’écriture en français compliqué (gestion des temps, des formulations, écrire plus en version orale etc…) J’ai eu beaucoup d’aide que ce soit pour le français et l’anglais et je leur suis très reconnaissant 💪
La game jam ce n’est pas pour gagner, juste pour écrire autre chose qu’Alones ^w^
Toi aussi passe une bonne journée/soirée mdr
et bah merci juste une question c'est quoi le but du game jay? y a pas de
Le game jam est dans la limite d’un temps imparti (1 mois souvent) de faire un jeu sous certaines règles et thème imposé.
J’ai participé au May Wolf 2024, on pouvait voter sur certains critères comme l’écriture, la créativité, etc.
Il y a des petits prix mais juste des trophées .png tu peux voir sur ma page de Burning Woof j’en ai remporté 2 hehe.
C’est vraiment juste pour le fun, le prochain Novembear ya même pas de vote! C’est vraiment juste pour le plaisir de créer 🥰
Deux fois donc tu es assez fort en vrai tu as un vrai talent et bien franchement merci pour l'explication c'était agréable de te parler et franchement j'ai hâte de voir qu'est-ce que tu nous prépares /^-^/
J'ai parcouru ton récit et j'ai lu ça comme un véritable "thriller". Beaucoup de suspense et de surprises ! La qualité du français en passant est très bien. Je ne veux pas entrer dans les détails pour ne pas vendre la mèche. C'est au lecteur de découvrir tout ça. L'intrigue est là et bien ancrée. On voit que les personnages ont été bien travaillés. Tu étais certainement bien inspiré ! Chapeau pour cette créativité !
J'ai bien hâte de voir la suite du récit ; )
Bravo encore !
Je suis ravi par tant de compliments 🤯 Dire que je pensais mon écriture était mon point le moins fort haha Je vais essayer de continuer à rendre ce vn palpitant promis ^^
Oui, ton français est très bien. Ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y a pas eu quelques coquilles ou de petites erreurs d'orthographe. C'est normal, le français est une langue difficile. Mon but n'était pas de te complimenter, mais surtout de montrer mon enthousiasme face à ton récit. J'avais oublié de dire que tes dessins sont super mignons aussi. Et que les "pauses bouffes" ajoutent au rythme du récit ( et mon appétit aussi ; - ). Comme il y a pas mal de suspense, ces pauses relâchent un peu la tension pour mieux se replonger dedans par la suite. Un peu comme les silences en musique.
Bien sûr que j'ai hâte de voir la suite, mais pas de pression : ne te sens pas obligé de faire ça tout de suite. Prends le temps qu'il faudra ^^
Je suis content que t’apprécie mes dessins et recettes, je veux rendre mon vn le plus unique possible 😇 Merci encore Loopy Loop pour tous tes feedback, ça me fait vraiment plaisir :3
De rien ; )
Ça me fait plaisir de partager mes appréciations de ton vn :3
Great VN, the story is engaging, the characters are great and the production value has no right being this high when it's the product of only one artist !
Keep up the good work 💪
Thanks Dana for your kind review 😊
To be honest, I have been slacking up so much lately after Burning Woof, but after reading this, it will give me some motivation for releasing my build as fast as I can 🥰
Why did the ratatouille recipe not make it to the cooking den?
It’s not a recipe I’m very familiar with it, so I just decided to write this in-game. Sorry if you are a Ratatouille enjoyer 😅
haha! not really. I just thought it was forgotten. Don't you worry about it!
i found a text where it says that there is an nsfw secret in chapter 6 in a cave but I cant find it, or I'm just dum lol, any help? :3
Click here to see the spoiler message
In chapter 6 in the cave, where you click on various elements, try to touch the rock, around right bottom corner. It’s tricky cuz the rock doesn’t highlight when you hover on it. When you succeed and have a dialog, don’t be afraid and keep continuing clicking it. Good luck!
I've played many visual novels before playing this one, and this one is definitely one of my favorites. Unfortunately, most of the good furry visual novels are usually made by a small team - or just one person - so they don't have that much support.
I've known about this visual novel for quite a while before actually playing it. The main reason was because most of the small visual novels have either been abandoned or just has a short story. But this one seems to be getting finished ( I hope )
Another thing is I was surprised by was the story of this one. Most of the stories in the more popular visual novels are mainly just some guy in college dealing with mental health and all that - Im not saying that's bad, just repetitive. So I liked this one for featuring more than that. The whole idea about wolves going extinct a long time ago and you and some other guy are the only ones left is a really scary idea.
Although, the game can use some touch-ups.
The art is really nice, it's a style I don't normally see. But, some of the character's sprites- especially Charles - have their shoulders a little to up; giving them an unnatural look. If you decide to consider this, then I drew a quick example of what I'm referring to:
When someone draws shoulders, they should normally be slanted. I'm pretty sure you can find a better tutorial somewhere else, but I wanted to inform you of this. I drew a red triangle on the right drawing to help show what I mean. The shoulders should be lower than the neck, otherwise it looks stiff and pretty uncomfortable. I suggest you look for a tutorial on YouTube or some other website if you wish for a better explanation.
The father of the hyena's sprite seems to have this little thing applied, so im not sure if you're aware of this already. But oh well...
The English translation in the earlier chapters could also use some work.
Besides that, this game was by far one of the best ones that I played - and I played a lot. Thank you for making this, and I will wait patiently for the next update. Thank you! ":3
Wow thanks a lot Maksim!
Yeah the furry visual novel fandom is very niche, so only a few get some spotlight. But it's ok, small creator as me enjoy some supportive comments like that!
My art definitely need some rework indeed, I actually redraw Gaël, I wonder if I'll do Charles haha. Good shoulders advice btw!
For the English translation I'll do my best ><
Don't worry I'm not letting this project down! I'm halfway in my update, but with work and the incoming May Wolf 2024 Jam, it will take some extra time...
Thanks again for your comment 😇
First time commenting and I must say, your game is the most unique I found here with more POVs than just the MC and the references and out of the box things you are just great. Love this work and excited to read the next chapter.
I'm honored by your comment! Thank you, I'll keep working hard on it :3
Just finished reading the new Chapters, love the new turn the story is taking.
And me who was scared it was getting too dark lol, glad you like it 🤗
Hey,on the android version the text overflow bwyond the screen down there
Damn for me and for other users it worked well! I tried already to change some stuff but it seems there are still somme issues.
I'm afraid you'll need to try on another device until I found a solution 😅
On what device are you using btw? It might help me.
haha no worries, it happens!
I'm was using a galaxy tab s6 lite
Hope it helps :>
A tablet! Ooh that's might be that, I will roam around Renpy documentation and see what I can do, thx~
Et bien et bien la Communauté française toujours ici toujours à l'écoute et bien j'ai aimé j'ai recommencé le jeu pour être sûr d'avoir tous les recettes de plus j'ai bien aimé les deux nouveaux chapitres il y avait vraiment un sentiment de tristesse du dégoût et de la colère de plus j'ai bien aimé découvrir le secret et l'histoire de Martin et de ça cicatrice en tout cas je n'ai pas de suggestion à rajouter je ne peux rien dire je peux pas critiquer c'était juste parfait voilà j'espère que tu as aimé lire ce commentaire :)
C'était toujours un plaisir de lire des commentaires aussi positif que les tiens ^^
Je suis content de savoir t'as passé du temps à tout rejouer pour avoir toutes les recettes, bravo!
Ça fait plaisir que t'as aimé les deux derniers chapitres, merci 😇
De rien ça m'a fait plaisir aussi comme ça j'ai recommencé le jeu du coup j'ai recommencé l'histoire pour me remettre dans le bain❤️❤️❤️
Et aussi
Et frérot je me suis amusé sur ton VN vraiment l'histoire est très drôle du début jusqu'à la fin mais surtout (appeler un médecin pour la amis de Paul-Loup) il veut sortir avec son prof mais on est où xD
Ah oui en passant franchement mon ami avait raison j'étais un peu mitigé quand j'ai vu ce VN mais au final ça valait le coup donc je pense que il mérite 5 étoiles honnêtement surtout l'histoire même si je m'en fiche des passages NSFW c'est juste dommage qu'il y a pas de variantes françaises de ce genre mais en tout cas bien joué j'ai apprécié
Oui Martin est un peu horny sur les bords haha.
Ravi que t'es aimé mon vn 🥰
D'autres furry visual novel français il y en a mais pas des masses, un gars sympa a fait cette collection si ça peut t'aider:
hehe et bien merci bcp j'ai hate de voir la suite bg :))
Love the vn when the next release
Aah dunno, I need to finish some stuff in the chapter, then check all script and translation...
Might take a little while 🫠
Don't want to make false hope, but I'll try to post it before the end of the year ><
Thanks for your question btw!
One of the best vns I've ever read. The writing is good and the arts are very charismatic. The songs are also great, it fits well with the atmosphere. There's only one thing that bothered me while reading, but it didn't bother me that much. In the Android version, I don't know about the others, there seems to be a problem with the text box, it only contains three lines of dialogue and the rest is off screen. I don't know if it's because of my cell phone or what, but either way it doesn't interfere much with understanding the story.
Well, anyway, good work and thanks for your work and those involved.
Your comment is very heart warming ^w^
The composers made a god job indeed!
And yeah the Android's text box is kinda wacky, I'll try to fix it next update!
Wonderful VN, the story and art has me wanting so much more, can't wait for the next chapters ^ ^
Happy to know you enjoyed it!
Speaking of next chapters, I'm almost done writing, just need a couple of drawings and the translation and the 4th update will be out 😇
Nice!! Im very excited for this :D
Vraiment pas mal du tout et merci pour la VF ^^
De rien 🤗
Ça me fait plaisir que t'as aimé mon vn!
juste une question y a une suite
Bien sûr ! J'y travaille en ce moment mdr
ok :)
Wanna let you know that the android version has some problem.
Mainly the text box, where the text is lower that usual. So in some long text it just crop down to the point of unreadable. Can you fix it or is there a way to fix it?
Thanks for reporting it! Yeah it must be annoying 😅
When I got time I should cut long text in two, or decrease the font size... I'll see 🤗
Your welcome, and I'll say it here.
The VN has potential, keep up the good work :)
Thanks pal 😋
my head canon is after Charles he stacks the rocks, he lifts into a pile making sure they don't tumble on the ground like a fun activity to do when he's bored
Aww that's a cute idea 🤩
And it also keeps his body in shape ~
why is the wolfs back after 400 ish years the fail safe duh on a scholar eclipse the power of the warewolf or wolf god hits the feral wolf to hide it its takes years to have a anthro wolf but the feral hide more and have more human like thing like being alive as long as a anthro and small stuff idk how ppl dont get this
the sun gives life and the moon makes you stronger can fuse 2 or the wolf in you each world is dif but most of the same but the sun hates the undead parasites that are the blood drinker but ther stronger they are the less they can do
Aww this is just getting very interesting..
the animation is quiet lively too <3 *wink *wink
I'm looking forward for the next update XD
Thanks 😆
Speaking of next update, I'm done with the writing in English, now I'll do the French translation soon!
Woooo! I'm so excited..
Can't wait to see how the story unfold, but please take your time ^^
Will there be android version soon ? sorry bad english
I started to look how it works, but yeah plz be patient ^^
Thank you Argo! Happy you like the vn so far!
(And glad you worry for Paul-Loup!)
As I sit here typing away on my phone, I can't help but feel a twinge of frustration. You see, there's a game out there that I've been dying to play called Alones - it's the only thing I can think about lately. But there's one problem: it's only available on PC. And unfortunately for me, I don't have a PC.
I've been saving up for what seems like forever, but every time I get close to having enough money for a decent computer, something comes up. My car breaks down, I have to pay for textbooks for school, or I need to replace a broken appliance in my apartment. It seems like there's always something preventing me from reaching my goal.
And so, I'm left with my trusty phone. It's a great phone, don't get me wrong - but it's just not the same as playing games on a big computer screen. I've tried finding similar games on Android, but they're just not the same.
I know it sounds silly to get so worked up over a game, but sometimes it feels like it's the only thing I have to look forward to. I work long hours at a job I don't love, and my social life is pretty non-existent. So, when I hear about a new game that I think I'll really enjoy, it's like a little glimmer of hope.
But for now, I'll just have to make do with what I have. I'll keep typing away on my phone, daydreaming about the day when I can finally afford a PC and play all the games I've been missing out on. And who knows - maybe one day I'll look back on this time and laugh, remembering how silly it was to get so worked up over a game. But for now, it's important to me, and that's all that matters.
WHat if I told u joiplay and renpy addon exist
Lol 🤣
merci pour la vf
De rien! Justement je travaille dessus pour la deuxième update 😊
super hâte
I am so glad I gave this a try. I have fallen in love with the art style, characters, and story. Can't wait to see where this goes.
super merci pour la version français
Can't wait for the Second Update! and also can't wait to do a second post about it! :D
No android😔😢😭
Nope sorry 🫂
I'll try to see how it works one day tho...
If this game made with renpy try used joiplay emulator to play it on Android
Where do I report grammar mistakes?
You can send me by Discord if you want 😊
I know there are some typos in the vn, a friend of mine will take care of this, around this month, but some extra help can be useful!
If i'm honest, minor grammar mistakes just add to the charm of the game as long as the sentences are still comprehensible .
I was waiting for this! :D
oh i just got here and now it's out I can't wait to play this and Post this! oh! Btw I'm part of Discord and it has a News Space I use so i'll tell Everyone there about you! i Hope Your VN does well! Link out! oh one more thing, if you want to chat in discord here's a Link to where if you can command check it out there aren't a lot of people that talk there but it's nice hope to see you there! :D
That's sweet thank you! I'll check it :p
Hey there Wacky! checking in on you and hope your not stressed out trying to get this game out
Thanks for checking on me :3
Actually I'll release it real soon! The first update is done, it's just I wanna finish some personal stuff before :p
i can't wait to see what this game looks like! so do your best out there, and hey no pressure ok? everyone knows how long a demo tasks to come out so no need to rush to get it done alright ;) Link out`
Thank you for your support 😁 just a few things to fix and hope it will be alright
How's the demo coming along? :D
Almost, sorry if I keep pushing the date, I'm a bad boi I know 😥
I want to release it this November, I'll try my best ^^
It's fine
Any thoughts on making a discord server? I'd love to join it :3
I enjoy your enthusiasm, but it's a smallish visual novel, unless I will have a lot of fans I don't think I'll have my own discord server 🥴
Everyone start's from the beginning, so you'll never know until later ^_^ but I do think this VN has potential!
Excited for build 1!
Thanks! I've just finished the translation and fixing the numerous typos 😅
I hope I'll be able to release it this month 🙏