Open Errata for the Dataset Exchange Working Group

Latest errata update:
Number of recorded errata:
Link to all errata:

How to Submit an Erratum?

Errata are introduced and stored in the issue list of the group‘s GitHub repository. The workflow to add a new erratum is as follows:

This report contains a reference to all open issues with the label Errata, displayed in the sections below. Each section collects the issues for a specific document, with a separate section for the issues not assigned to any.

If you have problems following this process, but you want nevertheless to report an error, you can also contact the staff contact of the Working Group, Dave Raggett.

Open Errata on the “Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 2” Recommendation

Latest Published Version:
Editor’s draft:
Latest Publication Date:
4 February, 2020

Substantial Issues

Editorial Issues

Other Errata, Not Assigned to a Specific Document

Substantial Issues

Editorial Issues