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POLEN UNTER DEM EISERNEN KREUZ Nicht der Angriff der Hitler-Armeen auf die Sowjetunion im Sommer 1941, sondern bereits der Überfall auf Polen im September 1939 bildete den Auftakt zum deutschen Vernichtungskrieg: So lautet die gut... more
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      Military HistoryPolandNazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
"Das Buch erweitert mit seinen überzeugend herausgearbeiteten Ergebnissen den Forschungsstand erheblich, der in Deutschland bei Helmut Krausnicks Untersuchung aus dem Jahr 1981 stehen geblieben war. Das Urteil von Mallmann, Böhler und... more
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      Political ViolencePolandNazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
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      Political ViolencePolandNazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
When the German Army invaded Poland in September 1939, it was closely followed by special police units: the Einsatzgruppen of the Sicherheitspolizei. It is well known that both formations committed horrendous crimes against the civilian... more
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      Poland 1939-45Second World War (History)Holocaust and Genocide Studies
In East-Central Europe, the First World War did not end with the armistices of 1918. In the wake of the Russian Revolution and imperial collapse, armed conflicts of various kinds, sizes, and political motivation dominated the years 1917... more
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      ViolenceFirst World WarInterwar Period HistoryCentral and Eastern Europe
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      Second World WarHolocaust StudiesPoland 1939-45
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      National SocialismPolandNazi GermanyAntisemitism
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      Holocaust StudiesThe Third ReichPoland 1939-1945The Holocaust: Victims, Perpetrators, Bystanders and Martyrs
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      Political ViolenceNationalism And State BuildingFirst World WarCentral and Eastern Europe
"This important history explains and documents an often-neglected phase of Nazi Germany's war in the east. Anyone who needs a nuanced understanding of the first phase of the Holocaust and Operation Barbarossa should first study Operation... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismPolandNazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
"The conception of this book is brilliant and fruitful, since it simultaneously resolves major problems of the social, national, and international histories of the Second W orld War. [...] Above all it is the merit of being an extremely... more
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      Sociology of Everyday LifePolandNazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
"Die Quellenedition zu den Einsatzgruppen in Polen umfasst die Berichte der Einsatzgruppen der deutschen Sicherheitspolizei aus den Monaten September und Oktober 1939. Stephan Lehnstaedt und Jochen Böhler haben dafür einschlägige Archive... more
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      Political ViolencePolandNazi GermanyHolocaust and Genocide Studies
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Political Violence and TerrorismPolitical ViolenceNationalism And State Building
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      Political Violence and TerrorismPolitical ViolenceNationalism And State BuildingFirst World War
War equals violence, and modern technology enables mass destruction. That is why at the beginning of the twentieth century, two international conferences were held in the Netherlands to restrict future wars to encounters between enemy... more
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      Japanese HistorySecond World WarWar CrimesWorld War II
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      Genocide StudiesJapanese HistorySecond World WarWorld War II
This is the first systematic pan-European study of the hundreds of thousands of non-Germans who fought - either voluntarily or under different kinds of pressures - for the Waffen-SS (or auxiliary police formations operating in the... more
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      Sociology of ViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismHolocaust StudiesWorld War II
Walka o granice czy wojna domowa? Nowe spojrzenie na odrodzenie Polski. Niepodległość widziana oczami niemieckiego historyka. Pierwsza wojna światowa nie zakończyła się w listopadzie 1918 roku. Polska nie odzyskała niepodległości z dnia... more
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      ViolenceRace and EthnicityCentral European historyMinority Studies
The First World War did not end in Central Europe in November 1918. The armistices marked the creation of the Second Polish Republic and the first shot of the Central European Civil War which raged from 1918 to 1921. The fallen German,... more
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J o c h e n B ö h l e r · R o b e r t G e r wa r t h Einleitung: Ost-und Südosteuropäer in der Waffen-SS "Am 23. 3. [1943] wurde auf Befehl eines Offiziers der 256. Inf.[anterie]Div.[ision] die gesamte Einwohnerschaft des Ortes Nikulinka... more
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