Victoria University Wellington
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
This paper explores the gender order and heteronormativity as salient ideological structures affecting identity construction and agency in a study abroad context. Drawing on a multi-layered case study of Hugo (a French university exchange... more
Slag merupakan limbah hasil pengolahan nikel yang dapat mencemari lingkungan perairan yang disebabkan karena limbah slag tersebut dapat terlindi oleh liquid. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui kualitas air lindian slag ferronickel, nickel... more
This paper explores the gender order and heteronormativity as salient ideologicalstructures affecting identity construction and agency in a study abroadcontext. Drawing on a multi-layered case study of Hugo (a French universityexchange... more
This thesis examines the discursive negotiation of identities in study abroad (SA) settings, examining how university exchange students in New Zealand and France use language to enact, reflect on, and problematise social identities in... more
... aspects of vocabulary learning strategies,l on the presupposition that strategies good for vocabu- lary retention will also benefit language learning in general ...
Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol 6 (1996). ...
This paper explores the concept of learning strategies through a prototype perspective. It is argued that "learning strategy" is not a clearly definable concept, because strategies differ from each other in terms of "family resemblance"... more
Two case studies of the specific vocabulary learning strategies used by native Chinese-speakers learning English as a Second Language (ESL) at Beijing Normal University are presented and discussed. Subjects were two university students... more
Two successful non-English-major EFL learners at Beijing Normal University took part in a think-aloud and an interview session, respectively, on how they handled vocabulary learning during and after reading. Results show that, like... more
Based on personal experience, this paper examines the ambiguities of the Likert-type 5-point scale in learning strategy elicitation. Four parallel questionnaires consisting of the same batch of 20 items taken from the Oxford scale (1990)... more