Papers by Stanislav Ivanov
Tourism, Jan 31, 2022
This study explores the elements of the 'New Normal' in the (post-)viral tourism and assesses the... more This study explores the elements of the 'New Normal' in the (post-)viral tourism and assesses the role of technology. The 'New Normal' of (post-)viral tourism includes supply-related elements (operations, marketing, and finance and strategic management) and demand-related aspects (psychological issues and travel behaviour). Companies would need to reorganise their business processes, while technology is expected to play a major role in the 'New Normal' world. Theoretical, managerial, and policy implications are also provided.

Tourism & Management Studies, Jul 30, 2023
The research presents the results of a quantitative survey of senior managers' evaluation of prof... more The research presents the results of a quantitative survey of senior managers' evaluation of proficiency of employees' social skills completed in 2019 within the framework of the Next Tourism Generation Alliance, a European Commission funded project. The current and future levels of proficiency, social skills gaps and training are assessed. The sample includes 1404 respondents from organisations across eight countries in Europe in five tourism and hospitality sectors (hospitality, food & beverage, tour-operators, visitor attractions and DMOs). Results show significant country-based differences and variations according to the type of organisation, operational sector and organisation size. The required future levels of the social skills are strongly related to their current levels. Two clusters are identified based on the management perceptions of employees' social skills gaps. Respondents in the first cluster (N=871) see only small gaps between the current and required future proficiency levels of social skills in their organisations while respondents in the second cluster (N=533) perceive much larger gaps. The findings indicate a need to develop holistic social skill training and education which supports quality customer experiences and sustainable tourism criteria.

Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism
The first is an academic viewpoint, written by Prof. Stanislav Ivanov from Varna University of Ma... more The first is an academic viewpoint, written by Prof. Stanislav Ivanov from Varna University of Management. He suggests academic research accepts and pays more attention to the economics of technologies in travel, tourism, and hospitality. According to Ivanov, travel, tourism, and hospitality (TTH) are intrinsically connected to technology. At the same time, tourists book their flights and accommodation through technology, reach their destination with the help of technology, explore the destination with technology, and share their experiences online with technology. Economic principles, like any other business, run them. Economic factors also drive their decisions to invest in technology. That is why academic research needs to acknowledge and pay more attention to the economics of technologies in travel, tourism, and hospitality. This academic viewpoint also outlines several directions for future research in the field.

Tourism hospitality management, 2023
This study examines the relationships between hospitality work experience factors and employees' ... more This study examines the relationships between hospitality work experience factors and employees' preference to work in a chain or independent hotel. Methodology/Design/Approach-Quantitative data were collected from hotel employees in Bulgaria who worked in independent and chain hotels. A total of 150 valid responses were used to conduct factor and regression analyses. Findings-The results illustrate that chain hotels provide a better set of operational standards and guidelines, more and better training than independent ones. They also give more opportunities to their employees for career development, better job security and work experience, but competition among employees in chain hotels is higher than in independent properties, and their employees' salaries are not always more competitive. The factor analysis showed the existence of five factors. Additionally, 'Communication and decision-making' and 'Resources and planning' were more important than 'Remuneration and working conditions' and 'Training and development' in shaping employees' preferences. However, 'Workload and stress' was not an important driver of respondents' choice. Finally, demographic variables had no role in shaping respondents' preferences. Originality of the research-This paper is one of the first to examine the factors that influence hotel employees' preferences for working in chains or independent hotels.
Tourism, Mar 27, 2021
Th is paper investigates the offi cial tourism websites for the Balkan countries of Albania,
SocArXiv, 2020
This paper investigates the official tourism websites for the Balkan countries of Albania, Bosnia... more This paper investigates the official tourism websites for the Balkan countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Routledge eBooks, Jul 24, 2023
Technology in Society, Nov 1, 2021
Abstract In this article, the authors investigate the way that the public views automation techno... more Abstract In this article, the authors investigate the way that the public views automation technologies and their usage in tourist transportation based on data from a large-scale international survey. The authors explore the use of robots for the provision of information with regards to travel, the use of autonomous vehicles, and other robot-delivered transport-related tasks. The findings indicate that the perceived reliability, safety, and usefulness of the use of robots for transport play a major role in impacting perceptions of the appropriateness of using robots for different purposes. The findings also indicate that no demographic characteristics, apart from gender, seem to play any role in conditioning perceptions of the appropriateness of using robots in the field of transportation.
Emerald Publishing Limited eBooks, Oct 14, 2019
Originality/value: This is one of the few publications that discuss the economic aspects of the i... more Originality/value: This is one of the few publications that discuss the economic aspects of the incorporation of RAISA technologies into travel, tourism and hospitality industries.
Social Science Research Network, Jun 1, 2018
<b>Bulgarian Abstract:</b> Публикацията разглежда теоретичните и практически аспекти ... more <b>Bulgarian Abstract:</b> Публикацията разглежда теоретичните и практически аспекти на маркетинга на рекреационния продукт. <b>English Abstract:</b> This book chapter elaborates the theoretical and practical issues of marketing the recreational product.

Journal of tourism futures, Apr 4, 2023
Purpose-The paper aims to evaluate the ways ChatGPT is going to disrupt tourism education and res... more Purpose-The paper aims to evaluate the ways ChatGPT is going to disrupt tourism education and research. Design/methodology/approach-This is a conceptual paper. Findings-ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize tourism education and research because it can do what students and researchers should do, namely, generate text (assignments and research papers). Universities will need to reevaluate their teaching and assessment strategies and incorporate generative language models in teaching. Publishers will need to be more receptive toward manuscripts that are partially generated by artificial intelligence. In the future, digital teachers and research assistants will take over many of the cognitive tasks of tourism educators and researchers. Originality/value-To the authors' best knowledge, this is one of the first academic papers that investigates the implications of ChatGPT to tourism education and research.
Event Management, Sep 19, 2022
Robots are rapidly taking over tasks in the workplace. However, there has been little or no resea... more Robots are rapidly taking over tasks in the workplace. However, there has been little or no research on the specifics of how the public views the use of robotic technologies in events. In this research note, we use data from a large-scale international survey to learn about how the general public views the use of robots in events and what attitudes and demographics are associated with acceptance of greater use of robots as labor in events. The findings show that the public is most supportive of using robots to supply information at events and least supportive of using robots as entertainers at events. However, regressions illustrate a general willingness to have robots do tasks for events and a generally positive attitude towards robots. These attitudes are best correlated with the acceptance of higher ratios of robots in the labor force at events.

Acta turistica
U ovome se članku razmatraju aspekti jaza u digitalnim vještinama u bugarskom turizmu na temelju ... more U ovome se članku razmatraju aspekti jaza u digitalnim vještinama u bugarskom turizmu na temelju istraživanja koje je koristilo različite metode i obuhvatilo 135 ispitanika putem internetskog upitnika i 16 intervjuiranih sudionika. Rezultati su otkrili da su glavne vještine digitalne pismenosti (rad s operativnim sustavima, vještine rada u programima MS Office i vještine prilagodbe digitalne opreme) najvažnije kako za postojeće tako i za buduće potrebe pa je i njihov jaz najmanji. Vještine koje se odnose na umjetnu inteligenciju, robotiku, unaprijeđenu i virtualnu stvarnost te računalno programiranje najniže su rangirane s obzirom na korištenje. Iako se očekuje da će u budućnosti rasti, ostat će najmanje značajne. Učenje uz rad najpopularnija je metoda osposobljavanja u digitalnim vještinama, iako je gotovo polovica ispitanika izjavila da im tvrtke uopće ne osiguravaju edukaciju u području digitalnih vještina.

Tourism Review
Purpose The purpose of this perspective paper is to investigate the role of robots in tourism’s c... more Purpose The purpose of this perspective paper is to investigate the role of robots in tourism’s contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Design/methodology/approach With a deep analysis of the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets, the authors provide an interpretation on both the positive and negative impacts of robots in tourism towards the achievement of the SDG. Findings For several SDGs, the positive impact of robots in tourism is evident, whereas for others, it can be debated as the adoption of robots can lead to both positive and negative impacts, mostly dependent on how robots will be used. In particular, robots can provide a decent work environment for tourism and hospitality (TH) employees (SDG 8) who perform dangerous tasks while decreasing the consumption of resources (SDGs 2, 6, 7, 12, 13) due to their contribution to a company’s effectiveness and efficiency. In the meantime, robots have some impacts on the environment, both in terms of the u...
Journal of Tourism Futures
PurposeThis viewpoint is a response to Yeoman's (2022) editorial on Sunderland AFC and the fu... more PurposeThis viewpoint is a response to Yeoman's (2022) editorial on Sunderland AFC and the future of tourism. This viewpoint aims to outline the lessons one can learn from Star Wars about the future of tourism.Design/methodology/approachThe paper reviews the live-action movies and series of the Star Wars franchise.FindingsThe paper derives specific conclusions in the following directions: the future technology in travel, tourism and hospitality; the tourists' motivation and behaviour; the management of travel, tourism and hospitality companies; destination management; economy and society and lessons from the franchise.Originality/valueThis is one of the first papers to elaborate on the lessons one can learn about the future of tourism from the Star Wars live-action movies and series.
Journal of Tourism Futures, 2022
Technology in Society, 2022
Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, 2022
International Journal of Training and Development, 2022
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat ive Commo ns Attri bution License, wh... more This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat ive Commo ns Attri bution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Environmental Anthropology eJournal, 2017
<b>Bulgarian Abstract:</b> Публикацията разглежда включването на паметниците на социа... more <b>Bulgarian Abstract:</b> Публикацията разглежда включването на паметниците на социализма в туристическото предлагане. Представени са два казуса – Берлин и Варна. Берлин успешно запазва и включва паметници от времето на нацизма и на социализма в туристическото предлагане на града, докато във Варна паметникът на Българо-съветската дружба е оставен на разруха. Въпреки идеологическата натовареност от едно “нежелано минало“ и политическите противоречия на които са предмет и до днес, тези свидетели една близка във времето култура са и ресурс, който успешно може да се превърне в актив за развитието на туристическото предлагане на страната. <b>English Abstract:</b> The publication examines the inclusion of the monuments built in the socialist era in tourism offer. Two cases are presented – those of Berlin and Varna. Whilst Berlin has preserved and included the monuments from the Nazi and the socialist period in its tourism offer, the Bulgarian-Soviet friendship monument in Varna is left to destruction. Despite the ideological burden of the “unwanted past” and the political controversies that surround these monuments until today, as witnesses of a recent past they are also a resource that could be successfully converted into an asset for the development of tourism supply.
Papers by Stanislav Ivanov
For full scope of the journal and submissions please visit:
Call for papers for a Special issue on "Tourism beyond humans - robots, pets and teddy bears" for Tourism Management Perspectives
For questions about your rights as a research subject, please contact the Director, Office of Research Integrity, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (765) 285-5070 or at [email protected]. IRB Protocol Number: 1194315-1
Please complete the questionnaire if only you are at least 18 years of age.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Here is the link to the survey:
Dr. Craig Webster, Ball State University, USA, email: [email protected]
Prof. Stanislav Ivanov, Varna University Management, Bulgaria, email: [email protected]
Divided into two sections, the book first concentrates on the theoretical aspects surrounding the use of RAISA in travel, tourism and hospitality. Themes explored include: economic fundamentals, customer attitudes, chatbot adoption, service quality.
Following on from this, the second section concentrates on current and future use of RAISA technologies in specific subsectors of the tourism economy: hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, museums, and events.
With an international scope of authorship and focus, the book is a useful reference source for scholars, students, and general readers interested in robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies.
Alongside this, the business insights and case studies examined in the book offer practitioners guidance on how these technologies can and will be incorporated into organizations, particularly those in the travel and tourism industry.
This is a must-read book which starts a new discussion not only on dark tourism issues but on the role of death in modern society. A much deep-seated issue that merits to be investigated in the years to come (Abraham Abe Pizam, University of Central Florida, US)
Dr. Maximiliano Korstanje is one of the great minds of our young century. You may agree or disagree with his conclusions but this book, like much of his work makes the careful reader ponder his points and consider his positions. Korstankje is more than a thinker, he is the best type of academic, one who makes us question even the simplest of assumptions. Encountering his ideas is more than a mere journey into another academic work, but a chance to come face to face with multiple questions and academic challenges. (Peter Tarlow - Texas A&M University, US)
Gazing Death draws together the latest research in the field by presenting new and important insights in a well-crafted meticulously researched book. The chapters in this volume employ a multidisciplinary perspective to address the social, political, ethical, philosophical and cultural perspectives of dark tourism. It is an indispensable guide that will satisfy the novice and more experienced dark tourism scholar seeking to understand the tourism of macabre spectacles, places of disaster and sites on the darker side of life. (Demond S. Miller, Rowan University, US)
“The topic of dark tourism is growing in attention globally. Dr. Korstanje has dedicated this book to understanding the phenomena of travel surrounding death, disasters and terror. This book provides a one-stop shop for understanding a number of key areas of research within dark tourism: the motivations and behaviors surrounding dark travel, smart tourism for dark sites, as well as the economic impact of dark tourism. This book fills a gap in the literature which can be used by students, academics and practitioners alike.” - Professor Dr. Lori Pennington-Gray, University of Florida, USA
Gazing at Death is a must-read book, which allows a restructuration in the ways global tourism should be thought. This represents a fertile invitation to build a new theoretical framework of tourism in this new millenium. - Associate Professor Celeste Nava - University of Guanajuato, Mexico
Turismo y crecimiento económico, metodología de descomposición del crecimiento, competitividad del destino, Foro Económico Mundial, índice de competitividad de viajes y turismo.