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Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu | The Vulcan Language


Welcome to the Vulcan Language community here on Livejournal. I'm starting this community to bring more awareness to the Vulcan Language Institute and the Vulcan language in general, and in hope of finding other Vulcan students/speakers to practice or debate with. The rules here are rather simple, just be respectful of the other members and try to keep discussion on-topic.

To help navigate the community, here's a list of tags and what they should be used for - though most are self explanitory.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment here.

Translating and singing the Vulcan Anthem

Christmas nash-gad..
Svi'nash-tevun-yonuk - kril'es heh kunli-sa'hat..

Vulcan Quote Cards
Updated on every second day - Vulcan quote cards. I create these cards ink on card stock, and add a filter in Photoscape. The names of those whom the quotes are credited to are written on the side in Vulcan calligraphy, and a portion of the quotes are translated into both Vulcan and English.

vulcan script calligraphy surak quote star trek

Wa’na’shau n’odu..
Sanu — i’sarlah’voh..

I’na’shau nash-veh odular..
 na’Ovaikausu t’Vuhlkansu,

I’na’shau nash-veh odular.

Wimish Briht’uhn heh ha-tor svi’Sahn-Frahnsihsko’Kahr t’Kahlih’fornyuh t’Terra.

Pohl-gad-vesh tal-tor nash-veh sukkar-oska t’Shi’Oren t’Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu fna’ek’Terra-ro’fori-tvihanek heh abi’yi nemuyauk vesht nam-tor vaksur-gen-lis t’Osavensu Mark-Gardner heh kazhuksular t’ish-veh na’nash-veh rimaafainik ovsot. Nash-veh maut-ak’wik ta ma ni wehk-vel t’zhit-feim heh kriv marom-tupalar t’zhit-isan.. Ruhm yed wi ri i’nam-tor shi kaha’kivik — olal nash-veh ta ki’kudal veh nash-veh ta kupi tal-tor sem-rik nash fereikan fe’ek’tevan ovsotik. Wa’putaurau k’kanok-vel ik nufau ish oska. Gen-lis maut-ozhikaik ki wi isha tanafluk heh wa’nam-tor orenaya mihrsh.

Ki wi i’ma wehk-deshker heh vah ak vah tor-yehat wa’aitlu nash-veh oren-tor weht. Nash-gad tal-tor nash shi eh ek’dular. Wuh’ashiv kudaya..

I’rok-tor nash-veh prah ek’ariben’es na’nash gen-lis ki isha dva-tor ta vun-ma sha’huhrsaya-tersu ik kup gol-tor etek teretuhr na’lof t’sahr-navun. Rik’nash ves t’gol’nev ri kup olau nash-veh guhl’es na’wak-neis.

Sanu - na’nash-veh saven-tor kanok-vel ik i’fai-tor odular heh kup nufau - k’vinam t’yehtan.

Ki’torval nash-veh tikap t’kitaya ik ki’vi’ikap-tor svi’nash skladan u’bikuv. Nam-tor kitutra ik fna’uzh-zukitan khinik starun s’T’Sai eh golsu t’ish-veh s’vipladaya t’van-kal t’Kolinahr t’Spahkh ik pusvi-shau fna’fun t’V’dzher na’Terra.

Spahkh heh T’Sai Teretuhr

Tveshulau vi’le-eshan s’nash dunap:

heh s’nash reh-bikuv t’Kir’Shara ik isha ki’naf-tor nash-veh.

Vah gish veh — ri nam-tor faika-patanafaya fayei dva-tor nash-veh ta nam-tor tanaf t’Maikuhl-Okuda ik saudau svi’bikuvlar heh zehl-gluvayalar heh lau nam-tor to-gav-klailar kuv faika va’asau fereikan t’ish-veh. Hi rik’tanaf t’ish-veh nam-tor nash ek’zuntra nei t’ovsot-torektra ralibik ni'ish pashif-tor tik sehtebihk na’wuh-ralash t’spes. Wi ri i’nam-tor hiktra-shid hi kup fudau veh u’palikaya-fu-vel.

Kuv ma ein-veh set’ko - sanu - na’akash u’ter-zup’es.

Dif-tor heh smusma — uzh-othrah t’nash-veh fna’set’ko na’Vuhlkansu.

Dan-neruk — s’Briht’uhn

Lesson 4: Noun-Verb Pairs [Shiflar t'Vel-Zhit - Tor-Zhit]
Vuhlkansu Mod/Feihan
This post's lesson is lesson 4: Noun-Verb Pairs [Shiflar t'Vel-Zhit - Tor-Zhit].
I do have flashcards available for this lesson - First select the current lesson, then select Vulcan if you want to see Vulcan words, English if you want to see English words.

You can use the comments to talk about other helpful links, tricks, anything about the lesson that's bothering you... and we're all here to learn, so there are no stupid questions.

Previous lessons:

VLI: Lesson 3: Compound Words [Terti-Zhitlar]
Vuhlkansu Mod/Feihan
I'm not going to pretend that I'll be posting regularly, but I'll try to post at least once a week.

This post's lesson is lesson 3: Introduction to words: Compound words [Ragtaya na'zhitlar: Terti-zhitlar].
I do have flashcards available for this lesson - First select the current lesson, then select Vulcan if you want to see Vulcan words, English if you want to see English words.

You can use the comments to talk about other helpful links, tricks, anything about the lesson that's bothering you... and we're all here to learn, so there are no stupid questions.

Previous lessons:

Translation help
Eight in the TARDIS
I have tried the VLD (and everything I can find online), but I can't find some specific bits of vocab, nor am I all that great at grammar, so I turn to you.

My sentence is: You are nothing to me, that you should save me thus.

The translation I've got at the moment is: Nam-tor du akanik [lit. alien, I'm hoping it works as 'person who is unknown to me'?] hif-bi, korsovau nash-veh [can't find a translation of 'thus']. Is this even vaguely correct?

This community is full of awesome, just saying.

(no subject)
How would you say I am here! "I have always loved you. Since ages past. You are always half of my heart and soul" Please translate to vulcan!

Ashaya/Ashayam question
star trek (amanda/sarek)
I've been trying to track down the source of the words "ashaya" (love) and "ashayam" (beloved).

I've searched the transcripts at with no luck. They appear to be fanon, originating in Enterprise fanfic from 2008, though I did find a Spock/McCoy story called Yon t'Ashaya from 2004, there's no translation note on that story as to the title. And it appears that it may have originated with a 1977 Fan-made Vulcan Language Guide which translates "love" as "aisha".

However like the VLD, that document does not differentiate between canon and fanon sources.

Basically what I'm looking for is some determination whether the words come from canon (spoken in an episode or film) or extended canon (from a licenced tie-in) or fanon (fan-canon, i.e. from a fannish source, and if so, who first used the words and where).

Also, does anyone have a good source for canon Vulcan language? I.e. only the words that have been used in on-screen canon?