Papers by Catherine J Van de Heyning
De rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie beperkte de mogelijkheden voor nationale lidstaten om com... more De rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie beperkte de mogelijkheden voor nationale lidstaten om communicatiegegevens bij te houden voor de strijd tegen ernstige criminaliteiten en de bescherming van de nationale veiligheid. Binnen deze richtlijnen proberen nationale regelgevers, met inbegrip van de Belgische wetgever, een regeling uit te dokteren die het gebruik van deze gegevens veiligstelt voor vervolgende autoriteiten en inlichtingendiensten. Deze bijdrage duidt hoe de Europese rechtspraak tot een lappendeken aan dataretentiebeleid in de Europese Unie zorgde, wat grensoverschrijdende samenwerking bemoeilijkt. De auteur beargumenteert dat transparante cijfers over de nationale regels van dataretentie en het gebruik van communicatiedata van groot belang voor het debat en coherentie kunnen zijn.
Annual Software Engineering Workshop, 2014
Rechtskundig weekblad. - Antwerpen, 2011
Tijdschrift voor Constitutioneel Recht, Jul 1, 2012
, with details of the nature of the infringement. We will investigate the claim and if justified,... more , with details of the nature of the infringement. We will investigate the claim and if justified, we will take the appropriate steps.
Law, governance and technology series, Oct 31, 2020

Intersentia eBooks, 2012
The relationship between national constitutional courts and the European Court of Justice (CJEU) ... more The relationship between national constitutional courts and the European Court of Justice (CJEU) is increasingly cast in terms of communication, understood as having a constructive connotation, and as an alternative to the prior and more destructive language of 'guerre des juges', conflict and revolt. This change in approach fits in the transformation of the wider conceptual framework within which the relationship between European and national legal orders is understood and the rise of the 'pluralist movement'. Judicial conversations between national constitutional courts and the CJEU offer a unique object for academic research on 'constitutional pluralism' and transnational relations in a new world order. This volume provides a critical examination of the normative, empirical and contextual aspects of such judicial conversations. It first addresses the appropriateness of conceiving as conversations the interactions between the CJEU and constitutional courts. This is followed by an exploration of the avenues for, and contents of, judicial engagements between both sets of courts. Lastly, the book focuses on the ordinary national courts and the European Court of Human Rights, as the other main judicial interlocutors of the CJEU and constitutional courts, from a conversational angle. This book makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing academic discourse on the relationship between the CJEU and national constitutional courts by explaining their current attitudes to transnational conversations and identifying potential catalysts for future changes.
The submission discusses the provisions in the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on data prot... more The submission discusses the provisions in the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on data protection as well as the consequences for the exchange of passenger name record data in the field of criminal and judicial cooperation. The author concludes that the impact of the Agreement will depend on the resolvement of the United Kingdom to uphold the standards of protection of personal data equivalent to the EU’s in order to reach an adequacy decision.
Common Market Law Review, Dec 1, 2009
Common Market Law Review, Feb 1, 2016
De juristenkrant : een actuele kijk op het recht. - Deurne, 1999, currens, 2009
Papers by Catherine J Van de Heyning