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This empirical study answers the questions on ‘how’ Social Media shape the perspective of Dutch youth on Jihad in the context of the current transformation of Jihadism in the Netherlands as a movement with swarm dynamics. To what extent... more
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      RadicalizationJihadismSociology and TerrorismTerrorism and Counterterrorism
This PP is additional to the publication of the report: The Confusion around Monitoring assumed Signs of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism; through the eyes of the Youth Worker. Presented at the 11th Annual International Conference... more
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      Terrorism and CounterterrorismRadicalization and Extremism
Dit rapport verkent of de lokale jongerenwerker bij machte is om te opereren op het snijvlak van maatschappelijk welzijn en signalering van gewelddadig extremisme. Extremisme en radicaal gedachtegoed worden vaak verondersteld een voorbode... more
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      RadicalisationMonitoringCountering Violent ExtremismTerrorism and Counterterrorism
Frontline professionals such as social workers and civil servants play a crucial role in countering violent extremism. Because of their direct contact with society, firstliners are tasked with detecting individuals that may threaten... more
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    • Social Sciences
In recent years, the fight against terrorism and political violence has focused more on anticipating the threats that they pose. Therefore, early detection of ideas by local professionals has become an important part of the preventive... more
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      Social SciencesCritical Terrorism Studies
Over the course of the previous years, counterterrorism has focused more on anticipating the threat of terrorism. In this context, institutions such as the United Nations Security Council and the European Commission have increasingly... more
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    • Social Sciences
Early detection of radicalization processes that may lead to violent extremism takes place in a grey area. Primarily because no one can truly predict when someone poses a risk before there are any indications of criminal acts. The local... more
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    • Social Sciences
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      CriminologySocial SciencesLegal interpretation
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      CriminologyLegal EducationSocial Sciences