Papers by Annemie Halsema

Historisch overzicht van vrouwelijke filosofen. De auteurs hebben dit boek samengesteld omdat er ... more Historisch overzicht van vrouwelijke filosofen. De auteurs hebben dit boek samengesteld omdat er nauwelijks over filosofes wordt geschreven in de traditionele canon. Ze geven twee zwaartepunten aan. Een eerste zwaartepunt is feministische thematiek: vrouwelijke denkers bestrijden dat vrouwen inferieur zouden zijn aan mannen. Een tweede zwaartepunt is hun gerichtheid op het eigen handelen en het dagelijkse leven, terwijl mannelijke filosofen vaak abstractere thema's kiezen. Uitgesloten van officiele onderwijsinstellingen namen vele vrouwelijke denkers hun toevlucht tot andere vormen van filosofie bedrijven, zoals briefwisselingen. En dat levert een onschatbare rijkdom aan filosofische bronnen op. Per tijdsperiode worden leven en werk van vrouwelijke filosofen beschreven. Bij elke tijdsperiode is er een inleiding waarin de belangrijkste filosofische stromingen en de belangrijkste filosofes uit die tijd aan bod komen. In het boek worden zowel westerse filosofes als filosofes uit andere delen van de wereld besproken.
Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte

As the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, older people in the Netherlands were framed as essentially vulne... more As the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, older people in the Netherlands were framed as essentially vulnerable. In the public discourse, the figure of the “vulnerable senior” rose to unprecedented prominence. Taking a critical-phenomenological approach, we combine an empirical study with philosophical reflection, drawing on phenomenological and post-structuralist work on vulnerability and precarity to interpret quotes from daily newspapers and other media. This approach leads us to distinguish three forms of vulnerability: (1) vulnerability as discursive effect; (2) vulnerability as unrealizable; and (3) vulnerability as creative appropriation. We conclude that the COVID-19 crisis has reinforced the entanglement of age and vulnerability and has led to novel social distinctions and labels. These labels harbor harmful stereotypes and are in constant need of critical evaluation. Still, the people who are affected by them are not passively dominated; rather, they exhibit a certain freedom in re...
This chapter situates Ricoeur's account of the self within the context of contemporary debate... more This chapter situates Ricoeur's account of the self within the context of contemporary debates concerning the narrative self. Some critics argue that narrative identity only captures one aspect of the self: the reflexive side which is articulated in language. They argue that this aspect of selfhood needs to be complemented by an experiential subjectivity that is prelinguistic. In the chapter, I return to Ricoeur's early phenomenological Fallible Man in search of an answer to the question of whether the latter aspect of the self can be located there. In this book, Ricoeur provides a notion of the self that is not merely linguistic and narrative, but that is embodied.
This book gives an interpretation of the work of the Belgian philosopher Luce Irigaray (1930) as ... more This book gives an interpretation of the work of the Belgian philosopher Luce Irigaray (1930) as ethical and phenomenological, and considers her thoughts about transcendence and spirituality. The first part (chapters 1-4) consists of dialogues between Irigaray and feminist philosophers Judith Butler and Jessica Benjamin, and phenomenological thinkers Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Paul Ricoeur.T he second part (chapters 5-7) deals with her notions of religion and transcendence.
In gesprek met de existentiele fenomenologie zoals ontwikkeld in het werk van Sartre, Merleau-Pon... more In gesprek met de existentiele fenomenologie zoals ontwikkeld in het werk van Sartre, Merleau-Ponty en De Beauvoir laat dit artikel zien dat seksualiteit per definitie en in een specifieke zin objectivering inhoudt. In de eerste plaats houdt de affectieve intentionaliteit van de seksualiteit een gerichtheid op de ander in, waarin die verschijnt onder het aspect van diens seksuele aantrekkingskracht, In de tweede plaats impliceert dit een specifieke gewaarwording van het eigen lichaam, waarin onze aandacht geheel op dat lichaam is gericht. In de derde plaats houdt seksualiteit een relatie tot de ander in waarin beiden tot lichaam worden en elkaar als lichaam beogen te bereiken. Kritische beschouwingen van objectivering zouden de fenomenologische analyse in beschouwing moeten nemen.

The project Bodily Integrity in Blemished Bodies (see paper by Dr. J. Slatman) combines phenomeno... more The project Bodily Integrity in Blemished Bodies (see paper by Dr. J. Slatman) combines phenomenology with hermeneutics in that it considers reflection and articulation of bodily experiences crucial. This paper concentrates upon these hermeneutical, narrative aspects of the project. I will begin with showing in what sense hermeneutics and narrativity play a part in the project by reflecting upon its method and main aim. The project aspires to investigate the experiences of their bodies of women who have undergone breast surgery after the diagnosis of breast cancer. In interviews women are questioned about identification with their changed body after surgery. Their answers to these questions give an impression of the manner in which their bodily experience contributes to their self-perception. Also, the qualitative research method in the project, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), has hermeneutics as one of its theoretical underpinnings. In the interviews, the respondent...
Brief essay about the philosophical question that the #metoo-debate evokes: why are sex and power... more Brief essay about the philosophical question that the #metoo-debate evokes: why are sex and power so closely related to each other, and what does gender have to do with it?
Women's Health Reports, 2020
In this article, we explore to what extent sex and gender differences may be reproduced in the 3D... more In this article, we explore to what extent sex and gender differences may be reproduced in the 3D bioprinting of kidneys. Sex and gender differences have been observed in kidney function, anatomy, and physiology, and play a role in kidney donation and transplantation through differences in kidney size (sex aspect) and altruism (gender aspect). As a form of personalized medicine, 3D bioprinting might be expected to eliminate sex and gender bias. On the basis of an analysis of recent literature, we conclude that personalized techniques such as 3D bioprinting of kidneys alone do not mean that sex and gender bias does not happen. Therefore, sex and gender considerations should be included into every step of developing and using 3D-bioprinted kidneys: in the choice of design, cells, biomaterials, and X-chromosome-activated cells.

Hypatia, 2018
In this article we aim to show the potential of cross‐continental dialogues for a decolonizing fe... more In this article we aim to show the potential of cross‐continental dialogues for a decolonizing feminism. We relate the work of one of the major critics of the Western metaphysical patriarchal order, Luce Irigaray, to the critique of the colonial/modern gender system by the Nigerian feminist scholar Oyĕrónké Oyĕwùmí. Oyĕwùmí's work is often rejected based on the argument that it is empirically wrong. We start by problematizing this line of thinking by providing an epistemological interpretation of Oyĕwùmí's claims. We then draw Irigaray and Oyĕwùmí into conversation, and show how this bolsters and helps to further illuminate and contextualize Oyĕwùmí's critique of gender. But the dialogue between these thinkers also reveals significant limitations of Irigaray's philosophy, namely her presumption of the priority of sexual difference, its rigid duality, and her failure to take into account the inextricable intertwinement of gender and race in the Western patriarchal ord...
The American Journal of Bioethics, 2019

The Other, 2007
Numerous studies that address the issue of identity within the context of multiculturalism focus ... more Numerous studies that address the issue of identity within the context of multiculturalism focus on cultural, group or political identity but not on personal identity.1 They address the question of the identity of a culture, or of different cultures within one society, and their relationships to the society as a whole — that is, to ‘dominant values’ held within that society — or they address political identity, in other words, citizenship.2 This paper aims instead at a reflection on personal identity. What first comes to mind with respect to multiculturalism are socio-economic problems that are related to the redistribution of political rights and economic resources, as well as social problems of discrimination and the recognition of minorities.3 Yet, these influence one’s sense of self. The ‘clash between cultures’ for newcomers in European countries leads to feelings of insecurity, not knowing how to act, not knowing what rules or values to follow. The significance of personal identity has also manifested itself in central debates in the context of multiculturalism, such as whether or not Muslim women are allowed to wear headscarves in public space. Young women sometimes decide to wear headscarves to show their Muslim identity, but face problems doing so in the context in which they want to wear them (school, work). Others are forced by family, or feel they must adhere to the norms of their immediate social circles. Even though it is seldom explicitly discussed, questions of ‘who one is’ and ‘who one wants to be’ play an important part in debates such as this.4
Tijdschrift voor genderstudies, 2010
… . Interdisciplinary encounters with Merleau-Ponty, 2008
... Also for Merleau-Ponty my body can be an object for me: in perception I can see and touch my ... more ... Also for Merleau-Ponty my body can be an object for me: in perception I can see and touch my own hand. ... to the female subject, meaning specific relations between her nature and her culture, her same and her other, her singularity and the community, her interiority and her ...
Papers by Annemie Halsema
The first part (chapters 1-4) consists of dialogues between Irigaray and feminist philosophers Judith Butler and Jessica Benjamin, and phenomenological thinkers Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Paul Ricoeur.T he second part (chapters 5-7) deals with her notions of religion and transcendence.