Books by Lina Strupinskiene
This book analyzes the Lithuanian, Slovenian and Estonian experiences with
civil–military cooper... more This book analyzes the Lithuanian, Slovenian and Estonian experiences with
civil–military cooperation in conflict and post-conflict zones. Drawing on the
analysis of the most common challenges and the best practices of the recent civil–military cooperation (in the Balkans and Afghanistan), it aims to provide recommendations for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers.
Papers by Lina Strupinskiene
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2019
Despite the fact that transitional justice measures have become established components of most mo... more Despite the fact that transitional justice measures have become established components of most modern peacebuilding efforts, existing understandings of complex causal pathways that link transitional justice interventions to their supposed goal of reconciliation in deeply divided societies continue to remain largely underspecified and under-theorized. This article empirically investigates the impact of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on reconciliation in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. After a detailed process-tracing study of reconciliation in the town, it proposes that the ICTY has contributed to socio-political and institutional reconciliation via the mechanism of forced elite change.
Journal of Human Rights, 2017
This article uses the northwestern Bosnian village of Prijedor as a case
study to empirically eng... more This article uses the northwestern Bosnian village of Prijedor as a case
study to empirically engage with theoretical debates about how to
understand and research reconciliation and its causes in postconflict
societies. It starts with a review of almost 60 different academic
definitions of reconciliation with a goal to map out a comprehensive
overview of various types and levels of the phenomenon. It then tests
the theoretical analytical 18-box matrix devised with data gathered in
Prijedor (BiH) during two consecutive periods of fieldwork in order to
further improve it and to introduce a temporal dimension into the
research of reconciliation.
Politologija, 2012
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama pereinamojo laikotarpio teisingumo studijų būklė, įvertinami atlik... more Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama pereinamojo laikotarpio teisingumo studijų būklė, įvertinami atlikti tyrimai, aptariama jų raida, kartu pateikiant atsakymus į kelis probleminius klausimus. Pirmiausia, kas lėmė vyraujančias tyrimų kryptis. Antra, kokios yra esminės šio studijų lauko teorinės bei metodologinės problemos. Trečia, kokių duomenų ir kokio pobūdžio tyrimų šioje srityje vis dar trūksta. Ši analizė grindžiama prielaida, kad tokio pobūdžio akademinė savirefleksija naudinga ne tik patiems pereinamojo laikotarpio teisingumo tyrėjams, bet ir pereinamojo laikotarpio teisingumo strategijas įgyvendinantiems nacionaliniams ar tarptautiniams veikėjams.

Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women's & Gender Studies, 2014
For centuriesrape has been considered as an inherent part of war-culture, as a natural expression... more For centuriesrape has been considered as an inherent part of war-culture, as a natural expression of hatred, and as a way for soldiers to release sexual energy. After the recent atrocities committed by Serbian forces in Bosnia however, it became recognized as having the capacity of a weapon of war and even as a tool for genocide. Women were attacked due to their reproductive ability, aiming to impregnate them with Serb babies.
This has led to recent attention to children born of war and attempts to establish their status as victims of human rights violations. Current research is challenged by lack of first-hand information and less than satisfactory analysis of the phenomenon that often resultsin over-dramatizing their misery or over-estimating the number of shared characteristics they have. This research project starts with a question – who are the war
babies and where are they now? Guided by the assumptions of social constructivism, exploratory fieldwork has been conducted in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The article starts with investigating the circumstances of the babies’ conception, analyzing the predominant patterns of rape and the rationale behind them. It continues with data from the field, shedding light on the social circumstances of Bosnian
war babies as well as illustrating scenarios of familial and community acceptance and rejection of these children.

I write for those whose intellectual excitement is triggered by the fine grain of societies, rath... more I write for those whose intellectual excitement is triggered by the fine grain of societies, rather than those seeking the larger picture. Implicitly, I suppose, I do not think there is a larger picture to be found, since, if I had thought there was one, I would have been searching for it, too. Elster (2004, xii) Jonas Elsteris yra bene žymiausias norvegų socialinių ir politikos mokslų teoretikas, šiais siauros specializacijos laikais stebinantis savo plačiu interesų spektru ir gebėjimu nuodugniai nagrinėti labai skirtingas temas. Savo knygose ir straipsniuose jis gilinasi į racionalaus pasirinkimo teorijos pamatus, socialinių mokslų filosofiją, socia linės gerovės teorijas, alternatyvų kapitalizmui paieškas, analitinį marksizmą ir t. t. Nors išskirti būdingiausius autoriaus bruožus ar temas yra gana sunku, galima teigti, kad bene ryškiausias J. Elsterio darbų bruožas yra metodologinis individualizmas, kitaip tariant, nuostata, jog paaiškinti socialinį reiškinį / instituciją, vadinasi, paaiškinti, kaip jis / ji atsiranda ir / ar kinta (tai priklauso nuo individų veiksmų ir jų tarpusavio sąveikos). Be to, dauguma autoriaus darbų turi stiprią racionalaus pasirinkimo aiškinimo ir metodologinę socialinių mokslų filosofijos dimensiją, o jo rašymo stilius pasižymi nepaprastu sklandumu, detalių gausa, puikiu istorinio konteksto išmanymu ir gilumine pažintimi su lauko literatūra. J. Elsterio indėlis į socialinius mokslus
Thesis Chapters by Lina Strupinskiene

This doctoral dissertation aims to empirically test the theoretical hypotheses raised by the firs... more This doctoral dissertation aims to empirically test the theoretical hypotheses raised by the first wave of scholarship in the field of transitional justice about the supposed benefits of transitional justice institutions. It focuses on the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and attempts to trace the impact it may have had on societal reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The analysis starts with defining and operationalizing the concept of reconciliation and continues with conceptualization of hypothetical causal mechanisms that could explain ICTYs impact. The mechanisms are tested with data gathered during 3 consecutive fieldworks in BiH (69 semi-structured interviews, archival analysis, participant observation, international organizations’ and city administration’s reports, etc.). Finally, alternative causal explanations, such as the possibility of spontaneous reconciliation occurring out of natural need to move on and rebuild a war-torn society and the possibility of reconciliation occurring due to international pressure to democratize are considered and empirically tested. It is concluded that ICTY exerted its influence via two interdependent causal mechanisms of horizontal and vertical trust building. Several scope conditions are identified that help to generalize the research conclusions to other cases. By proving the existence of such causal mechanisms and refuting the alternative causal explanations, ICTYs impact is confirmed and proven to have been necessary for reconciliation to occur in BiH.

Disertacijoje siekiama empiriškai patikrinti iki šiol mažai kvestionuotas pereinamojo laikotarpio... more Disertacijoje siekiama empiriškai patikrinti iki šiol mažai kvestionuotas pereinamojo laikotarpio teisingumo (PLT) autorių hipotezes apie teigiamą teisingumą užtikrinančių institucijų poveikį konfliktą išgyvenusių visuomenių susitaikymui. Pasirinktas Bosnijos ir Hercegovinos (BiH) atvejis, tiriant, ar ir kaip susitaikymą čia galėjo paveikti Tarptautinis baudžiamasis tribunolas buvusiai Jugoslavijai (TBTBJ). Analizė pradedama nuo susitaikymo sąvokos išgryninimo ir tęsiama konstruojant hipotetinius priežastinius mechanizmus, galinčius paaiškinti tribunolo poveikį. Priežastinių mechanizmų tikrinimas atliekamas taikant proceso sekimo metodą, remiamasi 3 lauko tyrimų metu surinktais duomenimis: 69 interviu, spaudos archyvų analize, stebėjimais dalyvaujant, tarptautinių organizacijų ir miesto administracijos ataskaitomis ir kt. Galiausiai, patikrinami kiti galimi alternatyvūs aiškinimai, kad susitaikymą galėjo nulemti tarptautinės bendruomenės spaudimas arba natūralus žmonių noras gyventi toliau, atstatyti sugriautus miestus. Prieinama prie išvados, jog TBTBJ prisidėjo prie susitaikymo per horizontalaus ir vertikalaus pasitikėjimo kūrimo mechanizmus. Įrodžius, kad šie mechanizmai egzistavo ir atmetus kitus galimus aiškinimus, atskleista, kad TBTBJ suveikė ir parodoma, kaip tiksliai tai įvyko. Detalizuojamos sąlygos, aktyvavusios priežastinio mechanizmo veikimą, leidžia tyrimo išvadas generalizuoti kitiems panašiems atvejams bei naudoti jas susitaikymo programoms kurti.
Books by Lina Strupinskiene
civil–military cooperation in conflict and post-conflict zones. Drawing on the
analysis of the most common challenges and the best practices of the recent civil–military cooperation (in the Balkans and Afghanistan), it aims to provide recommendations for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers.
Papers by Lina Strupinskiene
study to empirically engage with theoretical debates about how to
understand and research reconciliation and its causes in postconflict
societies. It starts with a review of almost 60 different academic
definitions of reconciliation with a goal to map out a comprehensive
overview of various types and levels of the phenomenon. It then tests
the theoretical analytical 18-box matrix devised with data gathered in
Prijedor (BiH) during two consecutive periods of fieldwork in order to
further improve it and to introduce a temporal dimension into the
research of reconciliation.
This has led to recent attention to children born of war and attempts to establish their status as victims of human rights violations. Current research is challenged by lack of first-hand information and less than satisfactory analysis of the phenomenon that often resultsin over-dramatizing their misery or over-estimating the number of shared characteristics they have. This research project starts with a question – who are the war
babies and where are they now? Guided by the assumptions of social constructivism, exploratory fieldwork has been conducted in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The article starts with investigating the circumstances of the babies’ conception, analyzing the predominant patterns of rape and the rationale behind them. It continues with data from the field, shedding light on the social circumstances of Bosnian
war babies as well as illustrating scenarios of familial and community acceptance and rejection of these children.
Thesis Chapters by Lina Strupinskiene
civil–military cooperation in conflict and post-conflict zones. Drawing on the
analysis of the most common challenges and the best practices of the recent civil–military cooperation (in the Balkans and Afghanistan), it aims to provide recommendations for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers.
study to empirically engage with theoretical debates about how to
understand and research reconciliation and its causes in postconflict
societies. It starts with a review of almost 60 different academic
definitions of reconciliation with a goal to map out a comprehensive
overview of various types and levels of the phenomenon. It then tests
the theoretical analytical 18-box matrix devised with data gathered in
Prijedor (BiH) during two consecutive periods of fieldwork in order to
further improve it and to introduce a temporal dimension into the
research of reconciliation.
This has led to recent attention to children born of war and attempts to establish their status as victims of human rights violations. Current research is challenged by lack of first-hand information and less than satisfactory analysis of the phenomenon that often resultsin over-dramatizing their misery or over-estimating the number of shared characteristics they have. This research project starts with a question – who are the war
babies and where are they now? Guided by the assumptions of social constructivism, exploratory fieldwork has been conducted in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The article starts with investigating the circumstances of the babies’ conception, analyzing the predominant patterns of rape and the rationale behind them. It continues with data from the field, shedding light on the social circumstances of Bosnian
war babies as well as illustrating scenarios of familial and community acceptance and rejection of these children.