Books by Dalia Čiupailaitė

Mapping Vilnius. Transitions Of Post-Socialist Urban Spaces, 2016
This text is a part of a book "Mapping Vilnius. Transitions Of Post-Socialist Urban Spaces", whic... more This text is a part of a book "Mapping Vilnius. Transitions Of Post-Socialist Urban Spaces", which explores how USSR period infrastructural projects determine forms of collective living in 2010s Lithuania. In this text I suggest, that in order to understand the changes in post-socialist space we have to analyze not only the spaces of the past (spaces produced during state socialism and experiencing transformation today), but to look into the spaces of the future or the images of the city that are created today in and about a city that previously belonged to the space of state socialism. Therefore I provide analysis of the images of the city that are implicated in new housing projects in Vilnius as an exemplary place to look for the cultural notions of what constitutes a good city and how to live in it in post-socialist circumstances.
Papers by Dalia Čiupailaitė

Planned housing developments are a new phenomenon in post-Soviet cities – cities marked since 198... more Planned housing developments are a new phenomenon in post-Soviet cities – cities marked since 1989 by the rapid and wholesale transformation of housing markets, from a situation of overwhelmingly state-owned provision to the development of real estate markets. In this article I explore how this type of dwelling transforms urban space, reflecting the new provisions in the period, but also revealing a dual relationship with socialist space. Planned housing developments are characterised by the continuity of the ‘soviet’, i.e. by modern functionalist urbanism’s architectural practices; but in their symbolic dimension such developments are also associated with an inversion of collective housing practices. This symbolic aspect of planned housing developments can be described in terms of privacy and sameness. In this article I argue that these housing practices are naturalised and affirmed as desirable through representations of space, including representations produced within marketing, ...

Socially formed urban spaces express visions of city development and structure the social process... more Socially formed urban spaces express visions of city development and structure the social processes themselves. Although a direct correspondence between the vision of urban planners and the use of the space never occurs, the analysis of the vision reveals the direction of urban development and the ideologies that dominate it. Liberalisation of the housing sector, the retreat of the state and the municipality from the housing politics after the fall of state socialism, the transference of responsibility for producing and distributing space towards the private sector, shifting roles of the space producers: all of these contributed to new urban expansion tendencies in post-socialist cities. On the one hand, more and more researches reveal a dynamics of residential differentiation – growing differentiation with remaining levels of “diversity” – in post-socialist Vilnius; on the other hand, new urban-architectural forms proliferate in the city. Differentiation in space and space differen...
This article is a metatheoretical research of the foundations of information society studies. The... more This article is a metatheoretical research of the foundations of information society studies. The research focuses on the most cited articles on the topic of information society from sociology and communication studies, published in the international Web of Science database. After analysing the methods by which information society is conceptualised, the contexts of where this keyword appears and the functions that it performs, the authors conclude that the most important debate in the field is neither theoretical or methodological, but rather normative – i.e., between the enthusiasts of information society as progressive social development and its adversaries – the exponents of critical theory. This leads to a conclusion that information society studies rather embody trends of political and public discourse than scholarly interests.
Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas, 2017
Straipsnyje metateoriškai analizuojami informacijos visuomenės tyrimai. Tyrimo objektas – labiau... more Straipsnyje metateoriškai analizuojami informacijos visuomenės tyrimai. Tyrimo objektas – labiausiai cituojami šiai temai skirti sociologijos ir komunikacijos mokslų straipsniai, publikuoti tarptautinėje Web of Science duomenų bazėje. Išnagrinėję, kokiais būdais informacijos visuomenė konceptualizuojama, kokiuose kontekstuose ji aktualinama, kokias funkcijas ši sąvoka atlieka, straipsnio autoriai teigia, kad pagrindiniai debatai šiame lauke yra ne teoriniai ar metodologiniai, bet normatyviniai – tarp informacijos visuomenės entuziastų ir jos kritikų, o patys informacijos visuomenės tyrimai veikiau atliepia vyraujančių politinio ir viešojo diskursų nuostatas nei mokslinį interesą.

Sociologija Mintis Ir Veiksmas, 2012
Sociologinė naujųjų būsto projektų posocialistiniame Vilniuje refleksija Santrauka. Posovietiniuo... more Sociologinė naujųjų būsto projektų posocialistiniame Vilniuje refleksija Santrauka. Posovietiniuose miestuose atsiranda naujas būsto tipas: suplanuoti būsto projektai "rezidenciniai parkai", palydimi gyvenimą juose nusakančių rinkodarinių žinučių. Lietuvoje šis būsto tipas apibūdinamas kaip "gyvenvietės", "rezidencijos", "būsto projektai". Tai naujas reiškinys posovietiniuose miestuose, kuriuose valstybinį planavimą, apimantį miesto planavimą, būsto finansavimą ir paskirstymą, keičia privati iniciatyva. Šiuos projektus prasminga, taikant Lefebvre' o erdvės sampratą, analizuoti kaip naujo tipo erdvę posovietiniame mieste. Šio tipo erdvės gamybos būdas transformuoja miesto erdvę, atspindi naują nuostatų laikotarpį, tačiau taip pat atskleidžia ir dvilypį santykį su "socialistine erdve". Naujiesiems būsto projektams būdingas "sovietinių", t.y. moderniosios architektūros ir funkcionalistinio urbanizmo architektūrinių praktikų, tęstinumas, tačiau kartu simbolinė šių būsto praktikų dimensija susieta su gyvenimo kolektyviniame būste patirties inversija. Simboliniu šių architektūrinių praktikų matmeniu tampa "privatumo" ir "panašumo" ideologijos. Šios būsto praktikos natūralizuojamos ir normalizuojamos, įtvirtinamos kaip geistinos ir kartu objektyvios per fizines erdvės reprezentacijas, papildančias verbalines sistemas: rinkodarą, žiniasklaidą, teisinę sistemą. Straipsnyje, remiantis Ranciere' o ir Swyngedouwo politikos ir politiškumo koncepcija, naujųjų būsto projektų natūralizavimo praktikos interpretuojamos kaip po-politinio miesto raiška. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: naujieji būsto projektai, miesto sociologija, politiškumas.
In this article I outline the need for the
inclusion of sociological-anthropological perspective
... more In this article I outline the need for the
inclusion of sociological-anthropological perspective
on space in the education of interior designers. I base
my suggested understanding of space and suggestion
for the analytical approaches towards it on the conceptions
of Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau, space syntax,
phenomenology and the social meanings of things.
These perspectives provide different angles how to approach
interior as space. In the article I suggest that
the interior designers should be understood as professionals
of space and mediators, taking into account the
transformative aspects of interiors: as creating basis for
spatial practices, but also as potentially transformed by
their users.

Planned housing developments are a new phenomenon in post-Soviet cities – cities marked since 198... more Planned housing developments are a new phenomenon in post-Soviet cities – cities marked since 1989 by the rapid and wholesale transformation of housing markets, from a situation of overwhelmingly state-owned provision to the development of real estate markets. In this article I explore how this type of dwelling transforms urban space, reflecting the new provisions in the period, but also revealing a dual relationship with socialist space. Planned housing developments are characterised by the continuity of the ‘soviet’, i.e. by modern functionalist urbanism’s architectural practices; but in their symbolic dimension such developments are also associated with an inversion of collective housing practices. This symbolic aspect of planned housing developments can be described in terms of privacy and sameness. In this article I argue that these housing practices are naturalised and affirmed as desirable through representations of space, including representations produced within marketing, mass media and the legal system. Drawing on the concepts of police, politics and the political developed by Rancière and Swyngedouw, the article raises the question of whether in post-socialist Vilnius these new developments indicate the consolidation of a post-political condition.

The Role and Status Dilemas of Architects in Postsocialist City, Apr 30, 2014
This paper sets out to describe and conceptualize the social status and role of the architectural... more This paper sets out to describe and conceptualize the social status and role of the architectural profession in post-socialist society. The turn towards market democracy from state socialism changes the material and symbolic conditions of the architectural profession. Privatization of the building and housing sectors transforms the architectural profession from previously a profession that had a say (even if it was limited) in city development processes into an entrepreneurial profession, depending on commissions from the private sector. In the article, I argue that architects claim a certain status as public intellectuals, but fluctuate towards an autonomisation of aesthetics in architecture, claiming architecture as art and trying to establish cultural capital as a legitimating strategy of certain decisions. The central theme in public discourse on architectu -re – generated by architects – is a dichotomy between architecture as art versus commercialized architecture. In this discourse, the role of “architects’ people” remains preempted. I argue that while claiming a status of “opposition”, architects ultimately add to the establishment and solidification of the current neoliberal order.
Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija, 2014

the research was financed by the european union the views expressed in this study reflect the aut... more the research was financed by the european union the views expressed in this study reflect the authors' opinion and do not necessarily represent the position of the eu or undp Įmonių socialinės atsakomybės padėties lietuvoje bazinis tyrimas 007 © jungtinių tautų vystymo programa © viešosios politikos ir vadybos institutas, 007 Šio tyrimo atlikimą finansavo europos sąjunga Šiame tyrime pristatoma autorių nuomonė nebūtinai atspindi es ar jtvp poziciją dizainas ir maketas arnoldo puikio designed and set by arnoldas puikis o v e r v i e W o F t H e m a i n n o n -c o r p o r a t e a c t o r s a c t i v e i n t H e F i e l d o F c s r Į m o n i ų s o c i a l i n ė s a t s a k o m y b ė s p a d ė t i e s l i e t u v o j e b a z i n i s t y r i m a s o v e r v i e W o F t H e m a i n n o n -c o r p o r a t e a c t o r s a c t i v e i n t H e F i e l d o F c s r
Edited Volumes by Dalia Čiupailaitė
Books by Dalia Čiupailaitė
Papers by Dalia Čiupailaitė
inclusion of sociological-anthropological perspective
on space in the education of interior designers. I base
my suggested understanding of space and suggestion
for the analytical approaches towards it on the conceptions
of Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau, space syntax,
phenomenology and the social meanings of things.
These perspectives provide different angles how to approach
interior as space. In the article I suggest that
the interior designers should be understood as professionals
of space and mediators, taking into account the
transformative aspects of interiors: as creating basis for
spatial practices, but also as potentially transformed by
their users.
Edited Volumes by Dalia Čiupailaitė
inclusion of sociological-anthropological perspective
on space in the education of interior designers. I base
my suggested understanding of space and suggestion
for the analytical approaches towards it on the conceptions
of Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau, space syntax,
phenomenology and the social meanings of things.
These perspectives provide different angles how to approach
interior as space. In the article I suggest that
the interior designers should be understood as professionals
of space and mediators, taking into account the
transformative aspects of interiors: as creating basis for
spatial practices, but also as potentially transformed by
their users.